Kindergarten Reading Rubric Checklist
Student Name ID # Entry Date
Instructions: A checked box indicates the descriptor has been met.
Objective / Standard / ELL Level 1 / ELL Level 2 / ELL Level 3 /ELL Level 4
/ Grade Level Expectations*ELL Report Card Descriptor 1: Student will demonstrate knowledge of the English alphabet. / LA 0.1.3.b
LA 0.1.3.a
LA 0.2.1.g / 1.1 Says the alphabet with teacher support.
1.2Begins to name upper and lower case letters out of sequence.
1.3 Begins to write upper and lower case letters in manuscript with a model.
1.4 Begins toknow the difference between capital and lowercase letters. / 1.1 Says the alphabet with visual support.
1.2Occasionally names upper and lower case letters out of sequence.
1.3 Often writes upper and lower case letters in manuscript with a model and occasionally without.
1.4 Occasionally knows the difference between capital and lowercase letters. / 1.1 Says the alphabet without visual support.
1.2 Often names upper and lower case letters out of sequence.
1.3 Consistently writes upper and lower case letters in manuscript without a model.
1.4 Oftenknows the difference between capital and lowercase letters. / 1.1 Says the alphabet consistently without visual support.
1.2 Consistently names upper and lower case letters out of sequence.
1.3 Consistently writes upper and lower case letters in manuscript without a model.
1.4 Consistently knows the difference between capital and lowercase letters. / 1.0Meets grade level expectations (letter identification):
Q1 ____ Q2 ____
Q3 ____ Q4 ____
ELL Report Card Descriptor 2: Student will discriminate among and reproduce the sounds of English with appropriate intonation and inflection. / LA 0.1.3.b
LA 0.1.2.d
LA 0.1.6.d / 2.1 Pronounce the individual sounds of the alphabet.
2.2 Begins to make sound/symbol associations.
2.3 Begins to blend sound/symbol associations to read words, phrases, and simple sentences. (CVC, word families, ch/sh/th/wh)
2.4 Begins to match a teacher-generated rhyme. / 2.1 Identify and pronounce individual sounds of the alphabet (including short vowel sounds) out of sequence.
2.2 Occasionally makes sound/symbol associations.
2.3Occasionally blends sound/symbol associations to read words, phrases, and simple sentences. (CVC, word families, ch/sh/th/wh)
2.4 Occasionally generates rhyming words on their own. / 2.2 Often makes sound/symbol associations.
2.3 Often blends sound/symbol associations to read grade-appropriate text.
2.4 Often generates rhyming words on their own. / 2.2 Consistently makes sound/symbol associations.
2.3 Consistently blends sound/symbol associations to read grade-appropriate text.
2.4 Consistently generates rhyming words on their own. / 2.0Meets grade level expectations (phonological awareness, dictation):
Q1 ____ Q2 ____
Q3 ____ Q4 ____
Objective / Standard / ELL Level 1 / ELL Level 2 / ELL Level 3 /
ELL Level 4
/ Grade Level Expectations*2.5 ** Begins to:
- Identify beginning sounds (Q1)
- Blend and segment onset and rime (Q2)
- Blend and segment phonemes (Q3)
- Substitutes phonemes to create new words (Q4)
- Identifies beginning sounds (Q1)
- Blends and segments onset and rime (Q2)
- Blends and segments phonemes (Q3)
- Substitutes phonemes to create new words (Q4)
- Identifies beginning sounds (Q1)
- Blends and segments onset and rime (Q2)
- Blends and segments phonemes (Q3
- Substitutes phonemes to create new words (Q4)
- Identifies beginning sounds (Q1)
- Blends and segments onset and rime (Q2)
- Blends and segments
- Substitutes phonemes to create new words (Q4)
ELL Report Card Descriptor 3: The student will acquire vocabulary necessary for instruction. / LA 0.1.3.c
LA 0.1.3.e / 3.1 Begins to identify high frequency words.
3.2 Begins to use environmental print and survival vocabulary. / 3.1Occasionally identifies high frequency words.
3.2 Occasionally uses environmental print and survival vocabulary. / 3.1Often identifies high frequency words.
3.2 Often uses environmental print and survival vocabulary. / 3.1Consistently identifies high frequency words.
3.2 Consistently uses environmental print and survival vocabulary. / 3.0Meets grade level expectations (high frequency word identification):
Q1 ____ Q2 ____
Q3 ____ Q4 ____
ELL Report Card Descriptor 4: Student will participate in reading activities to acquire and deliver information. / LA 0.1.2.a
LA 0.1.3.e / 4.1 Begins to understand and identify a word, space, and punctuation in a printed text.
