Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Minutes- December 8, 2014
S. Marsh, B. Matter, W. van Leeuwen, B. Mannan, S. Archer, L. Lopez-Hoffman, S. Bonar
K. Hughes, A. Veals, K. Moroz, C. Yamashita-Gill, A. Stewart
Minutes from November 24 approved
S. Marsh Director’s Report and discussion:
- Personnel update: retirement of Barb Hutchinson is in place. She is meeting with the Dean to discuss continued funding for her work with Global Rangelands and IALC.
- The SNRE Faculty hiring plan for cluster hires and natural human systems are positions that would fill the vacancies rather than considering direct replacements. SPFI candidates are also in alignment with the hiring plan.
- Laura Lopez-Hoffman and Wim van Leeuwen were selected to participate on the review panel for cluster hires in imaging and environment.
- There is no new information regarding the position with the School if Law. S. Marsh will follow-up.
- Chiyo is retiring in January, Ashley will fill her position and BIZ will fill Ashley’s current position.
- S. Marsh spoke to Andrea Gerlak, she is looking forward to being a possible SPFI candidate.
- Move Committee Meeting: The Move Committee met 12/5 and discussed current resources in BSE. Andy Honaman will update BSE floor plans to include information about where sinks, gas and hoods are located in the building so that plans for additional lab space can be considered. New labs could be shared among Faculty and other departments if desired
- After the holiday closure, the move committee will start strategizing plans for future labs and other shared research space, teaching labs, dry labs, etc.
- SNRE not planning on giving space from BSE back to the College.
- Current conference rooms in BSE will still be available for our use after the move.
Special Topics
- RCM: Faculty Consultative Group, SNRE rep. Phil Guertin, and the HODs have been asked for the input on how RCM funds should be managed by the Dean (how much should be allocated subvention funds, IDC returns, strategic investments, SCH funds, etc. Each department has a different operating budget and different ways of allocating and using funds for operations. Some use IDC return, other departments use summer/winter teaching revenue, outreach college funds or other sources.
- OMB circular goes into effect the end of this month. This requires exceptions for those groups not paying full University IDC rates. This includes COOPs and DSCESU units. If formal agreements are not made and waivers are used for reduced IDC rates, departments may be expected to provide the “missing” portion of the IDC. DOI and National CESU’s working on ways to get exceptions for reduced IDC rates.
- Grad student courses, 900+ will have a cash value under RCM which should benefit SNRE’s profile within CALS.
- Masters in Development Practice. SNRE teaching the Spring semester course for cohort 3. Anticipating a new model for the MDP and SNRE will need to decide how to continue under thenew model.
Other Business:
- Search Committee Update: Committee is finalizing choices for advertising options. The job posting is pending with CALS.