Time to the Hour Memory

This game will help students become fluent with telling time to the hour.

Game Play:

-  Decide which type of cards you want to play with (analog & digital, analog & words, or digital & words)

-  Print the cards on card stock and cut along the dotted lines.

-  Place the cards face side down in rows.

-  Students take turn picking cards to try and find matching times.

Other Ways to Play

-  Use all three types of cards for memory. Students need to find all three matching cards to make a match.

-  Print each type of time on different colored paper to make finding matches easier.

-  Pick two types of cards. Pass out one card to each student. Have students find another student that has a matching time. To make it more challenging, use analog, digital and word cards)

-  Use the cards to play “Go Fish”. Each student takes four cards and places the rest in a pile in the middle. Continuing play using “Go Fish” rules.

one o’clock / two o’clock / three o’clock
four o’clock / five o’clock / six
seven o’clock / eight o’clock / nine o’clock
ten o’clock / eleven o’clock / twelve o’clock