K4Health eLearning Toolkit - updated: July 2013
Global Health eLearning Sites(all sites are in English unless otherwise specified)
Organization/Site name / URL / Target Audience / Cost / # of courses / Description
GHeL/PEPFAR eLearning / http://www.globalhealthlearning.org / Health sector staff at USAID missions around the world as well as staff at USAID/Washington, at cooperating agencies , and other partners / Free / 55 / Since 2005, USAID’s Global Health eLearning (GHeL) Center, developed by MSH and managed by K4Health, has provided access to over 72,000 registered learners on the latest program guidance on a variety of health and development technical areas. The vast majority (over 80%) of all learners come from developing countries. With such a large learner base and over 120,000 certificates of completion, GHeL has been a pioneer and leader in the field of eLearning, providing effective eLearning opportunities to large numbers of learners around the world for almost a decade. Redesigned in March 2013.
Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Global Health Education / http://main.ccghe.net/CCG/distance / Health care providers and researchers in resource-limited communities / Free / 15 / The Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Global Health Education (CCGHE) is a center of excellence supporting clinical care and research training in resource-limited communities. In response on our partners’ needs, we collaborate to build educational programs, in-country clinical support tools and distance learning infrastructure that strengthen capacity. We leverage the extensive ongoing international, collaborative research and training programs at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing.
The Johns Hopkins CCGHE develops and leverages a broad range of innovative information communication technologies (ICT) to support our mission, including e-learning, telemedicine, video conferencing, social media and mobile health applications.
JHSPH OpenCourseWare / http://ocw.jhsph.edu/index.cfm / Scholars across disciplines around the world / Free / 111 / Open Course Ware (OCW) makes Johns Hopkins School of Public Health course materials used in the teaching of actual courses freely and openly available on the Web.
JHSPH OCW is a collection of the course materials that support a JHSPH education. Educators are encouraged to use the materials for curriculum and lecture development, students can augment their current learning by making use of the materials offered, and independent learners are encouraged to draw upon the JHSPH OCW for personal enrichment and study. Course materials offered on the JHSPH OCW website may be used, copied, distributed, translated and modified under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
HRH Global Resource Center / http://www.hrhresourcecenter.org/elearning/index.php / Human resources for health, health informatics, and health service delivery professionals / Free / 7 / TheHRH Global Resource CentereLearning platform offers free courses developed by technical experts in the fields of human resources for health, health informaticsand health service delivery to build the capacity of country-based users in critical skills development.
CDC Learning Connection / http://www.cdc.gov/learning/index.html / Public health learners / Free / CDC Learning Connection (CDC LC) is a one-stop learning resource that can help increase public health knowledge and skills and meet professional development needs. CDC LC was created to increase access to quality public health learning.
CDC TRAIN (part of CDC LC) / https://cdc.train.org/DesktopShell.aspx / Public health professionals / Free / CDC TRAIN provides access to learning products for the public health community, which includes public health agencies, as well as hospitals, clinics, private practices, community-based organizations, and individuals who work to improve a population’s health. Through this site, you can
· Locate and register for courses listed by CDC course providers and participating TRAIN affiliate sites
· Track your learning through a single transcript that can include both TRAIN and non-TRAIN courses
· Access helpful materials, provide course reviews, participate in discussions to improve your learning experience
· Stay informed about the latest public health learning for your community of practice
Global Health Delivery Online (GHDonline) / https://www.ghdonline.org/accounts/signin/?email=jcassani%40jhuccp.org&firstlogin=1 / Professionals playing a role in the delivery of health care / Free / 9 communities / Global Health Delivery Online (GHDonline), a product of the Global Health Delivery Project, is a platform of expert-led communities where health care implementers collaborate to improve the delivery of health care.
Members have access to more than 30 expert moderators and to content and services like peer-reviewed discussion briefs and reviews of recent scholarly articles or a leading clinical information resource from partners, and to a team of professionals that support the GHDonline communities and platform and organize virtual expert panels with leading experts on a regular basis.
JSI eLearning / http://elearning.jsi.com/index.php / Free / 8 / JSI e-Learning offers courses commissioned by clients and developed by John Snow, Inc. and JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.
