
Kennebecasis Valley High School PSSC Meeting

Monday, September 27, 2009

In attendance:

Mary Alice Glasgow (Chair) Craig Logan

Cyndi Joudrey

Peter Smith (Principal)

Kelly Wear Bob Crowley

Carole MacFarquhar (recording secretary Lori Munn

Kateline Jardine Myra McNaughton

Jane Richard Philip Patterson

Pierette Robichaud

Regrets: Cathy Robichaud

  1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 7 pm

  1. Introductions:

New Principal, new teacher rep., new students reps, new members, returning members

  1. Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved.

  1. Approval of Minutes of May 31, 2010

Approved as corrected. Moved by Bob Crowley. Seconded by Lori Munn.

  1. Correspondence

Stephanie Tomlinson is the new Vice-Principal. Mark Reid is the new Acting Vice-Principal

  1. Student Report

There are lots of activities going on. Last week was rainbow week, featuring a different colour each day. Friday was pink day and raised money for Run for the Cure. The Miller Bowl against Rothesay High will be played on the new KVHS field this Friday and will have a carnival, barbeque and half-time show.

The Student representatives are invited to stay for the whole PSSC meeting. We look forward to their ideas.

  1. Business Arising

a) Health Fair:

  1. Invitations have been sent to all agencies that participated last year, and additional agencies that might like to participate this year. Several have confirmed. Carole, Lori and Kelly will split the list and follow-up with the agencies to encourage participation, confirm set-up needs, and collect quiz questions.
  2. Set-up: Mr. Smith suggested that it might be done Wednesday evening instead of Thursday morning. Bob will help with set-up. Mr. Smith will arrange for students to help. Bob recommended having extra extension cords available.
  3. We will offer students bottled water, but no apples. Craig will buy 270 bottles.
  4. Mr. Smith will arrange for vouchers for agency staff to coffee and a muffin from the cafeteria.
  5. Prizes for 3 names drawn at random from returned questionnaires will be movie passes. Mary Alice will purchase these from Costco.
  6. We need volunteers to “work” the event from 8:30 am to noon. It’s easy. They need to welcome the agencies, make sure they have everything they need, pass out water and questionnaires to students, and check the returned questionnaires to weed out those that are “inappropriate” (i.e. silly or largely incomplete) Carole has golf pencils and pens.
  7. Students attend for 30 minutes, 2 classes at a time. Mr. Smith will set up the schedule.

b) Budget

The balance was $3168 as of April 1, 2010. Since then, $59.48 was paid as our share of the Community Café.

C) School Improvement Plan

This is Mr. Smith’s first priority. He will be developing 3 or 4 broad goals, which align with district and provincial goals and concerns. He will consult teachers, students, parents (focus groups) and the PSSC, and hopes to have it completed in November. It was suggested that the completed document be posted on Edline.

  1. New Business

a)Principal’s Report

  1. KVHS has 1083 students, 27 more than expected.
  2. There will be 4 student teachers from UNB working all year, Mondays except for 2 full time blocks.
  3. The new field is complete. Watch the paper for aerial photos of athletes spelling “Thanks”.
  4. There are two upcoming professional development days. The second will focus on the School Improvement Plan.
  5. There will be a workplace safety presentation for grade 11 & 12 students on the afternoon of October 21.
  6. Gwyn Dyer is coming to address grade 11 and 12 students.
  7. Five KVHS administrators will attend a two-day Learning Summit in St. Andrews.
  8. Safe Grad will be co-coordinated this year by Christina Stanley and Jane Withers. The main fundraiser will be a Phoenix Dinner Theatre event in November. They are looking for an organizer for the Spring Fling.
  9. The fall play is the non-musical “Les Miserables”, on Nov. 18-20
  10. Reports go home November 2 or 3, and parent-teacher is Nov. 4 & 5.
  11. Most teachers are up on Edline. Their pages should be updated at least bi-weekly.

b)Committee Information Sheets


c)Meeting dates and times

October 18

November 15

December 13 (optional)

January 17

February 21

March 21

April 18

May 16

All meetings will start at 7 pm. They are open to the public. Dates will be posted on the school calendar and noted on Edline home page events. Minutes will be posted on Edline.

d)Declaration of Confidentiality and List of Members


  1. “Once around the table”

Mark Reid will be invited to the next PSSC meeting to report on remaining field items, especially the sign at the road.

  1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm

  1. Next Meeting:

Monday, October 18, 7 pm.