Second Letter
It’s really great to hear from you all. Registrations are coming in daily for the big event which will be held on Friday, September, 15, 2006 and Saturday, September 16, 2006 at the Oaks Country Club 4101 W. 71 S.
We have been having a lot of discussion about the theme for this reunion. We’ve had suggestions, but don’t know how to take some of them – for instance “Stayin’ Alive” (ha ha) and “Try to Remember” (can we?). “We’ll Have These Moments to Remember” and “Thanks for the Memories” are two that sound better to me. Anyway, it’s been fun trying to think of a theme and sometimes lots of laughs. If you have a good suggestion or like the sound of one of the ones mentioned, please send it in or call it in or email it in.
Friday, September 15 starting at6pm will find us registering at Oaks Country Club at the Pool House area. There will be signs to let you know where we are. Happy hour will, also, begin at 6pm. A cash bar will be available. The dress is casual. At about 7pm dinner buffet-style will be served. Great music will be provided all evening by Jon Glazer who has worked with many music greats and is a celebrity himself. Please list songs you would like to hear on your registration form. Throughout the evening there will be lots of catching up and remembering going on. The evening is scheduled to last until about 11pm.
Saturday, September 16 - during the dayyou’ll be on your own. Alist of a great many of the interesting places there are to see and do in and around Tulsa will be provided at the reunion. We’re working on a tour of our CentralHigh School building, which is now Public Service Co., for sometime during the weekend. If you haven’t been to Tulsa for a while, there are many things going on and changes have taken place. There’re lots to see that will bring back memories of those great years.
Saturday, September 16 - scheduledactivities will start at 6pm again with registration and happy hour - this evening in the main club house. Once again, a cash bar will be available. After happy hour at about 7pma delicious dinner buffet will be served with a variety of choices. Dress, again, will be casual – nice casual. Entertainment will be provided by Sound 2000. We’ll have a short program after dinner with lots of laughs and some tears followed by dancing, visiting and having a grand old time till about 11pm.
I’ve had interest shown in helping with the reunion. We will need help with registration. Ann Wait Swanson could use help with decorations before each evening. If you’d like to help, please let us know.
If you haven’t already sent your registration in, please do so. It takes a bit of time to get that yearbook done and we need your registrations so that we can do the detail planning of activities for the weekend. The registration fee includes both evenings, two dinners, registration, newsletters, and postage expenses, as well as, decorations, entertainment, deposits and other expenses.
ReunionChairman, Treasurer,
Sue Karn Turner Fred Kincaid
918 742-6696 918 665-2404
Ann Wait SwansonGeri Ford GibsonLarry BabbSteve HurstFrancine Mullen
Judy Megee Cravens Ricki Brown CrawfordKitty Holloway Mills Jeanne Kishner Jacobs
Bob & Jean (Scott) YowellJim Shofner Dave Harmon Mary Morefield Allen Mary Jane Gallup Forrest