Unit 5 (1750-1900 CE) Study Sheet

KC 5.1 Industrialization and global capitalism

☐ / I.R. MAJOR Change: The West was earliest (Britain/England, France, Germany, U.S.A.)
☐ / 1st textiles (Britain surpasses India in production!) and steam engine, 2nd (after 1850) in steel, oil, chemicals
☐ / Transoceanic empires acquire raw materials & markets (colonies); dominate world trade
☐ / Factors leading to I.R.: coal & iron, private property laws (corporations), capital accumulation, abundant labor supply, technical improvements, agricultural innovations. FOSSIL FUELS.
☐ / Inexpensive consumer goods now available for many in industrialized states
☐ / Increased competition between industrialized empires in places like Africa & China

KC 5.2 Imperialism and nation-state formation

☐ / New technologies (steam transport, medicines, machine guns) facilitate European expansion in Africa & Asia after 1850. New markets needed for Western manufactured goods.
☐ / Britain THE empire: rule India (BEIC expands, Mughal Empire collapses 1857), exploit China (Opium Wars, beg. 1839), Egypt (Suez Canal 1869), South Africa (costly Boer War 1899-1902).
☐ / Scramble for Africa (colonies in the interior now): c. 1884-c.1914 by European powers, using both diplomacy & warfare. Social Darwinism and “White Man’s Burden” attitudes justify dominance.
☐ / Meiji Japan (after 1868) becomes industrial, imperial nation-state (wins Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905). Accepts westernization to a degree in politics, economy, and fashion.
☐ / Economic imperialism or dependency: in Latin America (Britain & USA take advantage)
☐ / Russia: intelligentsia support liberalism (change), serfdom abolished 1861, 1905 Russian Revolution but czars still conservative (absolute monarchs, limited industrialization)

KC 5.3 natonalism, revolution, and reform

☐ / Revolutions - Independence movements: USA (from Britain, Dec of Independence, 1783), Latin/South America (precipitated by Napoleonic wars, most independent by 1830, from Spain, led by creoles, Bolivar’s Jamaica Letter), Haiti (1791, slave revolt, from France)
☐ / Revs. Influenced by Enlightenment ideals (18th century) – abolition of slavery 19th century & Women’s Suffrage movement inspired by. 19th century Liberalism in the West; Marxism advocates proletariat (workers) over bourgeoisie (middle class/owners), leading to socialism (state owns more property) or communism (workers rule, in theory). Reforms in West: labor union movement, child labor restricted, votes for workers (men, women not yet), monarchy abolished or limited.
☐ / French Rev (1789-1799): abolishes monarchy and feudalism, Dec of Rights of Man & Citizen
☐ / Nationalism – reaction to imperialism (also used to justify); Ottoman & Qing China govt & religious elites oppose needed reforms. China, Russia, Middle East problem of ethnic nationalities (Balkans – Ottoman Empire – “the Sick Man of Europe”)

KC 5.4 global migration and Skills

☐ / Cause/effect of industrialization: migration from rural to urban areas: (Britain world’s 1st mainly urban nation, c. 1850)
☐ / Transoceanic empires and global capitalism facilitate unprecedented global migrations
☐ / Ethnic enclaves: Chinese in SE Asia & California; Indians in S. Africa
☐ / Pop. Explosion: increased agricultural productivity, food distribution, better sanitation
☐ / COMPARISON ESSAY: Thesis, Rule of 3 direct comparisons (2 sim/1 diff OR 2 diff/1 sim), analysis of sim/diff, evidence. 5 paragraphs. HINTS: Industrialization, Imperialism, Nationalism

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