The Leadership Development Centre Membership Rules
1.1The Leadership Development Centre Trust (LDC), registered Charitable Trust number 618771, was established by deed of trust dated 22 July 1994 (Trust Deed) and is governed by a board of trustees (Board) in accordance with the Trust Deed.
1.2LDC provides a centre for the promotion of excellence in the education, training and development of public sector leaders and senior managers.
1.3LDC's vision is for the public sector to have a world-class leadership system and a pool of talented current and future leaders.
1.4Its mission is to deepen the pool of leaders who lead the public sector and achieve results for New Zealanders.
1.5Its core purpose is to assist chief executives to fulfil their responsibility to develop senior leadership and management capability within their organisations, and support the State Services Commissioner to implement a leadership strategy.
1.6New Zealand public sector organisations may become members of LDC on the terms and conditions of these rules which have been made by the Board pursuant to clause4.2 of the Trust Deed.
2.1Membership of LDC will be open to any New Zealand public sector organisation and entitles Chief Executives and senior leaders from member organisations to access LDC resources, research, advice, brokering and leadership development programmes.
New members
2.2To become a member, a New Zealand public sector organisation must agree to these rules, pay the Annual Membership Levy in accordance with these Rules and provide LDC with any other information reasonably required.
Classes of membership
2.3The Board may define classes of membership and associated rights for each class will be notified to Members.
Annual Membership Levy
2.4The Annual Membership Levywill be set from time to time by the Board and is payable in advance by 1 July in the relevant year for the following 12 month period. If a public sector organisation wishes to become a member part-way through a year, the Annual Membership Levy will be payable pro-rata for the remaining months of the relevant year.
Register of members
2.5LDCwill keep and maintain a register of members in which will be entered the full name, address and date of entry of each member and the register will be available for inspection by members upon request.
Resignation of member
2.6A public sector organisationmay resign fromits membership ofLDC by giving notice in writing to LDC of its resignation.
2.7LDCwill record in the register of members the date on which the public sector organisationceased to be a member.
2.8A public sector organisation which has resigned from its membership of LDCwill cease to hold itself out as a member of LDC and willhave no rights to participate in any activity as a member ofLDC.
Readmission of former members
2.9Any public sector organisation which was formerly a member of LDCmay apply for readmission as a member in the manner prescribed for admission of new members.
Obligations of membership
2.10Members must promote the purpose of LDC and do nothing to bring LDC into disrepute.
2.11Members must treat all information relating to commercial arrangements entered into by LDC as strictly confidential and must not disclose any information regarding LDC to any third party without the prior written approval of LDC.
3Annual General Meeting
3.1LDCwill convene an annual general meeting of its membersin each calendar year. The ordinary business of the annual general meeting is as follows:
3.1.1to confirm the minutes of the last annual general meeting and any general meeting held since that meeting;
3.1.2to receive from the Board reports on the transactions of LDC during the last financial year; and
3.1.3to elect MemberTrustees to the Board in accordance with the Trust Deed.
3.2The meeting may also transact any special business of which notice is given in accordance with these rules.
Use of funds
4.1Notwithstanding any other provision, LDC will only use its money to further purposes recognised by law and approved by the Board. No money of LDC is to be applied for the sole personal or individual benefit of any member.
4.2All LDC property is held on trust in accordance with the Trust Deed.
4.3LDC is not intended to be for profit and if in a financial year, after retaining in reserve such sum as the Board considers reasonable, LDC has surplus funds, the Board will, at its discretion:
4.3.1reduce the Annual Membership Levy for one or more future years;and/or
4.3.2direct that such surplus funds be used within a defined period for purposes in furtherance of the objects of LDC as set out in the Trust Deed.
Alteration of rules
4.4These rules may be altered, added to or rescinded by the Board and notice of any changes will be given to members.
Liability of members
4.5No member will be under any liability in respect of any contract or other obligation made or incurred by LDC unless that member is a party to such contract or other obligation in which case the terms of that arrangement will prevail.
Winding up
4.6Any winding up of LDC will be conducted in accordance with the Trust Deed.
Application for membership of the Leadership Development Centre
(Full name of public sector organisation applicant)
applies for membership of the Leadership Development Centre and agrees to be bound by the rules of LDC.
Signature of applicant's authorised representative