The Franklin Institute’s Master Educator Program develops skilled preK-12 teachers, administrators, and informal educators through in-depth professional development about the science of learning. Through this year-long program, participants will: 1) learn about current research in neuroscience, cognitive science, and education; 2) form a community of practice with other educators in the region; and 3) develop and implement a unique project through which they will utilize their knowledge of how the brain works to improve student learning in their classroom, school, and/or district.


Administrators are invited to apply on behalf of a team of teachers and administrators from a school, district, or other educational institution. Applications must be emailed to by June 15, 2017. Competitive applications will include:

Teams of 2-6 people (at least 1 teacher and 1 administrator). Larger groups will also be considered.Administrators can include principals, curriculum directors, site directors, superintendents, etc.

Commitment by all team members to attend all program sessions (July 11, Aug 22, Oct 17, Jan 16, May 24).

Ability to develop, implement, and evaluate original projects with students and/or teachers to utilize knowledge of how the brain works during the academic year 2017-2018.


Limited scholarships are available for public, charter, and parochial schoolsin Philadelphia, PA or Camden, NJ. See the final page of the application for more details.


  1. School or District Name:
  1. Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code):
  1. Organization Type:

☐District ☐Public School ☐Magnet School ☐Charter School ☐Parochial School

☐Private School ☐Community-Based Organization ☐Other:

  1. Grade Levels in School or District(check all that apply):

☐Preschool ☐K-5th grade ☐6-8th grade ☐9-12th grade ☐Other:

  1. Name of Person Submitting Application:
  1. Position/Title:
  1. Email Address:
  1. Best Contact Phone Number:


Please list information for each teacher, administrator, or informal educator applying for this program.



Grade Level(s):

Years Worked in Organization:

Why is this person a good fit for the Master Educator program?



Grade Level(s):

Years Worked in Organization:

Why is this person a good fit for the Master Educator program?



Grade Level(s):

Years Worked in Organization:

Why is this person a good fit for the Master Educator program?



Grade Level(s):

Years Worked in Organization:

Why is this person a good fit for the Master Educator program?



Grade Level(s):

Years Worked in Organization:

Why is this person a good fit for the Master Educator program?




Grade Level(s):

Years Worked in Organization:

Why is this person a good fit for the Master Educator program?


  1. How do you hope participating in this program will advance your school and/or district?
  1. Does your school and/or district participate in other similar professional development programs for teachers and/or administrators? If so, please describe how the Master Educator program will work in conjunction with these efforts.
  1. How will this team work together to implement sustainable practices within your school and/or district?
  1. In your role as an administrator, how will you demonstrate support for the work of this group within your school and/or district over the 2017-2018 academic year?


As a leader of this school or district, I commit to supporting the aforementioned teachers and administrators to implement evidence-based changes to their teaching and administrative practices and culture, to better align our practices with scientific research. Our school or district will make arrangements for these individuals to be available to participate full three full PD days at The Franklin Institute during the 2017-2018 school year on the following dates: Oct 17, Jan 16, and May 24 (subject to change). We commit to paying The Franklin Institute $1500 per person to participate in this program by July 11, 2017. Please explain below if additional time is needed for payment, and why.

Total Cost for Team*☐*I am applying for a scholarship (see next page)

Name of Authorizing Official

Title of Authorizing Official



Signature of Authorizing Official

Additional Notes (if needed):


To be considered for a scholarship, you must represent a public, charter, or parochial school in Philadelphia, PA or Camden, NJ. Please complete the page below and submit with your application materials.

  1. Student Population Statistics:

% Free and Reduced Lunch

% Special Education Students

% English Language Learners

  1. Why do you believe your schoolshould be selected to receive this scholarship?
  1. How would participation in this program benefit the staff and students in your school?
  1. Which strategies will you use to sustain what is learned through this program in future years at your school?