Unite for Sight - Certificate in Global Health / http://www.uniteforsight.org/global-health-university/enroll / For people seeking to develop practical skills in global health delivery / $65 / 6 / The Certificate in Global Health is essential for those seeking to develop practical skills in global health delivery. The certificate is designed to equip students, educators, doctors, public health professionals, and other professionals, with a comprehensive understanding about the complexities and realities of global health. Participants learn about best practices in global health, effective healthcare delivery strategies, interpersonal communication in the health setting, metrics, and how to deliver quality healthcare programs. Participants develop the capacity to evaluate, implement, support, and design global health delivery programs.
MEASURE Evaluation M& E Learning Center / https://training.measureevaluation.org/user / Researchers, program managers, trainers, policy makers, students, and other public health professionals / Free / 13 / MEASURE Evaluation makes free online courses on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) topics available for researchers, program managers, trainers, policy makers, students, and other public health professionals. These courses have been developed by global experts in order to provide state-of-the-art information on M&E topics.
Learn it Live / http://www.learnitlive.com/classes-events/Public-Health/343.html / Wide variety of courses with categories such as public health, nonprofit learning, sustainability, and business / Many are free to access / 7 in public health / Learn It Live is a social learning platform that connects the world to experts.
It’s face-to-face. Live. Interactive. The instructors are experts (see how we make sure!). The courses are professional. Learners gain valuable knowledge. Instructors find new students. Organizations attract new members and generate new revenue. Some courses are free. Others charge. Either way, Learn It Live handles all the logistics, making everything easier for everyone.
I-TECH / http://www.go2itech.org/resources/e-learning / Mid-level health care providers in resource-limited settings / Free / 9 / I-TECH is increasingly integrating e-learning into our training programs. In some cases, the e-learning modules we develop are proprietary, or contain copyright elements that cannot be shared. Whenever possible, however, we develop materials that can be shared broadly.
NTER / https://www.nterlearning.org/ / Energy, Health professionals / Free / 65 / NTER – the National Training & Education Resource – is an easy-to-access, open source, web-based learning platform that enables learners, instructors, and organizations to be part of an entirely new education community – the next generation of learning.
Center for Global Learning / http://www.sph.unc.edu/glp / Global public health workforce / 8 / The Center for Global Learning is a unique initiative in the Gillings School of Global Public Health at UNC, Chapel Hill. Our center is dedicated to connecting the global public health workforce with one of the highest ranked schools of public health in the United States through customized, learner-centered, distance learning programs using a variety of technologies for content delivery and instruction.
International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science / http://www.ifbls.org/index.php/en/education/education/e-learning / Medical Laboratory Professionals / Free / 5 / IFBLS is a global organization working to
increase opportunities for the development of
laboratory professionals through education and
IFBLS purposes for e-learning are:
a. Studying of basic information
b. Sending information around the world
c. Creating an e-learning community.
All members are free to join and enjoy our program.
BMJ Learning / http://learning.bmj.com/learning/info/about.html?locale=en_GB / Doctors and other healthcare professionals / Many are free to access / 100+ / The learning modules provided by BMJ Learning deal with everyday issues in primary care and hospital medicine. They are evidence based and peer reviewed, and are regularly updated. Most modules take around an hour to complete. Select modules are in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
The Center for Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Global Health (GHDx Center) / http://pocidea.mrooms.org/ / Professionals working in low-resource settings with point-of-care diagnostics / Free / 14 / The Center for Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Global Health (GHDx Center) works to improve the availability, accessibility, and affordability of essential point-of-care diagnostic tests for use in low-resource settings around the world.
The GHDx Center focuses on four core activities:
· Clinical needs assessments
· Supporting exploratory technology projects
· Clinical testing of prototype point-of-care diagnostics
· Training on the clinical realities of designing point-of-care products for low-resource settings
The Center for Clinical Global Health Education (CCGHE) / http://main.ccghe.net/ / Clinical care and research professionals in resource-limited settings / Free / 15 / TheCenter for Clinical Global Health Education (CCGHE),offered through Johns Hopkins University, provides registered users with free courses in the following categories: HIV/AIDS; Biostatistics; Bioethics; Laboratory Course; General Medicine; and eLearning Training. All of the courses are self-paced and can be taken at any time. Certificates may be issued at the time of course completion.
