Kanarraville Town Board Meeting

August 13, 2015

Kanarraville Town Hall

7:30 p.m.

GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE: Kim Ward, Tina Warhurst, Mark Warhurst, Aiden Warhurst and Andrew Warhurst

1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Allred calls the room to order.

2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Allred leads the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. ROLL CALL. Mayor Allred asks the clerk to call the roll:
Councilor Tyler Corneliushere

Councilor Tyler Allredhere

Councilor Stoney Shugarthere

Councilor Randy Williamsabsent

Mayor Galen Allredhere

4. DISCLOSURES AND DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST. No one has any conflicts of interest to declare.

5. APPROVAL OF MINUITES FROM JULY 23, 2015 TOWN BOARD MEETING. Mayor Allred asks for a motion to approve the minutes stated above. Councilor Allred moves to approve the minutes from the July 23, 2015 Town Board Meeting. Councilor Shugart seconds the motion. All are in favor.

6. TINA WARHURST-1ST W. DOG PROBLEM. Tina Warhurst states that they have lived here for four years and in that time the wandering neighbor dogs come into her yard after her chickens. They have lost nine chickens. She states that we have the code on the books, and dogs are not supposed to be out wandering. She wonders what we can do to. Dogs have chased her and her son and her husband, and it is silly that you can’t walk down the street without being attacked by animals chasing you. Mayor Allred asks for ideas. Councilor Cornelius asks if the county will handle it for us. Mayor Allred said it will, they will send a deputy, but our ordinances do not match Iron County codes, so in all reality, they can’t even issue a citation. Warhurst agrees. Mayor Allred said we have been through it on several occasions. He personally was involved in a situation with a lot of dogs. The only recourse we have is the nuisance ordinance. The clerk said it is hard to enforce the code when you don’t have a code enforcer. We could always raise taxes and buy a code enforcer. Warhurst asks about volunteers. She knows there are other people who have problems, and if they could be able to issue a citation. Mayor Allred said you would still have to be certified or trained in code enforcement. Other board members agree. Mayor Allred said it usually goes back to a civil suit. The clerk said we could put something in the newsletter. Warhurst said they have lost nine chickens and just spent allot of money to have one stitched up. What if it is a child that gets attacked? Her child has been jumped on and he is brave enough to turn around and go after it, but if it is vicious enough it would hurt him. Councilor Shugart said his kids only go on certain routes through town and by-pass other routes. The biggest thing is having a code enforcer. The clerk asks if there is a way we could contract with the county or another city to buy code enforcement. Mayor Allred said that is an option. Let’s do some research and get a copy of Iron County’s ordinance and see if it is conducive for us to match it. We will look into it. Councilor Allred said we would have to do an ordinance change and that usually takes sixty days. The clerk asks if her kids are being attacked on her property. She said no, it is mostly when he is riding his bike. Warhurst said it could be revenue for the city to issue citations. Mayor Allred said let’s invite a deputy from Iron County Sheriff to come to thenext meeting and address changing our ordinance. I have issues with dogs too. Warhurst thanks Town Board and she and her family leave the meeting.

7. MIKE HUMES-REQUEST FOR A WATER HOOKUP FOR 80 S. 100 W. Mike Humes said he would like a water hookup for 80 S. 100 W. Mayor Allred asks for a motion to give Mike Humes a water hookup. Councilor Allred moves to sell Mike Humes a water hookup at 80 S. 100 W. Councilor Cornelius seconds the motion. All are in favor.

8. BUDGET REVIEW AND EXPENDITURE APPROVALS. The clerk reports that General Government is at 29.9%. Public Safety is at 18.9%, this is before the $53,000.00 land purchase. Highways and Streets is at 7.4%. Parks and Recreation is at 21.1%. The clerk states that ee had to have a $48,000 cashier’s check for the land purchase and asks how it should be divided up into the departments. Councilor Allred said he wants it all. Mayor Allred said take a percentage from each department involved, a fair and equitable percentage. He thinks Parks and Recreation and the fire department are going to benefit more from the purchase. Mayor Allred said he will work with the clerk to find an equitable way to divide it. Councilor Allred said some money will need to stay in Public Safety for the Cedar City fire protection invoice that comes at the end of the year. The clerk said we will be looking at budget amendments for the Public Safety department.

The clerk said the State Auditor lowered the threshold for the agreed upon procedures. If the town is under $350,000.00 in revenues and expenses, they will do a self-assessment conducted by a member of the Town Board. It is estimated that it will take about eight hours. It is like a mini audit. Councilor Allred said he would do it. The clerk said it isn’t due until December 31.

Mayor Allred asks for a motion to approve current expenditures. Councilor Allred moves to approve the expenditures for August 13, 2015. Councilor Shugart seconds the motion. All are in favor.


Councilor Allred said they have tested the fire truck. They could only test it up to 1500 gallons per minute. They had to draft and push out 1500 per minute to rate. It did it. It rates for 1750 and the guys that were running it said it would run up to 1750. We actually have the strongest pump on a fire truck in the county right now. The new one in Cedar rates for 2000 but it hasn’t been tested yet. It will rate so we will be second. Councilor Allred said he got all the paperwork turned in. We are rated as a six right now with a chance to go down to a five or a four. If it goes down people can get with their insurance company to get their rates down. Councilor Cornelius asks if they flow tested the hydrants. Councilor Allred said yes, it’s on paper so it was done.

Councilor Shugart said the ice maker is not installed yet. The clerk asks when he should do the check. Councilor Shugart said he would send the clerk an email about how much the check should be for.

Councilor Cornelius said he has spoken to Adam Gabouri about cleaning the water tanks. He suggested doing both the tanks. The clerk said Keith Williams wanted him to bring up the overflow out of the water tanks. It pours out of them. Councilor Allred said it is the spring. You can’t turn it off. Only the well. Mayor Allred said the well fills the tank, then the spring catches up and it overflows. Councilor Allred said the only way to do it is to have a valve somewhere to shut it off and kick it back into the creek before it gets to the tanks. The clerk asks if that is one of Councilor Williams’ projects. It isn’t. Councilor Cornelius said the other way to do it is to lower the level in the tanks. Mayor Allred said we had to raise the level the other day because it was dropping to fast. Councilor Allred said if you go up in the winter it doesn’t overflow.


Mayor Allred is happy to report an increase in parking lot revenues due to the diligent work of our parking lot attendants. Kim Ward said people pay even when she thinks they aren’t going to.

Councilor Allred said we need to start working on the toilets at the parking lot. Mayor Allred said he wants a shed for the parking attendants.


The clerk reports that at last month’s meeting he was told to poll other cities and towns in Iron County who passed the resolution supporting the gas tax and asking Iron County Commissioners to put it on the ballot this year. The clerk said he asked each city in Iron County and Brian Head was the only one to pass the resolution from Utah League of Cities and Towns.

Mayor Allred said we are getting palm trees at the dumpsters. Councilor Shugart said the only way to stop that was to keep it manned.


Mayor Allred asks for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Cornelius moves to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Allred seconds the motion. All are in favor.

Submitted by:
David Ence/Town Clerk Kanarraville

Town Board-August 13, 2015