Kenai Peninsula Photographers Guild November Meeting

November 8, 2012

Greg Daniels, back from his vacation “down under”, started the meeting by introducing the officers and welcoming our 100th member. He offered to pay her dues for the upcoming year and reminded everyone that dues for 2013 will be due in January.

Educational Session

Low Light Photography Presented By Mark Pierson

Mark began his presentation with a list of things to think about when you are doing low light photography.

  1. Subject
  2. Choose your location
  3. Gear/Tripod/Shutter release cable
  4. Cold weather clothing
  5. Light sources
  6. Techniques
  7. Image Quality
  8. Post-processing

Low light photography is about patience, experimentation, challenging yourself to try something you’ve never done before. Mark showed examples of light painting, burning steel wool and using light sources for a dramatic effect. It was a great, informative presentation and one that should not be missed if given in the future. We want to thank Mark again for doing a fantastic job!!

What’s hot to shoot?

Freezing lakes, frost and foggy mornings seem to be the main focus right now. The sunsets/sunrises are also a favorite.

Pat on the Back/Member Photos Shows?

The Photography Guild is currentlyshowing photos at the Peninsula Community Health Services building.

Joe Kashi, Sue Biggs and Rick Cupp are showing at the Kenai Visitors Center.

Robyn Norvell has her photos up in the lounge at Mykels.

Joe Kashi is putting together a show of past entries in Rarified Light. If you had a photo in any past Rarified Light exhibit, please contact Joe as soon as possible at .

Best of Show from the photos at the Community Health Services goes to Trisha Sadler for her photo titled “Monarch of Matsu”. Congratulations Trisha!!

General Announcements

Please note there will not be a meeting in December. We will have the KPPG holiday party at Greg Daniels house. There is a poll on the website to decide on the date, Friday, December 14th or Friday, December 21st. If you have not voted on your preferred date, please do so by Friday night.

We plan to get together again this year for a holiday lights photo shoot, the date is yet to be determined.

We want to remind everyone that dues for the upcoming year will be due in January.

The meeting ended with the KPPG member slideshow. Everyone is encouraged to bring 5-7 photos on a jump drive to share with the other members. We love to see what you’ve been shooting!!