May 15, 2012

Karin Theriault

Sonoma County PRMD

2550 Ventura Avenue

Santa Rosa, Ca. 95403

Also via email to

Re: UPE09-0071 Bordigioni Family Winery

The Valley of the Moon Alliance works to promote the preservation, protection and maintenance of the agricultural character, natural resources and rural beauty of our area. We have the following comments on the above referenced proposed use permit. (Bordigioni Family Winery)

This application was submitted with two phases. The issues for the proposed Phase I are significantly smaller and different from the issues of Phase II. Phase I involves conversion of an existing barn into a 5,000 case production facilityincluding tasting by appointment. This seems more of a size compatible with the property size and vineyards planted. We know that Mr. Bordigioniis currently renting facilities to make his wines and has not produced 2500 cases before.

The Phase II proposal seems out of proportion to the size of the property and neighborhood. A 25,700 sf two level winery and hospitality building, a 6200 sf wine cave and a 400 sfpumphouse are part of Phase II of this project increasing wine production to 60,000 cases. This increased production creates serious issues regarding more wastewater treatment and disposal, an impervious paved parking area, an improved entrance at the intersection of Highway 12 and Oakmont Drive and more special events.

Under another permit number UPE97-0017, this property is currently allowed 10 special events a year. An old winery footprint (Annadel Winery) and fields of roses and hydrangeas (Flower Co.) set a beautiful stage for those weddings. Adding 20 more events as requested in Phase II does not seem compatible with the agricultural zoning. It would appear that events could be considered more than “secondary and incidental to agricultural production” as referenced from objective AR- 6.1 in the county General Plan 2020.

There is an over-concentration of vested wineries in this area. Currently the adjacent Annadel winery, located to the west of this property, is approved for a 50,000 case winery, with tasting, tours, caves and retail sales on 37.4 acres. On the east side is the approved Mobius Painter LLC project, which includes an approved use permit for a 125,000 case winery, tours, tasting, sales and 20 events on 15 acres. The concentration is too great to approve another large winery in this area without thoroughly examining the total cumulative impacts of traffic, noise, water quantity and quality, aesthetics, lighting, etc on the rural character of the area.

Traffic safety impacts are not addressed adequately in either of the proposed phases. Phase I is a small winery, 5,000 cases to be produced in an existing barn and will use the existing driveway. This access driveway to Highway 12 is very dangerous, almost impossible when making a left turn onto the highway. The line of sight in either direction seems to be inadequate. The gate is also secured by an access code and will only handle a few cars in the driveway. The existing movement of the homeowners, renters, neighbors, employees and flower business employees are not adequately evaluated.

Phase II should not be considered for construction until the intersection of Hwy 12 and Oakmont Drive is modified to include access on the east side of the property. There is a creek that runs north to south across the property and access to the east side of the piece is via a water crossing. Big construction trucks and this creek would not be compatible.

We hope, as this application is processed, that our concerns are taken into consideration. We are looking for balanced development that is neighborhood compatible and protects the valuable rural character of our area.

Thank you,

Kathy Pons, President

Board of Directors

Valley of the Moon Alliance

Cc: BZA Board

Dick Fogg –

Don Bennett –

Paula Cook –

Jason Liles –

Tom Lynch, Chair, -

Dean Bordigioni –