Minutes for Science Coordinator’s Meeting
Fernvale Primary School
Wednesday 19th November 2014
1. In attendance:
Jan Knox – Houghton on the Hill PS
Deb Trahearn – Little Hill PS
Hafiza Hajat – Woodland Grange PS
Helen Arnold – All Saints PS
Jonathan Spedding – Highcliffe PS
Rebecca Cox – Brookside PS
Damien Farrin – Brocks Hill PS
Julie Bromell – Langmoor PS
Margo Longhurst – Launde PS
Jason Clothier – Fernvale PS
Natalie Hackett – Fenvale PS
2. Apologies for absence were received from:
St Lukes PS, Glenmere PS, Riverside PS and Glenfield PS.
3. The new curriculum – discussion and presentation.
The main points raised were:
· How the group are assessing the New Curriculum and how this feeds into Target Tracker
· Scientific enquiry based assessment
· Feeding in to maths (data handling and graphs)
· How planning is being addressed
· Subject knowledge for staff and subject leaders
· Time devoted to science in each key stage.
The group watched a presentation given by Jason Clothier of up to date development s affecting the New Curriculum from training received this term. From the presentation, the group had an in-depth discussion about the how the individual settings ensured full delivery of the NC. See point 4.
4. Update about how each school is approaching the new science curriculum.
Different approaches of delivery were discussed from including it into an existing creative curriculum. The curriculum in these schools has stayed the same but with modifications to ensure full coverage.
However in other schools, where the International Primary Curriculum was delivered, the issue of coverage was discussed.
The QCA units were being used in some schools but were reconfigured to ensure full coverage.
Mapping coverage in schools was also discussed with regard to how the school was ensuring full coverage of the NC.
Practical science experiments were raised as a good example of how to engage children in an activity for each lesson. Further the use of a question starter and allowing the children to choose their own point of enquiry was also mentioned as good practice.
5. The use of the outdoor environment including a visit to the garden discussing ways schools are using outdoor environments.
The group were shown how Fernvale are in the early stages of developing an outdoor learning environment. They were shown the school’s new poly tunnel, raised beds and meadow area. Schools who are already established with this facility suggested different ways of developing the area.
Suggestions included:
· Creating a bug hotel using pallets
· Stacking logs for insects and mini beasts
· Have a trap door in the floor so children can open the door and see what is under it.
· Bat boxes
· Cross school pupil premium gardening club
6. Assessment: What are we doing to ensure we assess progress in science?
It was agreed that the next meeting’s main focus would be on how each school are assessing Science and to bring in examples of trackers and monitoring tools.
Another form of monitoring was the idea of a ‘Sharing Book’. This is a large book that had examples of science work, photocopied and stuck in. Woodland Grange agreed to bring an example to the next meeting.
7. AOB
With there being no other business the meeting closed at 3pm.
8. Agenda items and a date/location for next term.
The date of the next meeting was set for 1.30pm on Tuesday 3rd March 2015 at Woodland Grange PS.