Katz Chapter 6: Transducers for Audiologic Testing
What is a transducer?
Transducer- a device that converts ______energy into ______energy
For audiology, two main types:
1)Those that convert ______energy to ______energy (microphones)
2)Those that convert ______energy to acoustic or ______energy (earphones, loudspeakers, and bone vibrators)
Selecting an appropriate transducer
Price of a transducer depends on:
1)the broadness of the ______response
2)the ______of its frequency response
3)its ______range
4)the ______of the signal that it must reproduce (only an issue of very brief signals, less that a few ms)
Transducers have a max output. If you push it beyond the maximum, the output will be ______.
Must match the output impedance from the ______to the input impedance of the ______
Air Conduction
-What is the use to the transducer?
- if you need to test ______ear at a time, ear phones or insert instead of sound field
-Is there too much ambient noise?
- use ______which have a better seal than supra-aural ear phones (not a problem with a sound booth)
-Supra-aural Earphones
- Disadvantages:
- Air leak is possible without careful ______
- Pressure on pinna can ______ear canal
- Unable to reproduce ______signals accurately
- ______frequency response
- Creation of ______effect
- Reduced ______l attenuation
- Why do we still use them?
- For audiometric pure tone testing, many of these disadvantages are not an issue
- All of the studies from the last 50 years have used earphones
- They’re reliable
- They’re easy to use
-Circumaural Earphone Cushions
- Use:
- To reduce the ______effect
- For attenuating ______noise in the test booth
- More ______that supra-aural cushions
- Problems:
- ______issues
- Don’t fit standard ______
- Use not recommended because of the ______issue
-Headset (headband)
- Can’t really separate ______from headband
- Hand held ear phones:
- Have low ______
- Low validity
- Lack of ______fit, resulting in loss of sound
- Inconsistent relationship between the ______and the eardrum
- Increase in SPL if held too ______to the ear
- Only advantage: solves the problem of headbands not fitting ______heads
- Solution: find children’s headband, use inserts
-Insert Receivers (ER-3A)
- Uses a tube coupled to a the ear by a ______insert
- Advantages:
- Completely fill all but the most ______ear canals
- Less ______effect than supra-aurals
- Less ______attenuation than supra-aurals
- Disposable
- Disadvantages
- Cannot use with a ______ear
- Initial concerns about calibration have been resolved
- Must be sure of a straight, ______insertion to receive all benefits
- used for ______testing (tones, speech and noise)
- when patient:
- will not ______headphones, inserts
- head is too ______for headphones
- needed for a specific ______(HA eval, CI eval)
- hard to calibrate
- many factors affect testing: head position, standing waves, etc
-Bone Conduction
- used to measure ______reserve
- not great for ______
- minimal ______attenuation
- transducer that changes ______signal to ______signal
- modern microphones have a fairly ______and flat response that makes it easier to modify its output
- the specific type of microphone needed in a situation depends on its _____
-Types of Microphones
- Communication
- When used simply to communicate with the patient (and not for testing) a microphone does not need a very ______frequency response range or broad dynamic range
- However, audiologists tend to use the same microphone for both speech testing and communication therefore, the microphone be adequate for clear ______signals
- Live voice testing
- Here it is important that the microphone have a ______frequency response range to encompass all English phonemes