Education Development Center / http://hhd.edc.org/topics / Free / 20 / Education Development Center (EDC)offers numerous topics in health and human development, including: Mental Health; Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; Suicide; Violence; Injuries; Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs; Pandemic Influenza; Sexuality and Reproductive Health; HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections; and Nutrition and Fitness.This articlehighlights how the role of EDC in International Development, providing weekly face-to-face coaching sessions in Indonesian schools with the One-Computer Classroom and Coaching Pilot. This program is a part of the DBE 2 project (Decentralized Basic Education), funded by USAID.
Violence and Injury Prevention / http://teach-vip.edc.org/ / Designed for health and public professional and other health care providers; staff of public health ministries and non-governmental organization; and students in schools of medicine, nursing, and public health. / Free / 20 / Violence and Injury Prevention offered by Education Development Center and World Health Organization delivers users with online lessons addressing violence and injury prevention in the following categories: foundation and methods; unintentional injuries; violence and intentional injuries; and societal responses to injury and violence.
Educational Portal of the Americas / http://educoas.org/Portal/Portal0.1v2/index.html?culture=en&destin=curs / 4 free courses, tuition varies by course / 9 / TheEducational Portal of the Americashas several courses in: education; business; politics; public management; and rules. The Organization of American States (OAS) in collaboration with the Pan-American Health Organization (PANO) has developed the e-Learning course, “Evidence-Based Chronic Illness Care.” Eligible applicants may receive financial aid.
EdX / https://www.edx.org/school/mitx/allcourses / Subjects include law, history, science, engineering, business, social sciences, computer science, public health, and artificial intelligence / Free / 18 / EdX, provided through MIT, offers a numerous courses in a variety of disciplines. Courses are free for users and provide information on prerequisites, professors, etc. These courses are offered through specific calendar dates.
eInstitute for Development / http://einstitute.worldbank.org/ei/CourseCalendarCurrent / Development practitioners / Cost varies by course, though some are free / 15 free self-paced courses / The eInstitute for Development from the World Bank Institute has both webinars and e-Courses. These classes are facilitated over a given time frame. Those interested in participating in these courses should note the application deadlines and course delivery dates.
FHI 360 / http://www.fhi360.org/keywords/e-learning / Free / FHI 360provides users with a variety of training and education materials, ranging from toolkits to interactive modules in the following categories: Service Provider Training and Job Aids; Ethics Training; Youth Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention; Gender and Reproductive Health; Journalism Training; Training of Trainer Materials; and Other. These training materials are provided asynchronously and for free, although users may order a hard copy of certain materials.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Knowledge Forum / http://www.fao.org/knowledge/en/ / Free / TheFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’sKnowledge Forumprovides users with the resources in a variety of applications. Whether looking at Knowledge Networks and Communities or Knowledge Management and Gender, users can take their knowledge and apply the “tools” provided to them in a real-world setting.
Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) / http://www.imarkgroup.org/modulesintro_en.asp / Information management / Free / 9 / Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK)presents a series of modules, including: Management of Spatial Information; Knowledge Sharing for Developing; Digital Libraries, Repositories, and Documents; Web 2.0 and Social Media for Development; Networking in Support of Development; Building Electronic Communities and Networks; Investing in Information for Development; Digitization and Digital Libraries; and Management of Electronic Documents. Many of these are presented in multiple languages..
Jhpiego ReproLinePlus / http://reprolineplus.org/learning-opportunities / Global health professionals focusing on women and families / Free / 4 / Jhpiego, which is affiliated with Johns Hopkins University, offers a training skills course blending both a self-paced learning style and individual coaching. Users can navigate through the modules at his or her own pace. Information on ordering this course can be found on the website.
LINGOs / http://ngolearning.org/courses/default.aspx / Management skills for non-profit organizations / Cost varies by course, though some are free / 42 / LINGOsoffers numerous free/subsidized courses for users in specific areas of the health sector, ranging from sexual exploitation and abuse to International Humanitarian Law. While most of the courses are self-paced, there are courses taught via virtual classroom. In addition, LINGOs offers some of these courses in English, Spanish, and French.
The Middle East and North Africa Evaluation Association (EvalMENA) / http://www.evalmena.org/ / TheMiddle East and North Africa Evaluation Association (EvalMENA), in collaboration with EvalPartners, has created an e-Learning course, Evaluation in Arabic. Those who complete the course will receive a certificate with the seal of the American University of Beirut.