Knights of Columbus Cardinal Timothy Dolan of NY, Pres. of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), had President Barack Obama & Gov. Mitt Romney, both Pro-Abortion/Pro-Gay Marriage, as keynote speakers at the Archdiocese's Al Smith Dinner on 18/Oct/12. Obama - enemy of the Church - was reelected on 6/Nov/12. Protest to Mr. Joseph Zwilling, Communications Dir.

Abp. Dolan (Cdl. 18/Feb/12) claimed he was “deceived” about the threat of Gay Marriage - which was already in 5 states: CT, IA, MA, NH, VT; & DC. K of C State Sens Joe Addabbo & David Carlucci cast crucial votes on 24/Jun/11 to pass Gay Marriage in NY (33-29). Abp. Dolan FAILED to condemn them.

Gay Marriage spread by referenda in MD, ME, WA on 6/Nov/2012 - the first time by popular votes! It is now in 9 states, DC. Tragically, the Vatican left the Diocese of Portland - covering ALL of Maine - without a full-time bishop since Portland's Bp. Richard Malone was installed as Bp. of Buffalo, NY on 10/Aug/12.


The K of C Annual Report of the SK (2012) shows that a record $158 million was given to charity in 2011. Most of it - $129 million - came from local/state Councils. Just $2.8 m of $29 m in K of C HQ donations went to Pro-Life! (a decrease of $0.2 m from '10). K of C's Museum in New Haven, CT also got $2.8 m. Perversely, K of C regards self-promotion to be as important as Pro-Life! They gave $3.1m to Family Life, of which $1.47 m went to JPII Inst. for Studies on Marriage and Family in DC. We need action, not studies!

K of C Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Order of Friars Minor (OFM) Capuchin, (Franciscan) of Boston, MA (), gave away his SIX (6) Caritas Christi hospitals to Cerberus/Steward on 8/Nov/10 (CaritasChristi.org). The Catholic identity can be abandoned for a $25 million donation to a charity of his choosing (The Pilot, 14/May/10). On 1/Jul/09, Cardinal O’Malley put the SIX hospitals in a state-subsidized CeltiCare plan making abortion referrals to Planned Parenthood, the USA's BIGGEST abortionists - who killed 329,445 unborn babies in 2010 - funded with $487 million of your tax dollars. http://issuu.com/actionfund/docs/ppfa_financials_2010_122711_web_vf?mode=window&viewMode=doublePage (P 8). For my report on Caritas transfer to Cerberus/Steward, contact

Cdl. O’Malley gave Pro-Abortion/Pro-Gay Senator Ted Kennedy a hero's funeral on 29/Aug/09, and allowed his widow, Mrs. Vicki Kennedy, Pro-Abortion/Pro-Gay, to be the Commencement Speaker at Boston College Law on 25/May/12. He allowed a Gay Mass at St. Cecilia Church, Boston on 10/Jul/11, http://www.StCeciliaBoston.org/ and advertised “HOLY WEEK 2010” in Bay Windows, New England’s largest Gay (GLBT) paper. Cdl. O’Malley gave NO money to the Catholic campaign which helped overturn Gay Marriage in Maine in '09. See RealCatholicTV.com - a great website - which has since been renamed ChurchMilitant.TV Please view: enamedcomm

Cdl. O’Malley wasn’t among the 83 US bishops who protested President Barack Obama as Notre Dame’s Commencement Speaker/Awardee in ’09 (LifeSiteNews.com). In Dec ’05, he allowed Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Boston to give an award to Boston Mayor Tom Menino, a Pro-Abortion Catholic who attends the Gay Pride Parade every June. Fr. Walter Cuenin, K of C, promoted the parade. Boston City Councilors Michael Flaherty & John Tobin, both K of C, marched. The Faithful Departed by Phil Lawler, gives great insight into the corruption & going-out-of business sale in Boston. CatholicCulture.org

Cdl. O’Malley spoke against Physician-Assisted Suicide, helping to defeat it by 51%-49% in a MA referendum on 6/Nov/12. He began a 3 year term as Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities in Nov. '12. Cdl. O'Malley must vigorously oppose Planned Parenthood and all abortionists.

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K of C Supreme Chaplain Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, CT (Abp. Baltimore, MD on 16/May/12) shamefully exploited Pope Benedict XVI’s declaration of Fr. Michael McGivney as Venerable, to be "a ringing affirmation of the Order he founded" (K of C Columbia magazine, May 2008).

Archbishop Charles Chaput welcomed the K of C to Denver, CO for their 129th Supreme Convention in August 2011. He said he could not "host and criticize" the K of C. So, is Archbishop Chaput a spiritual leader, or did he act like an MC welcoming actors to the Oscars? To be sure, the Supreme Convention was, as usual, a great party! (Archbishop Chaput became Archbishop of Philadelphia, PA on 8/September/2011).

Most bishops in the USA - like toothless tigers - fail to condemn or excommunicate the Pro-Abortion and Pro-Homosexual politicians, and are silent on the many grave K of C failures over decades.

