1)  What is the difference between Run Type error and Syntax error? Give one example of each.

2)  What do you mean by a reference of a variable in C++? Explain how is it created with suitable example?

3)  What is the difference between Actual parameter and Formal parameter? Give an example in C++ to illustrate both type of parameters.

4)  Rewrite the following program after removing syntactical error(s) if any. Underline each correction #include “iostream.h”


{ int Mno;

float Fees;


void Register ( )


void Display( )

{cout<Mno<" : "<Fees<endl;}


void main()


MEMBER delete;


delete.Display(); }

5)  Go through the following c++ code, find out the correct possible output(s) from the suggested output options i) to iv).




void main()

{ randomize( );

int A[]={4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};

int N=5;

int num=random(A[N]);

for(int i=num;i>=1;i--)

{ cout<i;


cout<','; } }


1)  5,4,3,2,1

2)  10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

3)  8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

4)  9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

6)  Study the following program and select the possible output from it.



void main( )


randomize( );

int Points;

Points = 100 + random(LIMIT);

for (int P=Points; P>=100;P--)


cout<endl; }

(i) 103#102#101#100#

(ii) 100#101#102#103#

(iii) 100#101#102#103#104#

(iv) 104#103#102#101#100#

7)  In the following program, find the correct possible output(s) from the options. Justify your answer. #include<iostream.h>


void main( )


randomize( );

int p=99,q=999;

int x=random(3)+4;

int y=random(2)+2;

for(int i=0;i<x;i++)





cout<q<endl; }

i.  ##99-@999

ii. ##99-@@999

iii.  ######99-@@999

iv.  ####99-@@@

8)  Give the output of the following program ( Assuming that all required header files are included in the program ) :

void PACK(char *str)

{ char ch='A';

int L,M,N;




{ for(N=M;N<=L;N++)


M--; }



str[M]=ch++; }

void main( )

{ char STD[ ]="The-STD-code--is-0542";




9)  Find the output of the following program: (Assuming all header files are included)

void Mycode(char Msg[],char C)

{ for(int i=0;Msg[i]!=’\0’;i++)

{ if(Msg[i]>=’B’ & Msg[i]<=’H’)


else if(Msg[i]==’A’ || Msg[i]==’a’)





else Msg[i]=Msg[i-1]; } }

void main() { char text[]=”ApaCHeSeRvEr”;

Mycode(Text,’#’); cout<” New Line = “<text;}

10)  Find the output of the following program:



void Encode(char Info[ ], int N);

void main( )


char Memo[ ] = “Justnow”;


cout<Memo<endl; }

void Encode(char Info[ ], int N)


for (int I=0,Info[I]!=’\0’;I++)

if (I%2==0)


else if (islower(Info[I]))

Info[I] = toupper(Info[I]);


Info[I]=Info[I]+N; }

11)  Define a class Stock in C+ + with the following description:

Private Members

·  ICode of type integer (Item Code)

·  Item of type string (Item Name)

·  Price of type float(Price of each item)

·  Qty of type integer (quantity in stock)

·  Discount of type float (Discount percentage on the item)

·  A member function FindDisc( ) to calculate discount as per the following rule:

If Qty<=50 Discount is 0

If Qty (51 to 100) Discount is 5 %

If Qty>100 Discount is 10 %

Public Members:

·  A constructor to assign all values with 0 and null respectively

·  A function Buy( ) to allow user to enter values for ICode, Item, Price, Qty and call function FindDisc( ) to calculate the discount.

·  A Function ShowAll( ) to allow userto view the content of all the data members.

12)  Define a class Applicants with the following information:

Private members

rollno of type int

Name of type character with size as 30

Category of type character (‘G’ for general , ‘S’ for Schedule caste , ‘T’ for Schedule Tribe)

Fees of type Float

Public members

A constructor to initialise category as a blank character and fees as 0.

A function to input Roll number , name and category of the student, and to calculate fees of the student on the basis of category entered as :

Category ‘G’ then Fees is 12000

Category ‘S’ then Fees is 4000

Category ‘T’ then Fees is 3500

A function to display all the information of the applicant.

13)  Define a class STATE in C++ with following description :
Private members :
·  Name of state (type string)
·  Population (long int)
·  Number of girls under 16 years of age attending school (long int)
·  Total number of girls under 16 years of age (long int)
·  A member function CALC_PER( ) to calculate & return the percentage of girls attending the school as ( Number of girls attending the school/Total number of girls*100)
Public members :
Ø  A constructor to initialize name of the state as “NOT ALLOTTED”
Ø  A function INSTATE( ) to allow user to enter data for all data members
Ø  A function OUTSTATE( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members along with the percentage of girls attending the school.

14)  Define a class Tourist in C++ with the following specification :

Data Members

·  Carno – to store Car no.

·  Origin – to store Place name

·  Destination – to store place name

·  Type – to store care type such as ‘E’ for Economy

·  Distance – to store distance in Kilometer

·  Charge – to store Care fare

Member Functions

·  A constructor function to initialize Type as 'E' and carno as 250

·  A function CalcCharge() to calculate Fare as per the following criteria :

Type Charge

'E' 16*Distance

'A' 22*Distance

'L' 30*Distance

·  A function Enter() to allow user to enter values for Carno, Origin, Destination, Type and Distance. Also, this function should call CalcCharge() to calculate Fare.

·  A function Show() to display the content of all the data members on screen.

15)  Define a class RESTRA in C++ with following description:

Private Members

·  FoodCode of type int

·  Food of type String

·  FType of type string

·  Sticker of type string

·  A member function GetSticker() to assign the following values for Sticker as per the given FType:

Ftype / Sticker
Vegetarian / GREEN
Contains Egg / YELLOW
Non-Vegetarian / RED

Public Members

·  A function GetFood() to allow user to enter values for FoodCode,Food,FType and call function GetSticker() to assign Sticker.

·  A function ShowFood() to allow user to view the content of all data members