September 24-28, 2012

Monday: Upper and lowercase letter Yy ; letter sequence

Sept. 24 Sorting rule - IXL Skill N.1,2, and 3

Practice reading the

Tuesday: Upper and lowercase letter Zz;

Sept. 25 Sorting rule - IXL Skill N.4 and 5

8A Bake Sale

Wednesday: Letters before and after

Sept. 26 Review sorting and classifying objects Test tomorrow

P.E. Day P.E. uniform and plain white shoes only

Thursday: Test in Math- Sorting and classifying

Sept. 27 Book Report-Read a story about apples

Review letters Aa to Zz Test tomorrow

8B Bake sale

Virtus Training in Madonna Hall – 6:30-9:00pm

Friday: Bring 1-red apple for those who are in table 1. 1-green apple for

Sept. 28 those who are in table 2. 1-yellow apple for those who are in table 3

Test in Phonics-letters Aa to Zz / Letter Sequence

Early dismissal – 12:45 pm


Thank you so much to all the Parents who donated cash money, goods, time and effort

to make our Bake Sale a success! Thanks to those who are in the Gold Plan and still

managed to donate.

Next week will be the start of having Spelling words and every Friday is the Spelling

Test. Your child will be needing a Spelling notebook. I will purchase the notebook at

Lakeshore Learning Store to save you time and gas. Bring $3.75 any time this week.

They will start using it on Monday.

May God bless us with a beautiful week ahead! Thank you for all that you do for our

Class and our school.

Book Report

______Read a story about apples.



Draw what happen to the apples in the story.

Reading Sheet # 3


Number Words

zero one two three

four five six seven

eight nine ten

Sight Words

see the my and

you we be by