Exception: Bp. Fabian Bruskewitz (K of C) of Lincoln, NE (1992-2012, now retired) wrote a formal canonical warning in 1996 that membership in12 named organizations, including Planned Parenthood, Hemlock Society (a suicide group), Call to Action, Freemasons, and Catholics for a Free Choice, would lead to Automatic Excommunication: "...persistence in such membership for one month following the interdict on part of any such Catholics will by that very fact (ipso facto latae sententiae) cause them to be excommunicated."http://www.CatholicCulture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=2863

Fr. Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, a Roman Catholic fraternal order, in the basement of St. Mary's Church, New Haven, CT in 1882. The principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Membership is predominantly laymen. Priests have free life membership. A third of the 1.83 million members buy insurance. K of C claim to be the “Strong right arm of the Church” and to be Pro-Life! This was true when the late John McDevitt was Supreme Knight (1964-1977).

Carl Anderson ($1,521,410/year***), Supreme Knight since 2000, fails to suspend/expel the many Pro-Abortion/Pro-Homosexual K of C pols. In his 2010 Supreme Knight Message to State Conventions 10 minute video, he never mentioned the Right to Life or Marriage. This is very grave, given that SK Anderson is a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, the Pontifical Council for the Family and is a USCCB Pro-Life Committee consultant. Dennis Savoie, the K of C Deputy Supreme Knight, receives $493,586/year.

***Salaries/Compensation from the K of C annual reports to the Nebraska Department of Insurance.

Virgil Dechant (SK 1977-00) and the K of C Board of Dirs. “refused to capitulate” to Pro-Life Catholics who criticized the Order for not expelling “pro-choice” pols (Faith and Fraternalism 1992, P451 – Official K of C History). Dechant received a $2,164,805 golden handshake on retirement in 2000. As a Past SK, Dechant is a lifetime Supreme Dir. In '05, at the Supreme Convention in Chicago, he told Ken Fisher, Pres. of Concerned Roman Catholics of America (CRCOA), that Pro-Abortion pols will “never” be expelled!

Dechant established the Gaudium et Spes Award. Mother Teresa received the first in '92. SK Anderson gave Dechant the award in '12, saying in front of clergy: "Virgil Dechant was the model of Catholic fraternalism for an entire generation." http://www.kofc.org/un/en/news/releases/detail/past_sk_virgil_dechant.html Wow!

Dick Guerriero, MA State Deputy 2004-06, failed to suspend Pro-Abortion/Pro-Gay pols, but he signed an Open Letter of 11/Jan/07 endorsing Mitt Romney* (R), who, as Governor - without any change in the law - introduced Gay Marriage licenses on 17/May/04. *MassResistance.org Republicans (R), others Dems.

The heavily-Catholic MA Legislature, meeting in Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) on 14/Jun/07, voted to defeat the efforts of 170,000 voter signatories to place one man/one woman marriage on the ’08 ballot.

Mitt Romney, as Governor, imposed Gay Marriage in '04. Catholic K of C pols voted to keep it in '07!

Vincent Rumasuglia (MA SD 2006-08): “Our membership has continued to spiral downward” (Baystate Knightline, Summer 2007). Many men left the K of C, more refuse to join, because of the moral corruption.

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At least 16 Massachusetts K of C pols caused the defeat;10 italicized have top Planned Parenthood ratings (PPLMVotes.org): Speaker Sal DiMasi (sentenced to 8 years for kickback scheme, 9/Sep/11), House Majority Leader John Rogers, Rep Garret Bradley, Bob DeLeo (now Speaker), Stephen DiNatale, Chris Donelan, Chris Fallon**, Kevin Honan, Paul McMurtry, Charles Murphy, Bob Nyman, Angelo Puppolo**, Bob Spellane; Senators Michael Knapik (R) (PGK), Tom McGee, Michael Morrissey (Mass.Gov).

**Masons. Catholics are forbidden to be Masons since Pope Clement XII’s IN EMINENTI of 1738.

These K of C State Reps voted $750k for Gay Programs in public schools in Massachusetts. State Senators voted an increase to $850k on 22/May/08. In July ’08, they (except Puppolo) repealed a 1913 law, thus allowing same-sex couples from ALL 50 states to marry in MA. By July ’09, 14 K of C pols had signed in support of an access-for-all-genders “Bathroom Bill” H. 1728.

Patrick Korten, K of C VP for Communications, said that Pro-Abortion members are “few” and “irrelevant” (Boston Herald 11/Aug/07). Joe Mauro, Executive VP Agencies & Marketing ($386,321/yr, retired 2001), said on tape, circa 1991, that Pro-Lifers who were writing “thousands and thousands of letters” to the K of C Home Office, seeking to expel Pro-Abortion members are “...real fanatics out there, radicals...this is the ‘House Rule’...I, I’d prefer you kept silent on the issue (abortion)”.

John Marrella, K of C Supreme Advocate (lawyer) ($445,086/yr), wrote on 15/Apr/10 that subordinate councils may not discipline public figures. Marrella is opposing the K of C Charter Constitution and Laws SEC. 162., which specifies suspension by the State Deputy under SEC. 166. for Giving Scandal etc.

