Shakespeare Homework Project
You get to set your own homework project, ready for our showcase museum at the end of the unit!Your project is…
Create a scene to do with the context of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. You need to explore how it was to live in Shakespearean times.
You could do a painting, picture, script, make a 3D Globe theatre, 3D street… GET CREATIVE!!
Follow the task guidance, and be prepared to show your progress to me every week/fortnight – this could be an email, photograph, piece of work, any proof that you have completed part of your project!
Week 1-2: Research! Your project needs to be based on fact. Begin to gather materials for your project, and draw/write out a plan. Begin to create your project!
Week 3-4: Continue to gather resources and materials, check your project against your research – is it accurate? Your creation should be well on the way now! Ensure there is enough colour and detail on your creation.
Week 5-6: Complete your project, ready to showcase in our museum!! Check against your research – is it accurate? Ensure there is enough colour and detail on your creation for it to be prize worthy!
There will be prizes for the best entries!
Shakespeare Homework Project
You get to set your own homework project, ready for our showcase museum at the end of the unit! Your project is…
Create a scene to do with the context of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. You need to explore how it was to live in Shakespearean times.
You could do a painting, picture, script, make a 3D Globe theatre, 3D street… GET CREATIVE!!
Follow the task guidance, and be prepared to show your progress to me every week/fortnight – this could be an email, photograph, piece of work, any proof that you have completed part of your project!
Week 1-2: Research! Your project needs to be based on fact. Begin to gather materials for your project, and draw/write out a plan. Begin to create your project!
Week 3-4: Continue to gather resources and materials, check your project against your research – is it accurate? Your creation should be well on the way now! Ensure there is enough colour and detail on your creation.
Week 5-6: Complete your project, ready to showcase in our museum!! Check against your research – is it accurate? Ensure there is enough colour and detail on your creation for it to be prize worthy!
There will be prizes for the best entries!