8th Grade MathematicsMrs. Varner

1st & 2nd Quarter 8th Grade Mathematics Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Varner Learning Community: Fine Arts Room: 704


Course Description: This 8th grade Pre-Algebra mathematics courses encompasses the following content areas of mathematics: Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data Analysis and Probability following the ACOS (Alabama Course of Study) and the Mobile County Pacing Guide. This coursework prepares students for the Alabama High School Graduation Exam. (Pacing guides are posted in the forms tab on the SMS website under my name)


We refer to many references to support the Alabama Course of Study, including, but not limited to, material from these resources: Glencoe Math Course 3, AMSTI, and Connected Mathematics Program. The textbooks are consumable and students are allowed to write in the textbooks. Each student will be assigned a 1 free issue (1st and 2nd semester books) any books after the 1st issued must be purchased by the student/parent.

Important Dates:

August 10 First Day of School

September 7 Labor Day – NO SCHOOL

October 9 1st Quarter Ends

October 12 Teacher Work Day – NO SCHOOL

October 13 2nd Quarter Begins

October 26 Statewide Parenting Day

November 11 Veterans Day – NO SCHOOL

November 23-27Thanksgiving Break – NO SCHOOL

December 172nd Quarter Ends

December 18 Teacher Work Day – NO SCHOOL

December 21-31 Christmas Break – NO SCHOOL

January 1 New Year’s Day – NO SCHOOL

January 4 Professional Development – NO SCHOOL


This semester you will be given tests worth 100 points each. The test combined will represent 60% of your grade, 30% of your grade will be daily work such as in-class assignments, quizzes, graphic organizers, group task, etc. 10% of your grade will be p.o.d (problems of the day), homework, and participation.

Test and Projects (Major Grades) 60% (Weekly Test and Quarterly Projects)

Daily Class Work/Quizzez (Minor Grades) 30%

Homework/P.O.D/Participation (Other) 10%


Quarter Average 80%

EQT 20%

Make-Up Work:

It is your responsibility to make up all missed worked. Daily assignments are written in your planner. When you return to school after being absent, you may get the planner information from a student or the teacher to see what assignment you missed. (Ask 3 then me) If you missed a test you will need to sign the Make-up log so that the teacher can schedule your test. (Test are usually taken during PE/Elective, and sometime after school) Students missing more than three consecutive days may request make-up work through the office. A parent may pick up assignments 24 hours after completing the request form.


Students will be allowed to retake tests from which they receive a 59 or below. However, the highest score they may receive is a 70. A re-test clipboard is available in class for students to sign up to retake the test. The teacher will determine the date and time for re-test. (Students only have 2 weeks to retest once they have received their failing grade)

Rules & Responsibilities:

Students should follow ALL school and classroom rules!


Students should have pencil and paper EVERY single day. It is the student/parent responsibility to make sure students are prepared with appropriate supplies each day. The following supplies are requested. (1-1.5 inch binder, 5 dividers, paper, pencils, colored pencils, graph paper, calculator (prefer TI-30X IIS or TI-30 XS).

  • If you would like to help with class supplies we always need: hand sanitizer, paper towels, Kleenex tissue, Clorox wipes, glue sticks, expo markers


Planning/Conferences: 4th Period

Please feel free to contact me with any concerns regarding your child and their Math-8 class. You may call the school at (251) 221- 2344 and leave a message. I will return your call as soon as possible or you may email me at


Student Signature:______

Parent Signature:______