4.2 Begins to read grade-appropriate materials in structured activities with teacher support.
4.3 Begins to participate in language experience stories written by teacher.
4.5 Begins to respond to illustrations in books (pointing to pictures, one word responses). / 4.1 Understand and identify a word, space, and punctuation in a printed text.
4.2 Begins to read grade-appropriate materials with emerging intonation with teacher support.
4.3 Participates in and reads back language experience stories written by teacher.
4.4 Begins to read and understand simple vocabulary and phrases.
4.5 Occasionally responds to illustrations in books. / 4.2 Read grade-appropriate materials with proper phrasing and intonation with minimal teacher support.
4.4 Occasionally reads and understands simple vocabulary and phrases.
4.5 Often responds to illustrations in books. / 4.2 Read grade-appropriate materials with proper phrasing and intonation independently.
4.4 Often reads and understands simple vocabulary and phrases.
4.5 Consistently responds to illustrations in books. / 4.0 Meets grade level expectations (DRA):
Q3 ____ Q4 ____
Objective / Standard / ELL Level 1 / ELL Level 2 / ELL Level 3 /
ELL Level 4
/ Grade Level Expectations*ELL Report Card Descriptor 5: Student will demonstrate English comprehension in a variety of ways. / LA 0.1.1.b
LA 0.1.6.b
LA 0.1.6.c / 5.1 Begins to show comprehension of grade-appropriate subject matter by completing structured activities with teacher assistance. (summarize beginning/middle/end, story map, five finger retelling)
5.2 Begins to show comprehension of grade-appropriate subject matter by answering comprehension questions with teacher support. / 5.1 Occasionally shows comprehension of grade-appropriate subject matter by completing structured activities (summarize beginning/middle/end, story map, five finger retelling).
5.2 Occasionally shows comprehension of grade-appropriate subject matter by answering comprehension questions with teacher support. / 5.1 Often shows comprehension of grade-appropriate subject matter by completing structured activities (summarize beginning/middle/end, story map, five finger retelling).
5.2 Often shows comprehension of grade-appropriate subject matter by answering comprehension questions.
5.3 Begins to draw inferences such as conclusions or generalizations and support them with details from text, both fiction and non-fiction with teacher support. / 5.1 Consistently shows comprehension of grade-appropriate subject matter by completing structured activities (summarize beginning/middle/end, story map, five finger retelling).
5.2 Consistently shows comprehension of grade-appropriate subject matter by answering comprehension questions.
5.3 Occasionally draws inferences such as conclusions or generalizations and support them with details from text, both fiction and non-fiction with teacher support. / 5.0 Meets grade level expectations (Comprehension):
Q3 ____ Q4 ____
ELL Report Card Descriptor 6: Student will understand and demonstrate knowledge about English print. / LA 0.1.1.b
LA 0.1.1.f
LA 0.1.2.a
LA 0.1.1.c / 6.1 Follow left to right and top to bottom with a return sweep (Q1).
6.2 Know the difference between a letter, word, space and sentence (Q2).
6.3 Identify period, question mark and exclamation mark (Q2).
6.4 Understand one-to-one correspondence (Q3). / 6.0 Meets grade level expectations (Concepts of print):
Q1 ____ Q2 ____
Q3 ____ Q4 ____
Objective / Standard / ELL Level 1 / ELL Level 2 / ELL Level 3 /
ELL Level 4
/ Grade Level Expectations*ELL Report Card Descriptor 7: Student will acquire knowledge of various genres and literary forms. / LA 0.1.6.b / 7.1Begins to identify characters in a story.
7.2Begins to listen responsively and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of genres such as: fiction, poetry, informational (digital media, periodicals, biographies, non-fiction, etc.), with teacher support.
7.3 Begins to read and recite short poems, rhymes, and songs. / 7.1Begins to identify story elements such as characters, setting.
7.2Occasionally listens responsively and demonstrates comprehension of a variety of genres such as: fiction, poetry, informational (digital media, periodicals, biographies, non-fiction, etc.), with teacher support.
7.3 Occasionally reads and recites short poems, rhymes, and songs. / 7.1Identify story elements with support.
7.2Often listens responsively and demonstrates comprehension of a variety of genres such as: fiction, poetry, informational (digital media, periodicals, biographies, non-fiction, etc.), with teacher support.
7.3 Often reads and recites short poems, rhymes, and songs. / 7.1Identify story elements.
7.2Consistently listens responsively and demonstrates comprehension of a variety of genres such as: fiction, poetry, informational (digital media, periodicals, biographies, non-fiction, etc.), with teacher support.
7.3 Consistently reads and recites short poems, rhymes, and songs. / 7.0 Not assessed in general ed. Skills related directly to language acquistion.
