Monday, February 29, 2016
Jim Collins,Chair
PRESENT:Chesin, Sorrell; Collins, Jim; Cruz, Jose; Gulatee, Yenisel; Janiszewski, Caitlin;
Kearney, Ann;Kressner, Ilka; Malavasic, Jolene; Moore, Chris; Reinhold, Karin
GUEST:Fox, Cynthia
The meeting convened at2:45p.m.
The minutes of February 1st were unanimously approved.
Senate Chair Cynthia Fox was invited to discuss the history and reasoning behind a proposed Emeriti Resolution. This would supersede the proposed amendment discussed by GOV in October and could be a way to invite and recognize Emeriti contribution to the Senate.
After further discussion, a motion was made for GOV to recommend that the resolution go to the Senate floor. The motion was unanimously approved.
Chair Collins reported that he had been working with Senate Secretary Gulatee on the 3 upcoming forums, details forthcoming, and on nominations for elections. The Chair was also working with Senator Reinhold to coordinatewith the Chief of Staff regarding input on the survey. In monthly meetings with the administration, Senate leadership had pressed for strategic planning working group membership. Chair Collins had also been working with Senate Chair Fox and UPPC Chair Stefl-Mabry on repopulating the 2 UPPC subcommittees that had been allowed to lapse in recent years. Chair Collins discussed the details of that process and would circulate nominees for an electronic vote. The Chair shared material he had reviewed on the role of the GSA Ombudsperson and recommended the matter now be referred to GSA for consideration. The UUP Ombudsperson proposal was to be considered separately, and CPCA concerns voiced in December would be further discussed. The Chair would report back to GOV on if CPCA was in support of the proposal, which GOV would then vote upon. The CARE amendment which GOV had recommended go forward at the end of January had not been considered by the SEC, Chair Collins reminded. Senate leadership were in discussion with the administration as to the appropriate role of faculty in academic review, and that conversation would continue at their next regular monthly meeting. The administration had been busy with the ongoing response to fallout from the CDTA bus incident but would return to this issue. Chair Collins recommended that the GOV subcommittee on Governance and Consultation be part of the review process in a small-scale ongoing way. Council members agreed with this decision.
Liaisons – Yenisel Gulatee, Chair
Proposed introductory language for the Senate website homepage was discussed. The preliminary slate had been nearly finalized for the upcoming elections. GOV members were asked to consider SUNY Senator and other nominees, including for the UAS board.
Assessment – Karen Reinhold, Chair
The revised survey, shared with GOV members prior to the meeting, was discussed, after which a motion was made and unanimously approved that it was ready for distribution. GOV members commended the subcommittee members on their excellent work.
CAA – GOV member volunteers would serve on an ad hoc committee to further discussthe CAA revised Charter amendment.
President’s Advisory Committee on Campus Safety– Chair Collins asked that members please consider and reply with nominees.
In considering the Senate meeting quorum issue, it was noted that Senate Chair Fox had proposed to 1) request that the Registrar send an announcement reminding those appointed to the Senate of the meeting time; and 2) send a similar message in a letter to deans and department chairs. Council members support efforts to maintain quorum at Senate meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Elisa Lopez, Recorder