Tameside 4 Good – grants for groups
For funding upto £3,000
Tameside 4 Good aims to make it easier for local people to help local good causes through the giving of time and skills, money and resources. It is about everybody helping to make Tameside a great place to live and work. The Fund and its grant scheme is managed and administered by Action Together and an independent grants panel is responsible for making decisions on funding awards.
Funding will only be given to groups and organisations:
· based or working in the area of Tameside and beneficiaries must be Tameside residents
· committed to supporting the principles of equality and diversity, consistent with the policies of Action Together
· who are founded on charitable principles where people have come together to take action for the benefit of local communities rather than for financial gain
· who have a written constitution that outlines how its affairs are managed and all profits are reinvested in their social purpose
There is no upper income limit on organisations applying, but priority will be given to smaller groups (income under £250,000 per annum) or collaborative projects that include small groups.
· Organisations who received Tameside 4 Good funding in 2016 are excluded from applying in this current year.
Priorities for Tameside 4 Good
“The aim of the Tameside 4 Good Fund is to make Tameside a great place to live and work by funding activities that will have a positive impact on local communities.”
Projects must meet one or more of the following priorities for the Tameside 4 Good Fund ‘Grants for groups’ programme:
· Developing skills, education and employment
· Alleviating poverty, hardship and social exclusion
· Improving the lives of people with long term illness / disability
· Activities for disadvantaged children and young people
· Improving health and wellbeing of older people
We are also particularly interested in helping groups who meet one or more of these priorities to help themselves with fundraising either through community fundraising or building relationships with local businesses to secure resources to meet local needs.
We will not fund:
· individuals
· social enterprises and organisations trading for profit or intending to redistribute grant awards
· statutory organisations, such as local authorities, schools and the police force
· projects seeking to promote religious or political views, or to exclusively benefit members of religious or political groups
· retrospective costs (projects/activities that are already taking place, have taken place or have been paid for)
· projects where the majority of the activity takes place outside of Tameside
· overseas travel or activities
· contributions to larger/major appeals
If you need advice or support to complete your application form, please contact one of our development team on 0161 339 2345 who will be happy to discuss your project or idea.
Objectives & Principles
We particularly welcome projects which address one or more of the objectives and principles of the Fund:
· Enable local communities to identify and implement local solutions to local problems, and provide appropriate support
· Promote voluntary social action and a culture of volunteering
· Promote co-operation and collaboration within and between communities
· Promote equality of opportunity and inclusion
· Sustainability – Tameside 4 Good Fund should be replenished from a series of sources, which includes interest accruing from investment of dormant trust fund monies; and fund-raising activities; Contributions from donors or others.
· Innovation and making a difference – Tameside 4 Good Fund will seek to support, where possible, projects that wish to experiment with new ideas and new approaches to familiar problems.
· Added value – Tameside 4 Good Fund will seek to add value, for example by offering match-funding to unlock bigger investments for Tameside.
Completing the application form
· Please ensure that ALL boxes on this form are completed.
· Guidance notes are included with the questions.
· A number of questions state a specific word count, all words over this number will be deleted before submission to the grants panel.
· To avoid any delays in processing your application we ask you to include all the additional information that is requested in the checklist at the end of this form. Incomplete applications or those which do not include the correct supporting documentation will not be submitted to the panel.
· Applications must be received by email. Supporting information can be posted but must be with Action Together by the deadline date.
· The deadline for applications is Friday 24 November, 12 noon. Late submissions will not be accepted.
· Successful applicants will be informed of the panel’s decision within 1 month of the deadline date.
· When your application form is complete, please return to
· Please put “Tameside 4 Good Grant Application” and the name of your organisation in the subject field of your email.
If you have any queries about the application form or application process, please contact the development team on:
Telephone: 0161 339 2345 Email:
ACTION TOGETHER CIO Charity Registration Number: 1165512
Tameside 4 Good – grants for groups - for funding up to £3,000
Application Form
Section 1: Organisational details
1.1 Contact detailsName of organisation:
Main contact:
Position in the group:
Contact address for the group:
Contact Tel:
1.2 What type of organisation are you? (tick all boxes that apply):
(Applicants must fall in to one of the following categories: Community groups, voluntary organisations, registered charities, the community work of faith groups, social enterprises and community interest companies, where there is accountability to the public via a board of trustees or to a membership and where all profits are reinvested in the social purpose of the organisation.)
Voluntary Organisation
Registered Charity / Charity number:
Registered Company: / Company number:
Other: (please specify)
1.3 When did your organisation start?
1.4 Summary from your most recent accounts
Account year ending: dd/mm/yyyy
Total income for the year (A) / £
Total expenditure for the year (B) / £
Surplus or deficit at the year end (A-B) / £
Total savings or reserves at the year end / £
1.5 What are the main aims of your organisation, your key services and the geographical area you cover?
(max 150 words)
Section 2: Project Details
2.2 What is the main aim of your project / activity?
(What are you trying to achieve? – max 50 words)
2.3 Why is your project needed?
(What problems or issues will your project address? What evidence have you got to back this up? e.g. statistics, consultation etc - maximum 250 words)
2.4a Who will benefit from the project?
(Please tell us who will your project help - maximum 150 words)
2.4b How many people will benefit from the project?
2.5 Project Activities
Please explain how you will deliver the project – what will you do with the grant?