ELL Report Card Descriptor 8: Student will effectively apply a variety of reading strategies for comprehending a wide range of reading materials. / LA 0.1.5.c
LA 0.1.6.k
LA 0.1.6.d / 8.1With teacher support, begin to use picture clues and text patterns to read.
8.4Begins to understand words have syllables with teacher support. / 8.1 With teacher support, uses picture clues, text patterns, and phonetic knowledge to read.
8.2Begins to make meaningful substitutions and begin to self-correct when reading does not make sense.
8.3Use pre-reading strategies (prior knowledge, previewing
pictures, and purpose) to improve comprehension with teacher support.
8.4 Begins to count syllables in words with teacher support. / 8.1 With minimal teacher support, uses picture clues, text patterns, and phonetic knowledge to read.
8.2 Occasionally makes meaningful substitutions and begin to self-correct when reading does not make sense.
8.3Begins to use pre-reading and strategies during reading
(meaning and visual cues, self-correction, re-reading, etc.) to improve comprehension with teacher support.
8.4 Count syllables in words with teacher support. / 8.1 Independently uses picture clues, text patterns, and phonetic knowledge to read.
8.2 Often makes meaningful substitutions and begin to self-correct when reading does not make sense.
8.3Begins to incorporate pre-reading, during reading, and after reading strategies (retelling, checking for
understanding, etc.) to improve comprehension with teacher support.
8.4 Count syllables in words. / 8.0 Not assessed in general ed. Skills related directly to language acquistion.
Objective / Standard / ELL Level 1 / ELL Level 2 / ELL Level 3 /
ELL Level 4
/ Grade Level Expectations*ELL Report Card Descriptor 8: Student will effectively apply a variety of reading strategies for selecting and interpreting a wide range of reading materials. / LA 0.1.1.b
LA 0.1.6.l
LA 0.1.5.c
LA 0.1.6.k
LA 0.1.6.e / 9.1Before reading, begins to use basic strategies such as previewing, making predictions, key words/main ideas, making connections, etc. with support. / 9.1 Before reading, occasionally uses basic strategies such as previewing, making predictions, key words/main ideas, making connections, etc. with support.
9.2 During reading, begins to use strategies such as re-reading, context clues, reading for details with support.
9.3 After reading, begins to use summarizing, identifying main idea, compare and contrast, reading for details, retelling, etc. with support. / 9.1 Before reading, often uses basic strategies such as previewing, making predictions, key words/main ideas, making connections, etc. with support.
9.2 During reading, occasionally uses strategies during reading such as re-reading, context clues, reading for details with support.
9.3 After reading, occasionally uses summarizing, identifying main idea, compare and contrast, reading for details, retelling, etc. with support. / 9.1 Before reading, consistently uses basic strategies such as previewing, making predictions, key words/main ideas, making connections, etc. with support.
9.2 During reading, often uses strategies during reading such as re-reading, context clues, reading for details with support.
9.3After reading, often uses summarizing, identifying main idea, compare and contrast, reading for details, retelling, etc. with support. / 9.0 Not assessed in general ed. Skills related directly to language acquistion.
ELL Report Card Descriptor 9:
Students will use academic skills and resources to acquire and organize new information. / LA 0.1.1.e / 10.1 Identify parts of a book.
10.2 Identify title, author, and illustrator.
10.3 Recognize abbreviations.
10.4 Write his or her name.
10.5 Recognize own name in print.
10.6 Begins to read own writing.
10.7 Begins to use pictures, lists, and charts to comprehend text across curriculum with teacher support. / 10.6 Occasionally reads own writing.
10.7 Occasionally uses pictures, lists, and charts to comprehend text across curriculum with teacher support. / 10.6 Often reads own writing.
10.7 Often uses pictures, lists, and charts to comprehend text across curriculum with teacher support. / 10.6 Consistently reads own writing.
10.7 Consistently uses pictures, lists, and charts to comprehend text across curriculum with teacher support.
Objective / Standard / ELL Level 1 / ELL Level 2 / ELL Level 3 /
ELL Level 4
/ Grade Level Expectations*10.8 Begins to use single resource to locateinformation with teacher support. / 10.8 Occasionally uses single resource to locate information with teacher support. / 10.8 Often uses single resource to locate information with teacher support.
*Grade Level ExpectationColumn is not intended to restrict level movement. It was developed to foster communication between ELL and general ed. classrooms to ensure that how students are being leveled matches their skill base in the general ed. classroom. ELL teachers could use documented scores from general ed. report cards.
**2.5—Teachers are provided a checkbox for each quarter-specific phonics objective. If students accomplish their quarter’s goals, they get credit for it on the report card. The main objective may not be checked until all four quarters worth of skills are accomplished.
Descriptor Guidelines:
Begins: 25% of the time
Occasionally: 50% of the time
Often: 75% of the time
Consistently: 85-90% of the time