
Clair V. Mann Collection

General History; State, National, and Special Persons, Missouri Early Records



Clair V. Mann Collection

General History; State, National, and Special Persons, Missouri Early Records

Page XXX

General History; State

Missouri Cities

Box 22 Fldr 1. Pamphlets of Missouri Cities, 1950s.

2. C.W. Barnes Vs. City of Kirksville. 266 MO Reports 270 Dec. 8, 1915.

3. St. Louis City Planning. Water Works, Electric Power Co., Feb. 1931.

4. Safe, MO. Community Fair. 1951, 1958.

5. Springfield-Republic, MO. Telephone Directory, 1934.

Missouri Maps

6. Missouri, 1836, 1856, 1871, 1914, 1929, 1940.

7. Missouri Counties, Various Geological & Tourist Maps.

8. Missouri Road Maps, 1929, 1931-1939.

9* Missouri, Big Piney & Edgar Springs Quadrangle1943, 1945 (Filed Box23).

10. Missouri. Fort Leonard Wood.

11. Missouri. Fort Leonard Wood. USA- Missouri. Gasconade River Basin. 1936.

12. USA-Central Missouri, Ozark Region Prepared at MSM, Apr. 1938.

13. USA-Missouri Town of Belle.

Missouri Records, Early

14. Census 1850, Pulaski Co., MO. & Crawford Co., MO.

15. Crawford County, MO. Circuit Court Records, May 1831-Apr. 1834. Marriage Records, Partial, 1831-1847 Steelville, MO.

16. Gasconade Co., MO. County Court Records, 1821-1830 Marriage Records, 1822-1849 Records, Liberty, Rieke or Nease, Lane Prairie Cemeteries Hermann, MO.

17. Laclede Co., MO. Centennial Addresses, July 7, 1876 & Old Settlers Reunion, Laclede Co. Oct. 20, 1881.

18* Maries Co., MO. Centennial Newspaper, May 18, 1971 Cemetery Listing.

Missouri Records, Early

Box 22 Fldr 19. History Accounts of Early Missouri Settlers 1870, 1940.1.Backwoodsmen-Daring Men of the Ozarks by George C. Arthur(copy) 2. Glamorland-The Ozarks by Richard Hobbs 3. Guide to the Great West by J.L. Tracy (1870-excerpts)

20. Hog Book H. McCoin.

21. Letters G.M. Jamison, Cuba-Mar. 27, 1870. G.C. Broadhead - Oct. 12, 1872.

22. Missouri Federation of Women’s Clubs Year Book, 1903-1904.

23. Missouri Legislation Ordinances, Road Laws, Register of Lands, Civil Rights Bill. 1862, 1872, 1881-1883.

24. Newspapers, Various of Lebanon, MO. 1870-1881 St. Louis Republic, July 27, 1826.

25. Pamphlet, Milton Santee on Farms & land for Sale, MO Countries 1869.

26. Publication “Backwoodsmen” by George C. Arthur 1940.

27. Records, Various Cemetery Records, St. James Johnson, Maries Co., Bloom Garden. Genealogical Records, Family of Burdrard, Zion Hawkins, Johnson, Jones, Romine Marriage Records, Crawford Co., 1833-1853; Phelps Co., 1863-1895.

28* Scrapbooks, Missouri Senator Ellis G. Evans, 1884.Two Books (filed in Box 23).

29. Survey Field Notes, Road from Cape Girardeau to Indian Towns No Date.

30. Transportation in Missouri.

31* Visitors Register, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. May-Nov. 1903 Three Books (filed in Boxes 25).

Missouri State Records & Historical Society

32. “It Happened in Missouri” by Miss Jean McCaw.

33. Gasconade River, Seven Mile Alley, Arlington to Gasconade May 1950.

34. Table Rock Dam, 1963.

35. Why Teaching of History is required by MO Law 1953.

36. Missouri Constitution To Be Voted Feb. 27, 1945 Correspondence, Papers Opposing It 1942-1944.

Missouri State Records & Historical Society

Box 22 Fldr 37. State of Missouri, Office of Secretary of State Correspondence, 1966.

38. Missouri Legislative Roaster, 1967-1970.

39. Missouri Govt. Reorganization Act of 1974.

40. Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis 1949, 1959-1962.

41 State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia Correspondence, 1924-49.

42. State Historical Society of MO, Columbia Correspondence, 1950-1965.

43. State Historical Society of MO, Columbia Correspondence, 1966-1973.

44. Historical Societies, Various Counties 1960s.

Missouri Records: Early: Irregular Box Not in Folders

Box 23 Fldr 1. Missouri Early Records, Missouri Senator Ellis G. Evans, Scrapbooks 1867-1884. 2 books.

2. Missouri Early Records, Visitors Register, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. Sep.-Nov. 1904. 1 book.

