Regular Meeting – October 13, 2014
Report No. 14-38
MEETING Regular Meeting – September 22, 2014
ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Anderson, Mr. Pomorski, Mrs. Reidzans, Mrs. Sellers, Mr. Skinner, Jr., Mrs. Tanis, and Mrs. Ward
Also present: Scott Gunn, Principal - KHS/54th Street Academy
Tammy Savage, Director of Instruction
Absent: Samuel L. Wright, Superintendent
Employees and Visitors
President Pomorski called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
The Board and Visitors recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
The next regularly scheduled board meetings will be held:
October 13, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center
October 27, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Public Forum @ High School
November 10, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center
November 24, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center
President Pomorski welcomed visitors.
Consent Agenda
It was moved by Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve Consent Agenda items 14-24, 14-25, and 14-26.
Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED
14-24 Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from 09/08/14
14-25 Approval of Personnel Report
14-26 Approval of Expenditure Report
General Fund: $494,456.80
Food Service: $74,014.68
Child Care: $0.00
Ms. Lori Martin reviewed the expenditures from the General Fund.
A. Approval of Certification of MASB Voting Delegates
It was moved by Mrs. Ward, seconded by Mrs. Sellers, to appoint/certify Mr. Pomorski as voting delegate and Mrs. Tanis as an alternate delegate for the MASB Assembly taking place on 11/06/14.
Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED
Regular Meeting
September 22, 2014
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B. Approval of 2014-15 Goals & Three Year Plan
It was moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Ward, to approve the 2014-15 KPS Goals & Three Year Plan for 2014-2017.
Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED
A. Proposal: Teacher Tenure List for 2014-15
The district has one (1) teacher eligible for tenure at the conclusion of the 2014-15 school year.
Susan Berce - Elementary Music Teacher – Year Employed: 2013-14
Ms. Berce needs to serve two (2) years as a probationary teacher as she had tenure with the district earlier in her career. This proposal is for the purpose of informing the Board of potential tenure candidates and will be placed on the 10/13/14 agenda as a consent item.
B. Proposal: Field Trip Plan for 2014-15
Mr. Reeves presented a comprehensive list of the field trips that our students will experience throughout the 2014-15 school year. Besides the list including overnight and trips outside the 50 mile radius, it also has listed local trips that students will take part in. This proposal will be placed on the 10/13/14 agenda as a consent item.
A. Report: Kelloggsville Community Celebration
Mr. Owen shared a summary of the activities that took place during the Kelloggsville Community Celebration. Good weather and a very nice turnout attributed to another successful event. The celebration on Friday went very well and was followed by a worship service on Saturday with performances from The Strength Conquerors and Kelloggsville’s very own Brandon Styles. Mr. Owen shared appreciation to the many individuals who were instrumental in the success of the two-day event; Wayne Ondersma and Matt Holst for their overall planning for the church’s participation, Crystal Reidzans who assisted as volunteer coordinator and to Caleb Williams who assisted as sound technician. In addition, he thanked Mr. Lafler and his crew for their hard work throughout the event. Appreciation was shared by Mr. Gunn and the Board of Education for Mr. Owen’s work on another successful Kelloggsville Community Celebration.
B. Report: Elementary Summer School
Mrs. Dykstra shared details of the two week program that ran from August 4-14 and was overseen by Mr. Owen. 90 K-5th grade students attended classes held at the Middle School with a focus on math, reading and writing. Mrs. Dykstra thanked Mr. Lafler and crew for their efforts in converting middle school classes into elementary appropriate rooms. This location change was recommended to combine the services of food service and bussing to coincide with the middle school program. She concluded her report by adding that next year, elementary summer school will be combined with the TEAM 21 program at West and Southeast.
C. Report: Middle School Summer School
The middle school summer school program was combined with the TEAM 21 program for the first year of a five year grant, as highlighted by Mr. Reeves. The six week program ran from July 14 – August 8 with a focus on core academics in the morning and the TEAM 21 enrichment piece in the afternoon.
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48 students earned 115 credits that they were unable to capture during the regular school year to help move them forward for the 2014-15 school year.
D. Report: High School Summer School
Mr. Alston distributed a summary which highlighted the results of the high school’s and RLL’s summer school programs. Tuition cost for both programs were based on a reimbursable incentive plan where students were partially refunded for credits attained.
HS: 38 students earned 70 credits = 79.55%
RLL: 12 students earned 22 credits = 64.71%
Mr. Alston also made note that in addition to credit recovery, students also had the opportunity for credit acceleration.
E. Report: Summer Facilities Projects
Mr. Lafler updated the board on the extensive list of building and grounds projects the he and his crew completed during this past summer. In addition to the typical summer work orders that are completed, he highlighted some of the additional projects that took place including; preparing the ECC building for the incoming GRSP Preschool program including all licensing requirements and moving staff transitioning back to that building, preparing the 54th Street Academy for the incoming alternative program and moving staff back to that building, prepping the East/MS areas for a new traffic flow system, cleanup and recovery of the storm damage created by the July 6th tornado, the addition of 4 new buses to the fleet, and work on an additional seven new bus runs for the preschool program. Mr. Gunn and the Board thanked Mr. Lafler and his crew for their hard work and efforts in preparing the district for the upcoming school year.
F. Report: Summer Day Care Program
Ms. Hansen shared several highlights of the activities that took place over the summer at the KPS Daycare. The Board was shown a PowerPoint which illustrated the various activities and events that 32 students took part in while attending daycare. This was the 14th summer that the program has been running, giving students the opportunity and great experiences to fill their summers with.
G. Report: Summer Technology Projects
Details from the many projects that the technology department worked on over the summer were shared by Mr. Hoorn. He highlighted the following; the purchase of 200 Chromebooks through TRIG grant funds, upgraded internet capacity and filters, increased the district’s wireless network capacity, reallocated desktop computers to increase lab capacity district wide, migrated elementary teachers to MacBooks, updated server infrastructure, streamlined iPad deployment distributed to elementary buildings, maintained network operation for summer school, supported staff during summer projects, and offered a two day voluntary training for staff.
- Mrs. Ward – shared that it was fun to serve sno cones again this year at the community celebration, adding that we were fortunate to have such a beautiful evening, evident by the good turnout. She also referenced the success of the football team, the growing band, and performances by both;
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- Mr. Skinner – shared that he was excited to see the kids out in mass and the many happy people at the community celebration – it was a good time for all;
- Mrs. Sellers – shared that it was a great night Friday evening and thanked everyone involved for their hard work and efforts. She thanked staff for their participation in providing summer activities for our staff and students. She also shared that she is looking forward to working on the board goals during the upcoming year;
- Mrs. Reidzans – appreciated the fun activities made available to the community at this weekend’s celebration and thanked all of the volunteers for their hard work and efforts;
- Mrs. Tanis – with this being her first community celebration, she shared that it was very exciting and, as seen with all of the children getting sno cones, it was a good time for everyone;
- Mr. Anderson – stated that the community pride celebration and football game were a great time and the good weather was an added bonus;
- Mr. Pomorski – excited that the community celebration continues to grow, as evident by the good turnout;
President Pomorski adjourned the meeting at 7:59 p.m.
Crystal Reidzans, Secretary Beth A. Postma
Kelloggsville Board of Education Recorder
VISITORS: Lori Martin, Jeff Owen, Kim Stevens, Joyce Hansen, Terri Ricketson, Eric Alcorn, Jim Alston, Tim Reeves, Marie Groters, Russ Hoorn, Paula Dykstra, Jim Lafler, Suzanne Schmier, Ron Rathlein, and Eric Schilthuis.