Kalaheo High School

School Community Council

Minutes for

Tuesday August 9,2016

Meeting called to order @ 4:07pm

Members present:

·  Rita Kalaukoa Faculty Represenative, SCC Chair

·  Susan Hummel Principal

·  Hailey Hunt Student Represenative

·  Dan & Jan Preciado Kalaheo Community Members

·  Karen Frato-Hildebrant Parent Represenative

·  Carlene Atwater Staff Represenative


·  Valerie Palmer Parent observer

v  Welcome & Introductions:

·  All present introduce themselves

·  New student representative – Current ASK President Miss. Hailey Hunt

v  SCC Purpose & Members Roles & Responsibilities

·  Kalaukoa went over the Roles & Responsibilities, By Laws

·  Susan Hummel informs members that we need 2/3 of consensus, quorum to do business. That would mean we need 4 out of 6 members to conduct business

·  Atwater volunteered to be recording secretary, motion to appoint by Hummel, 2nd by Hildebrant

·  Only approved minutes will be put on website, no draft minutes posted, month delay for minutes to be put on website due to approval on minutes need to be given during the following month meeting

·  Focus of the school year is communication & transparency in procedures

v  Approval of Previous Meeting minutes

·  Went over minutes from last SCC meeting, corrections made. motion to approve with corrections by Preciado, 2nd by Hummel, Kalaukoa to put on website once corrections are made.

v  Meeting dates/times for SY 2016-2017 are set for the 2nd working Tuesday of the month @ 4:00pm in Office Rm 4 unless need to change venue due to increase number of observers.

·  September 13

·  October 18

·  November 15

·  December 13

·  January 17

·  February 14

·  March 14

·  April 11

·  May 9

v  Plan for the Community Presentation SCC Meeting

·  Sept. 8, 2016, 6p in Cafeteria

·  Review Academic Plan

·  Recommend that SCC Committee Members attend the Community Forum

·  Follow up on progress since April community forum and next steps including how aligned to academic plan

·  Hummel to announce at Open House. Concerns were sorted into categories and prioritized. With communication being at the top of the list. Information regarding meeting will be posted on website.

v  Other Discussion Items

·  Send a PSA to Shigemura informing students and faculty that on every Friday beginning August 12, 2016 Kailua Assembly of God will have school classes that will be ending the same time that Kalaheo release so traffic will be a little heavier then normal and to be courteous to our neighbors down the street. Also, if the gates to the church are open please do not park in front of the gates. If the gates are close, it is ok to park in front of gates. Hummel to also announce the PSA during open house tonight.

·  When referring to ART: it stands for Academic Review Team.

·  Website needs to be updated with index tabs for better/more efficient communication for community, faculty & students. Need to investigate and come up with suggestions on how to organize site to facilitate flow of information. Address at future meetings. Kalaukoa moves to approve, Atwater 2nd.

·  Resurrect the “Student Showcase”. Have CTE, Fine Arts and Band student presentations as well as anyone else. Need to inquire with teachers/programs the possibilities of doing it. Who, when, what. Possibly looking at December week of the 12th/15th. Hunt will check with ASK if they would like to participate. Kalaukoa will follow up with CTE Coordinator Lori Nishimura, others(?) and report back at next meeting.

v  Next Mtg Agenda 9/12 4pm

·  Sept. 8 Community Presentation update

o  Review Academic Plan/ WASC recommendations

o  Update on systems and procedures actions.

·  Presentation of KHS School Data (TBD based on state release of reports)

·  Website design brainstorm

·  Feedback on proposed Student Showcase

Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:02pm by Preciado, 2nd by Kalaukoa.