Missouri Early Records: Irregular Box-Not in Folders

Box 24 Fldr 1. Visitors Register, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO. Sep.- Nov. 1904. 1 Book Good Correlation Date-Name-Address- Remarks.

Irregular Box-Not in Folders

Box 25 Fldr 1. Visitors Register Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. May-Sep. 1904 2 Books.

Irregular Box

Box 26 Fldr 1. Phelps Co. Churches- M.E. Church, Rolla Plans, CVM 1924-1935.

2. Frisco Railroad- Freight Station Record Book, Pacific Railroad 1864- 1865 Rolla Station.

Irregular Box

Box 27 Fldr 1. Civil War - History, Rolla During the Civil War. Raising the Confederate Flag May 7, 1861.

2. Phelps Co. Centennial - Pageant, “Yesterday Lives Again.” June 3-8, 1957 Manuscript.

3. Phelps Co. Maps- Atlas & Ownership Index of Phelps Co., MO. 1960.

4. Rolla History- Recipe Book, Household Hints, Rolla Housewife, 1880s Tuscaloosa Sabbath School Receiving Book. 1828.

5. Genealogies- Funeral Parlor Record, Clarence Love, Rolla 1938-1940.

Irregular Box

Box 28 Fldr 1. Rolla History- USO Scrapbook, Oct. 1941-1942.

2. Rolla History- USO Scrapbook Oct. 1941-Feb. 1942, Aug. 1942.

3. USO Scrapbook 1945-1946?

4. Scrapbook Community 1944-1945.

5. USO Scrapbook 1943-1946.

Flat Box

Box 29 Fldr 1. Civil War - Life Jan. 6, Feb. 3, Mar.3, 1961.

2. Civil War - Battles of Corinth and Shiloh “Daily Corinthian” Souvenir Edition, 1961-1965.

3. Civil War- Battles of the Civil War 1861-1865, 1960.

4. Civil War - Atlas, Civil War Battles Part X-XII, XVII-XIX 1892.

5. Phelps Co. Centennial-Webber Centennial Press Releases Photo Captions Aug. 1955.

6. Phelps Co. Court House - New Court House. Plans, County Court Houses in Missouri 1958.

7. Phelps Co. Historic Homes & sites-Joseph Campbell House. Block Bounded by 8th-9th-Olive-Ceder Streets, Rolla. Plans by Hohenschild.

8. Phelps Co. Records-Valuation & Taxes 1957 Tracings.

Flat Box

Box 29 Fldr 9. Rolla Clubs & Societies American War Mothers Memorial 1964.

