NOVEMBER 11, 2013
7:00 P. M.
Mayor Weller called the regular meeting of the Kadoka City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Ryan Willert; Dick Stolley; Cory Lurz; and Colby Shuck. Arne Lund arrived at 7:05 pm. Member absent: Brad Jorgensen. Others present: Patty Ulmen, Finance Officer; Forrest Davis; Jackie Stilwell; Brian Fromm; Jessi Fromm; Teresa Shuck; Robyn Jones; Tina Williams; and Ken Wilmarth. Patrick Solon arrived at 7:12 pm.
Willert made Motion 13-11-11:126 to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 14, 2013 and the special meeting of October 16, 2013. The motion was seconded by Shuck, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.
The bills were presented for approval. After discussion, Shuck made Motion 13-11-11:127 to approve the bills as submitted. The motion was seconded by Willert. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.
Bank West Insurance / Insurance Premium/Fire Dept. / $ 6,693.00AFLAC / Monthly Premium / $ 85.82
Delta Dental / Monthly Premium / $ 518.80
Northern Hills Collections, Inc. / Wage Assignment / $ 150.00
SD Retirement / Monthly Contribution / $ 2,173.10
Verizon Wireless / Cell Phone / $ 100.96
Bank West / Petty Cash / $ 76.53
Best Western Ramkota Hotel / SDML Conference/Mayor / $ 213.81
Dakota Business / Supplies / $ 88.00
Dakota Supply Group / Supplies / $ 96.99
Diesel Machinery, Inc. / Supplies / $ 1,238.40
Double H Feed / Supplies / $ 115.55
Fromm Hardware & Plumbing / Supplies / $ 999.40
Galls / Supplies / $ 44.29
Golden West / Telephone/Cable / $ 747.07
Heartland Paper / Supplies / $ 653.63
J & S Restore / Repairs / $ 86.50
John Deere Credit / Monthly Payment/Front End Loader / $ 2,023.03
Kadoka Oil, LLC / Heating/Vehicle/Equipment Fuel / $ 5,140.45
Kadoka Press / Publishing / $ 259.17
Kadoka Water Dept. / Refund Meter Deposit / $ 70.00
KCBA / Reimburse/Expenses / $ 8,077.00
MacFeat, Dave / Refund Meter Deposit / $ 45.00
North Central Supply / Locker Room Doors / $ 2,330.00
Northwest Pipe / Supplies / $ 763.12
O'Connell Construction / Supplies / $ 384.60
Oien Implement / Supplies / $ 377.93
Pahlke, Alvin / Legal Services / $ 150.00
Peoples Market / Supplies / $ 239.91
Pierre Landfill / Tipping Fees / $ 1,122.58
SD Dept. of Health / Lab Samples / $ 202.00
SD Dept. of Revenue/Sales Tax / Sales Tax / $ 1,617.87
Servall / Laundry / $ 274.25
Solon, Patrick / Reimburse/Mileage / $ 74.00
United States Postal Service / Postage / $ 421.00
West Central Electric / Electricity / $ 4,814.32
West River Excavation / Solid Waste Transporation/Backhoe / $ 586.90
West River Lyman Jones / Water Payment / $ 4,857.50
Chamberlain Wholesale / Liquor Supplies / $ 1,600.41
Coca Cola / Liquor Supplies / $ 156.00
Dakota Toms / Liquor Supplies / $ 93.42
Eagle Sales / Liquor Supplies / $ 7,426.85
Jerome Beverage / Liquor Supplies / $ 1,604.15
Johnson Western Wholesale / Liquor Supplies / $ 2,082.49
Republic / Liquor Supplies / $ 3,734.47
ACH Withdrawal for Taxes / Federal Employment Taxes / $ 4,339.82
ACH Withdrawal for Dakota Care / Health Insurance Premium / $ 6,435.26
Total Bills Presented: / $ 75,385.35
The financial statement, along with a report listing the breakdown of revenue, expenses, and bank balances for the month of October was distributed. After a review of the information, Shuck made Motion 13-11-11:128 to approve the financial report. The motion was seconded by Lurz. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.
City of Kadoka Financial Statement as of 10-31-13:
Revenue: General Fund - $47,906.89; 3 B’s Fund - $2,609.42; Street Fund - $3.85; Liquor Fund - $33,474.96; Water Fund - $12,413.75; Sewer Fund - $2,440.20; Solid Waste Fund - $4,664.58.
Expense: General Fund - $58,305.12; 3B’s Fund - $1,472.58; Liquor Fund - $33,609.73; Water Fund - $15,295.35; Sewer Fund - $6,156.00; Solid Waste Fund - $4,664.15.