(maximum 250 words)
2.6 Where will your project be delivered?
2.7 Action Oldham Fund Priorities
Please tick and explain which of the Action Oldham Fund priorities your project will meet and how?
• Developing skills, education and employment
• Alleviating poverty, hardship and social exclusion
• Improving the lives of people with long term illness / disability
• Activities for disadvantaged children and young people
• Improving health and wellbeing of older people
(max 200 words)
2.8 Will you be working in partnership with other organisations? Yes / No
(please delete as appropriate
If yes, please list your partners and what role they will have in the project:
2.9 Timescales – when will your project start and finish?
(The start date should be within three months from the deadline date for applications; the end date should be within one year of the proposed start date.)
Start: / End:
2.10a What changes or difference will your project make?
(Please explain in detail the results, difference or change you intend for your project to have on the local community or target beneficiaries. How will it impact on local communities in Tameside? For example, the outcomes for users of a refugee centre might include improved English language skills, improved confidence in accessing services and reduced isolation – maximum of 200 words)
2.10b What changes or difference will your project make to your organisation?
(Please explain in detail the results, difference or change you intend for your project to have on your organisation – maximum of 200 words)
2.11 How will you monitor the progress and measure the success of the project?
(e.g. How will you make sure your project goes according to plan? How will you manage finances and how will you measure if it has made a difference e.g. feedback from people, photographs etc?) (Max 150 words)
Section 3: Financials
Budget heading
(e.g. Room hire) / Breakdown
(how have you worked out your costings?) / Amount requested
3.2 Please provide details of any additional funding or in-kind support that will also contribute to this project? (please detail how much match funding there is for the project and whether this is money or volunteer time or free resources)
Section 4: Tameside 4 Good Fundraising
This grant comes from the Tameside 4 Good Fund, a project designed to drive local giving in the form of cash donations, personal and professional time and skills or the donation of physical resources. The team at Tameside 4 Good organises fundraising events and promotes the fund to support financial giving from individuals, businesses and local partners. All money raised goes into this fund and is distributed to local charities through Tameside 4 Good grants.
We want the scheme to be sustainable so that it can continue to benefit communities across Tameside in future years. Therefore, all groups receiving funding from the Tameside 4 Good Fund will be asked to do their bit in return.
Please tell us how you will support the sustainability of this fund and how you will help to support the various fundraising activities of Action Together and Tameside 4 Good. For example, you could take on a sponsored challenge event such as parachute jump, support and attend our fundraising dinners, offer raffle prizes or volunteer your face painting skills for an event.
Action Together’s website, www.actiontogether.org.uk, has details of forthcoming fundraising campaigns. Alternatively, please contact us here at Action Together for further examples of how you could give back
Section 5: Management Committee/Board Details
Chairperson Name / Chairperson Address
Treasurer Name / Treasurer Address
Secretary Name / Secretary Address
Committee Member Name / Committee Member Address
Committee Member Name / Committee Member Address
Committee Member Name / Committee Member Address
Committee Member Name / Committee Member Address
5.2 Are any of these people related outside of the group? E.g. Married, siblings, co-habiting, parent, business partner.
Yes / No
(please delete as appropriate)
5.3 Do any of these people have a prior connection, affiliation or interest in Action Together or Tameside Council? E.g. employee, councillor, affiliate.
Yes / No
(please delete as appropriate)
5.4 If yes to the above two questions, please give details
Section 6: Check list
Please confirm that your organisation has the relevant supporting information required by the funder. Please note you do not need to supply this with your application. All successful applicants will be required to supply a copy of these documents as part of the grant agreement, prior to any funding being released.
Required supporting information / Please tickGoverning document
Bank account in organisation’s name with at least two unrelated signatories (we will require a copy of a bank statement)
Insurance (if applicable) (public liability and employers’ liability if you employ staff)
Safeguarding policy (if applicable)
Section 7: Conditions of grant
If successful in full or part we confirm that we accept the following conditions:
· We will only spend the grant money in accordance with our grant application form. If there is a need to change the use of the grant, we will request permission from Action Together as soon as possible
· We will support the sustainability of this fund by ‘giving back’ as stated in the application form
· If the main contact leaves the group or can no longer fulfil their responsibilities, or someone takes over responsibility for the grant on behalf of the group, we will inform Action Together immediately.
· We will ensure the group makes the project as accessible as possible and agree to implement and ensure equal opportunities.
· We will ensure we have adequate insurance to carry out the project and that staff, volunteers, trainers and consultants are suitably qualified and trained and we will supply copies of documents if requested.
· We acknowledge responsibility for all risk assessment and health and safety checks for the project.
· We will ensure that all volunteers and staff working with any vulnerable people are DBS checked and adhere to the safeguarding policies and procedures we have as an organisation and we will supply copies of these if requested.
· We will be happy for Action Together to visit the project for monitoring and evaluation purposes. All original receipts will be kept and copies made available for Action Together.
· At the end of the project (within a year of receipt of the grant) we will produce a short report (including photos and beneficiaries feedback) outlining how the funding benefited your group and others that you worked with. The project will be publicised through the Tameside 4 Good campaign and we agree that Action Together can use all this material for promotional purposes.
· We will ensure that the above report is given to Action Together in the require timescales and understand that failure to do so will influence future funding application decisions.