Rolla History, Newspaper Entries by Years- Shoe Box 3x5

Box 30 Divider1. 1857

2. 1860

3. 1861

4. 1862

5. 1863

6. 1864

7. 1865

8. 1866

9. 1867

10. 1868

11. 1869

12. 1870

13. 1871

14. 1872

15. 1873

16. 1874

17. 1875

18. 1876

19. 1877

20. 1878

21. 1879

22. 1880

23. 1881

24. 1882

25. 1883

26. 1884

27. 1885

28. 1886

29. 1887

30. 1888

Rolla History, Newspaper Entries by Years- Shoe Box 3x5

Box 30 Divider 31. 1889

32. 1890

33. 1891

34. 1892

35. 1893

36. 1894

37. 1895

38. 1896

39. 1897

40. 1898

41. 1899

42. 1900

43. 1901

44. 1902

45. 1903

46. 1904

47. 1905

48. 1906

49. 1907

50. 1908

51. 1909

52. 1910

53. 1911

54. 1912

55. 1913

56. 1914

57. 1915

58. 1916

59. 1917

60. 1918

61. 1919

62. 1920

63. 1921

64. 1922

Rolla History, Newspaper Entries by Years- Shoe Box 3x5

Box 30 Divider 65. 1923

66. 1924

67. 1925

68. 1926

69. 1927

70. 1928

71. 1929

72. 1930

73. 1931

74. 1932

75. 1933

76. 1934

77. 1935

78. 1936

79. 1937

80. 1938

81. 1939

82. 1940

83. 1941

Box 31 Divider 1. 1942

2. 1943

3. 1944

4. 1945

5. 1946

6. 1947

7. 1948

8. 1949

9. 1950

10. 1951

11. 1952

12. 1953

13. 1954

14. 1955

Rolla History, Newspaper Entries by Years- Shoe Box 3x5

Box 31 Divider 15. 1956

16. 1957

17. 1958

18. 1959

19. 1960

20. 1961

21. 1962

22. 1963

23. 1964

24. 1965

25. 1966

26. 1967

27. 1968

28. 1969

29. 1970

30. 1971

31. 1972

32. 1973

33. 1974

34. Chronology

35. 1000-1400

36. 1500-1519

37. 1637-1670

38. Various

39. St. James

40. Maries Co.

41. Newburg

42. Lake Springs

43. Pulaski Co.

44. Steelville

45. Frisco

46. A.I.M.E.

47. Arkansas

48. Kansas

49. Missouri

Rolla History, Newspaper Entries by Years- Shoe Box 3x5

Box 31 Divider 50. Eht-Mann Publications

51. Jcv

52. Phi

53. Phy

54. Pkb

55. Rcg

56. Rew

57. Rhi

58. Rhy

59. Rip

60. Rpo

61. Rvt

62. Rw2

63. Rww

64. Prominent Citizens of Rolla

65. A

66. B

67. C

68. D

69. Family of Duncan

70. Duncan in Rolla

71. Duncan, James Riley

72. Duncan, John (1783-1850)

73. Duncan, John & Nancy

74. Duncan, John Burl

75. Duncan, Mary Malinda

76. Duncan, Riley

77. Duncan, Robert & Hannah

78. Duncan, Robert B.

79. Duncan, Thomas E. (Herb)

80. Duncan W.H. (Henry)

81. Duncan Washington Larkin

82. Duncan William L.

83. Duncan William P.

84. E

Rolla History, Rolla Biography – Shoe Box 3 x 5

  1. 85. F
  2. 86. G
  3. 87. H
  4. 88. I
  5. 89. J
  6. 90. K
  7. 91. L
  8. 92. Light (Wright)
  9. 93. Miscellaneous Lights
  10. 94. Dixon Lights, John - David
  11. 95. Light
  12. 96. Light, Albert M.
  13. 97. Family of Miller
  14. 98. N
  15. 99. O
  16. 100. P
  17. 101. R
  18. 102. Ryan, Alice
  19. 103. S
  20. 104. T

105. U

  1. 106. V
  2. 107. W
  3. 108. Family of Wynn
  4. 109. XY
  5. 110. Z
  6. 111. Mayors of Rolla

CVM General History, Miscellaneous, Maps, Special Persons

CVM General History

Box 32 Fldr 1. Astronauts

2. Freedom Train Reproduced Documents 1962.

3. Hostellers U.S. Almanac 1883.

CVM General History

4. Lewis & Clark Expedition TIME Magazine Oct. 10, 1935.

5. Metal & Steel Information 1934, 1938, 1950.

6. Taft-Diaz Meeting, El Paso, Tx-Juatez, Mx. Vol.16, 1909.

7. Teletype Systems, 1926-1935.

8. U.S. President Stamps.

9. World War I & II Maps.

10. Europe - Great Britain No Dates.

11.* USA - Atlas, Illustrated, USA, Ca, 1890. Continental USA Edition 1906, repr. 1916 Edition 1911, repr. 1925 (filed Box 33).

12.* USA-California Alturas, Honey Lake, Jackson, Lassen Peak, Placerville (filed Box 33).

13.* USA-Colorado Blackhawk, Boulder, Central City, Loveland, Longs Peak, Mount Olympus, Niwot Filed Box (33).

14. USA-Mississippi River Valley, Old Map No Date.

15.* USA Nevada Granite Range, Long Valley Reno, Wadsworth Sheets 1893-1894 Repr. 1920s (filed Box 33).

16. USA - Ohio Topographical Maps of Ohio Counties 1935 Edition Used for Aladdin’s Lamp Tours, Maramec Iron Works.

17. World- International World Map Hammond & Co., N.Y. News Map of World.

CVM Miscellaneous

18. Arkansas.

19. Dakota Tterritory Centennial, 1861-1961.

20. Illinois.

21. Indiana.

22 Kansas.

23.* Missouri State Bldg. World’s Fair, St. Louis, 1904 (filed Box 133).