Contrary to frequent K of C assertions, NO bishop, or ANY clergy member, is required to be involved in the suspension process. MA State Deputy Tom Ledbetter suspended me on his own authority - without evidence! Cdl. O'Malley gave him a Cheverus Award (named after the first Bp. of Boston) for "service to the Church and God's people" on 23/Nov/08! Was the Cdl. that desperate for awardees?

Marrella wrote to NY K of C on 13/Jan/10, stating - without any legal basis - that members, state and local councils must not contact pols on matters of faith/morals, except as “private citizens”. Is the K of C really “The Strong Right Arm of the Church”? No, they have been operating a double-standard for decades!

Marrella and MA K of C State Deputy Michael Baldner received awards from Auxiliary Bishop Arthur Kennedy, Rector of the Archdiocese’s St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, MA on 4/Dec/10. Bishop Bob Hennessy is the K of C State Chaplain. Fr. Bob Kickham, a Secretary to Cardinal Sean O’Malley, was the Associate K of C State Chaplain. YouTube.com/user/RealCatholicTV?feature=mhee#p/u/0/ZZduFsbwN84

Emilio Moure, California State Advocate, sabotaged a CA K of C resolution to suspend Pro-Abortion pols (CalCatholic.com). While CA State Deputy, he was promoted to Supreme Director, later to Supreme Treasurer, and on 1/Sep/10, to Supreme Secretary ($321,180/yr)! He died on 23/Jul/11. Pray for his soul.

Ray Flynn, K of C, former Mayor of Boston, fmr. Ambassador to the Vatican, endorsed Pro-Abortion/Pro-Gay Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary (Boston Herald 6/Feb/08), then went to work in her campaign! He is a member of Council 271 in South Boston, which has a Mason “BROTHERHOOD” cornerstone at the front! Flynn signed an Open Letter in ’11 praising Mitt Romney - Gay Marriage hero!

Paul Devin, K of C Supreme Advocate (lawyer), who gave money to Pro-Abortion pols Senator Ted Kennedy & U.S. Rep. Joe Kennedy II (OpenSecrets.org), ruled a MA K of C State Convention resolution by GK/FDD Joe Craven to suspend Pro-Abortion/Pro-Gay pols to be “unconstitutional” (4/May/08). Disgraced, Devin retired in Feb ’09. K of C: Page 3 of 4

Joe Reilly, K of C, President of Massachusetts Citizens For Life (MCFL) (2006-2007), & his wife Evelyn - a lobbyist for Mass Family Institute (MFI) - tried to remove me as a MCFL Director in ’07 because I exposed Pro-Abortion K of C pols! Joe Reilly signed the ’07 and ’11 Open Letters supporting Romney, who, as Governor, unilaterally and illegally introduced Gay Marriage to MA on 17/May/04.

Mitt Romney switched on Abortion. He gave MCFL $15K in ’06. They gave him a “Political Leadership Award” on 10/May/07, saying Romney looked “very presidential”! MCFL is a state affiliate of National Right to Life Committee (NRLC). http://MassResistance.org/docs/events07/mcfl_diynner_0511/index.html MCFL’s Federal Political Action Committee (PAC) endorsed Romney for U.S. President, 12/Apr/12.

NRLC's PAC endorsed Romney and Sen. Scott Brown, both Pro-Abortion, in NRLC NEWS, Fall 2012.

EWTN, March for Life, & Sisters of Life betray unborn children when they give prominence to K of C leaders who welcome Pro-Abortion/Pro-Homosexual pols in exchange for K of C tax exemption.

Rodney Shropshire, K of C General Agent (GA), often showed great hostility towards my Pro-Life work. He moved me to a small, poor territory (I was in the Top Third as an Insurance Field Agent: Lancer E. Division Report, y-t-d June ’99). In Jan 2000, GA Rodney Shropshire terminated my contract as a “failure”.

Tom Smith, VP Agencies, ($513,911/yr), countersigned Shropshire’s lie. SKs Virgil Dechant and Carl Anderson didn’t answer my letters. Supreme Treasurer Deacon Ken Ryan ($208,181/yr, retired April 2006) wrote lies about me, and then claimed that his signed letter on his K of C headed paper wasn't his!

Tom Ledbetter, MA SD 2001-04, suspended my membership on 18/Jun/2004 for Scandal, Slander and Publishing Detrimental Matter - without producing any evidence! My appeal was rejected as “late” by Supreme Advocate Paul Devin ($387,130/yr), and later by the Supreme Board of Dirs. at a show trial held without my knowledge. All lied. My suspension is still in force - showing SK Carl Anderson’s hostility!

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican Sec. of State, said at the 125th K of C Supreme Convention in 2007 that he would give an “excellent report” to the Pope, and SK Anderson gave Cdl. Bertone the K of C Gaudium et Spes Award. Mutual admiration indeed! http://www.kofc.org/un/en/conv/2007/index.html

Please write to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Palace, 00120 Vatican City. Advise him of the K of C Double-Standards. E-mail Vatican: Phone Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson at 800-380-9995, FAX 203-752-4118 Please copy me: ______