Payroll: Administration - $3,082.18; Streets - $2,542.59; Police - $2,628.46; Auditorium/Parks - $2,379.20; 4891.00 Water/Sewer – $2,938.86; Solid Waste - $821.52; Group Health/Dental - $6,954.06; Retirement - $2,173.10; Social Security/Medicare - $4,339.82.
Bank Balances: Checking Account - $840,329.58; ATM Account - $2,283.18; Certificates of Deposit - $770,051.09.
At this time, Mayor Weller amended the order of the agenda.
A. Home Town Christmas: Robyn Jones served as the spokeswoman for a group of individuals who were requesting to have two blocks of main street (from Peoples Market south to the end of Main Street) blocked off on December 6, 2013, from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm. In addition, she requested permission to have a bon fire on Main Street in the portion of the street that would be blocked off. Downtown businesses will be having open houses during this time, train rides for the children, plus chili and smores to be served. She further stated that the fire department would be present during the bon fire. After discussion, Lurz made Motion 13-11-11-129 to approve the request to close that portion of Main Street and to approve the bon fire, pending insurance approval. The motion was seconded by Stolley. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 5-0.
D. Liquor: The exhaust system in the bar currently is not working. Tina Williams requested permission to contact Brian Hanson to make the necessary repairs. This request was granted by the council.
Citizen Input: No one was present to address the council.
Open Bids/Transfer Station Hail Damage Repairs: No bids were submitted for the repairs to the transfer station. After discussion, it was the consensus of the council to table this item until a future date.
B. Repairs: Joe Handrahan was present and advised the council that some of the metal which will be salvaged from the city buildings is very long and would either need to be cut in half or placed on pallets, which would need to be constructed at an additional cost. The council asked for his recommendation, and Mr. Handrahan recommended cutting the metal. It was suggested that the metal be cut into lengths of between 12 feet and 20 feet. Mr. Handrahan also stated that various individuals have inquired about the use of the salvaged metal, and he had advised them to contact the council.
C. Planning & Zoning Commission: Ken Wilmarth was present and handed out revised draft copies of the proposed zoning ordinance. This revision includes changes made after the public meeting. Another public hearing on this proposed ordinance must be held with the city council. After discussion, it was decided to delay setting the date for this public hearing. The date will be set at the regular December council meeting.
D. Approve 2014 Liquor Licenses: Shuck made Motion 13-11-11:130 to approve the 2014 Liquor License Applications for: Kadoka City Lounge; Kadoka City Liquor Store; and Club 27. The motion was seconded by Willert. A roll call vote was taken, with all members present voting yes and the motion carried 5-0.
E. Bids for Heating and Vehicle Fuel for 2014: Bids were received from Midwest Cooperatives, Kadoka Oil, L.L.C. and Discount Fuel for #1 and #2 Diesel for Equipment Fuel; LP Gas (propane) and Unleaded Gasoline for city vehicles.
· Bids for #1 and #2 Diesel for Equipment are as follows: Midwest Cooperatives: .05 below cash price/delivered; Kadoka Oil, L.L.C.: .05 below current charge price/delivered; Discount Fuel: current pump charge price.
· Bids for LP Gas (propane) are as follows: Midwest Cooperatives: .05 below cash price; and Kadoka Oil, L.L.C.: $1.49/gallon (fixed bid).
· Unleaded Gasoline for City Vehicles: Midwest Cooperatives: .05 below cash price/delivered; Kadoka Oil, L.L.C.: .05 below current charge price/delivered; and Discount Fuel: current pump charge price.
After review and discussion, Willert made Motion 13-11-11:131 to accept the bids as submitted by Kadoka Oil, L.L.C for #1 and #2 Diesel for equipment and LP Gas (propane). The motion was seconded by Shuck. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 5-0.
Willert made Motion 13-11-11:132 to accept the bid for unleaded gasoline from Midwest Cooperatives. The motion died due to the lack of a second.
Shuck made Motion 13-11-11-133 to accept the bid for unleaded gasoline from Kadoka Oil, L.L.C. The motion was seconded by Stolley. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 5-0.
F. Dakota Care/Delta Dental Insurance: Lund made Motion 13-11-11:134 to approve the Dakota Care and Delta Dental insurance policies for city employee’s health and dental coverage. The motion was seconded by Willert. A roll call vote was taken: Willert-yes; Stolley-no; Lund-yes; Lurz-yes; and Shuck-yes. The motion carried 4-1.
A. Water/Sewer: no report
B. Streets: Repairs to streets have been made at various locations.
C. Solid Waste: no report
E. Auditorium/Park: The new lights will be installed at the auditorium November 21, 2013 through November 23, 2013.
F. Public Safety: The monthly report was distributed.
G. Mayor’s Report: The mayor advised the council that he would be out of town on Wednesday, November 13, 2013.
Shuck made Motion 13-11-11:135 to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Lund, with all members voting yes and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Finance Officer Mayor
Published once at the approximate cost of