24. Tennessee - Vital Statistics 1928.

25. Virginia.

26. Washington D.C.

Special Persons

27. Alexander, Archie A. 1888-1958 Black Engineer.

28. Allison, Emery W. MO Legislator.

29. Anderson, Marian Black Singer.

30. Baldwin, Hal S. Greeley, CO. CVM Employer.

31. Bethune, Mary McLeod 1875-1955 Black College President.

32. Blackwood Brothers Quartet Gospel Singers.

33. Bond, Carrie Jacobs 1862-1946 Composer.

34. Boone Daniel.

35. Brandt, Willy West German Chancellor, 1969-1972.

36. Bridger, Jim Mountain Man.

37. Brooks, Gwendolyn Black Poet.

38. Chase, Albert E. - 1929.

39. Chief Little Turtle of the Miamis 1751-1812.

40. Chouteau, Marie Therese (Bourgeois).

41. Dalton, John M. MO Governor, 1960-1964.

42. Davis, Benjamin O., Sr. First Black General.

43. DeLong, Ira M. 1855-1942. Prof. Of Mathematics, U. of CO.

44. DeVoss, James C. Dean, San Jose State College.

45. Dudley, Charles B. 1844-1909

46. Eaves, Elsie.

47. Edison, Thomas A. 1847-1931.

48. Elmer, William P.

49. Ford, Barney 1821-1902 Black Entrepreneur.

50. Freeman, Newell CVM’s former High School Student, Popular Bluff.

51. Fulkerson, Epperson R. Vice Consul to Nagasaki, Japan, 1898-1900.

52. Handy, W.C. 1873-1957 Black Musician-Composer.

53. Hood, George J. Inventor of Dermatone.

54. Hoover, Herbert C. U.S. President, 1929-1933.

55. Hungerford, Clark President, Frisco Railroad, 1947-1960.

56. Hutchinson, Charles A. Sr. U. of CO.

57. Jackson, Mahalia 1911-1972 Black Singer.

58. Johnson, Lyndon B. 1909-1973 U.S. President, 1963-1969.

59. Jones, Frederick M. 1892-1961 Black Inventor.

60. LaCoss, Louis 1890-1966 Editor, St. Louis Globe-Democrat.

61. Larsen, Sidney Missouri Artist.

Special Persons

62. Latimer, Leslie H. 1848-1928 Black Pioneer in Electricity Development.

63. Lyon, General Nathaniel 1818-1861.

64. McCawley, A.L. Missouri Senator.

65. McKay, Mary A.

66. Musselman, Earl.

67. Nasser, Gamal Abdel 1918-1970.

68. Nixon, Pat & Richard M. U.S. President, 1969-1974.

69. Owen, Jessse Black Athlete.

70. Pike, Zebulon M. 1749-1813. Explorer.

71. Poitier, Sidney Black Actor.

72. Price, Leontyne Black Opera Singer.

73. Rankine, W.J. McQuorn.

74. Salem, Peter Black Soldier, Revolutionary War.

75. Roberts, Pernell Actor.

76. Smith, Jimmie Lee Office Assistant, CVM, 1957.

77. Spaulding, Susan.

78. Staggs, Reba Caterer, Newburg, MO.

79.* Stark, Lloyd C. Missouri Governor, (filed Box 133)

80. Sverdrup, Leif Johan.

81. Thomson, Reginald H.

82. Truman, Harry S. 1884-1972 U.S. President, 1945-1952.

83. Tubman, Harriet 1820-1913 Black Civil War Heroine.

84. Waldheim, Kurt U.N. Secretary.

85. Whitmer, Edward A.

86. Woods, Granville T. 1856-1910 Black Inventor.

87. Cemetery Records, Book # 1 Copy.

88. Cemetery Records, Book # 2 Copy.

89. Love, Clarence W. Diary Book # 1 Copy.

90. Love, Clarence W. Diary Book # 5 Copy.

91. Love, Clarence W. Diary Book # 6 Copy.

92. Love, Clarence W. Register of Deaths Book #7 Copy

93. Love, Clarence W. Records of Various Families Book #9 Copy.

94. Love, Clarence W. Records, 1905-1915. Phelps Co. Genealogical Soc. Copy

95. Southgate, Margaret B. Scrapbook, 1884. Copy

Special Persons

96. U.S.A. general history 1950-60s.

Maps Miscellaneous, Special Persons - Flat Box

Box 33 Fldr 1. Maps-Continental USA Edition 1906, Repr. 1916. Edition 1911, repr. 1925.

2. Maps-California Alturas, Honey Lake, Jackson, Lassen Peak, Placerville.

3. Maps-Colorado Blackhawk, Boulder, Central City, Loveland, Longs Peak, Mount Olympus, Niwot.

4. Maps- Missouri Big Piney & Edgar Springs Quadrangle 1943, 1945.

5. Maps-Nevada Granite Range, Long Valley, Reno, Wadsworth Sheets Edition 1893-1894, reprinted 1920s.

6. Miscellaneous- Missouri State Building, World’s Fair, St. Louis. 1904.

7. Special Persons - Stark, Lloyd C. MO Governor.

Clair V. Mann Various Categories

Rolla History & Phelps Co. Genealogy - Irregular Box

Box 34 Fldr 1. Phelps Co. Centennial, 1957- Scrapbook, “Yesterday Lives Again” Mrs. James Bunch 1957.

2. Rolla, Newspapers- “Rolla Herald” 50th Anniversary Edition, Sep. 7, 1916.

Newspapers - Preserved

Box 35 Fldr 1. Central Missouri Herald May 19, 1960.

2. The Crocker News Nov. 28, 1946, Jan. 23, 1947, July 10, 1947, July 7, 1949.(historic poems).

3. Rolla Daily News Dec. 2, 1955(Churches in area).