Summer 2014

JVS/Chabot College RN Refresher Program

Apply today!


JVS, in collaboration with Chabot College and Alameda Health System, offers a 10-week training program for Registered Nurses who were trained abroad and are facing barriers to employment in the U.S. If you want a nursing skills brush-up and one-on-one job search assistance to re-enter the nursing field, then this opportunity is for you! This is a reputable program that has been offered for the past 6 years.

The RN Refresher Program offered at Chabot College is funded by the Y & H Soda Foundation, Bernard Osher Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, and Mt. Zion Health Fund who recognize that foreign-educated nurses face many barriers to finding employment upon arrival to the U.S. Therefore, the class is geared toward foreign-educated nurses who have not yet practiced as RNs in the U.S. and who live in the East Bay.

The program will include:

  • The 1 unit RN Refresher Course with 48 hours each of classroom and skills lab training at Chabot College & 140 clinical hours at Highland Hospital
  • Part of the clinical rotations will use a preceptor model!
  • General support in completing the course, such as individualized coaching and referral to resources
  • Job search and placement assistance – we’ll help you get your first or next RN job!

Application Process

This is a rolling application process and all candidates who meet the eligibility requirements will be considered for the program. Applicants must submit their complete application by the application deadline: March 5, 2014. Applicants can apply to only one of the JVS RN Refresher programs that are being offered. Due to the high volume of anticipated applications, incomplete applications will not be considered for the program.

Program Eligibility Requirements

  • Foreign-educated RNs who are East Bay residents without current nursing employment are preferred for the open program spots
  • Must possess and submit proof of RN nursing license from California (valid or expired)
  • High-advanced English as a Second Language placement results (required if English is not your primary language; if you studied your ADN or BSN in Nursing in the English language, this requirement can be waived as long as you provide proof of that)
  • Work authorization and a valid social security number

Program Eligibility Requirements, continued

  • Valid American Heart Association CPR certification (BLS)
  • Ability to pass a background check, drug screen. Ability to provide clear and current medical exam results.


  • Full participation in educational and job search components of the program (adherence to a very strict attendance policy). Students must complete a job search portfolio.
  • Regular communication with JVS and Chabot College staff for up to 1 year after you are placed in an RN job

Class Schedule

The 2014 summer cycle will be offered from approximately June 2- August 12. For the first half of the program, you’ll be expected to be available for class, skills lab, and clinical rotations Monday, Tuesday, and Friday days and Wednesday and Thursday days and evenings. For the last five weeks of the program, you’ll be expected to be available seven days and evenings a week for a mix of class, skills lab, and preceptorship. Class and skills lab will be held at Chabot and clinical rotation hours (to take place in Medical/Surgical and other units) will be scheduled at Alameda Health System (AHS), depending on preceptor work schedules and floor availability. The clinical rotation slots will likely be days and evenings, but may also be nights. Flexible schedules will be required for those who enter the program, as clinical hours will be scheduled much like those of a working nurse. Days and hours for clinical rotations and precepted hours are subject to change.


Most of the RN Refresher fees are covered by funding from foundations and private donors. The total cost to you for the RN Refresher program should be no more than $500 including books, supply kit, mask fit, medical and dental examinations, testing fees and background check/drug screen. Students need to provide their own white uniforms and shoes, and will be expected to pay all transportation costs.

*You will need a physical examination, dental examination and immunization record completed in order to take this course. Physical exam forms MUST be 100% completed before beginning the program.

Confidentiality Disclosure

This application and supplemental documentation will be shared with representatives from Chabot College for the purposes of application to the RN Refresher course only. Chabot College strictly follows the Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA), which protects you as a student.


Please complete this application in full and provide all required documentation

Applicant Information

First Name:Click here to enter text. / Last Name:Click here to enter text.
Street Address: Click here to enter text.
City, State: Click here to enter text.
Zip Code: Click here to enter text.
Home Phone: Click here to enter text. Cell phone: Click here to enter text.
Email Address: Click here to enter text.
Date of arrival in the U.S. (if applicable) :Click here to enter text.
Primary languages spoken:Click here to enter text.

Are you currently or have you ever been a JVS client? _Click here to enter text.______

If so, who was your main contact at JVS? _Click here to enter text.______

How did you hear about this course? _Click here to enter text.______

Have you ever applied to an RN Refresher course before?

☐Yes When? _Click here to enter text.______Where? _Click here to enter text.______

☐ No

Have you ever participated in an RN Refresher or re-entry course before?

☐Yes When? _Click here to enter text._____ Where? __Click here to enter text.______

☐ No

Part 1: Education and Training

What was the name of your RN nursing school? _Click here to enter text.______

Where was it located? _Click here to enter text.______

What year did you graduate? _Click here to enter text.______

How long was the program? _Click here to enter text.______

Do you currently have an active CA RN license? __Click here to enter text.______

If expired or inactive, when do you anticipate your license will be valid/active again? __Click here to enter text.______

How would you rate your basic computer skills on a scale from 1-10 (1 being poor, 10 being excellent)? _Click here to enter text._

  • Using a mouse (1-10) Click here to enter text.__
  • Typing (1-10) Click here to enter text.__
  • Internet navigation (1-10) Click here to enter text.___

How would you rate your medical math skills (drug dosage calculations, etc.) on a scale from 1-10 (1 being poor, 10 being excellent)? Click here to enter text.____

Part 1: Education and Training (Continued)

Have you ever participated in a nursing program in the U.S or received any other training beyond a basic nursing program? If yes, please describe.

Part 2: Nursing Work Experience

Please describe in detail your professional nursing experience both in the U.S. and in your native country, if applicable. Include your positions, years and areas of work (e.g. medical/surgical, pediatrics, operating room, clinic, etc.). What are your career goals? You may use a separate sheet if necessary.

What kind of work are you doing now? Please attach a resume.

Part 3: Personal Statement

Why do you want to enter this program? What would you like to gain from the RN Refresher Course? What would you like the RN Refresher Course staff to know about you? You may use a separate sheet if necessary.

Part 4: Supplemental Intake Questionnaire

Section A- Work and School Load

1. How many hours per week are you currently working or attending school?Click here to enter text.

2. Do you plan on changing or reducing your work or school hours when the RN Refresher program begins?

☐Yes ☐ No ☐ Maybe (Please Explain)

3. Have you talked to your employer about applying for this program?

☐Yes ☐ No

  1. How many hours per week are you planning on working while participating in the RN Refresher program?Click here to enter text.

*Flexible schedules will be required for those who enter the program, as clinical hours will be scheduled much like those of a working nurse.

Section B- Family Responsibilities

  1. Do you have children below the age of 18 or an adult dependent you must care for?

☐Yes ☐ No

  1. If yes, how many? _Click here to enter text.______
  1. Do you have help with the care of your children or adult dependent(s)?Click here to enter text.

Section C- Transportation

  1. What city do you live in?Click here to enter text.
  1. How do you plan to get to class, and how long do you estimate it will take you? Click here to enter text.
  1. How do you plan to get to the clinical sites, and how long do you estimate it will take you?Click here to enter text.

Applicant Checklist

Required documents:

☐ Completed JVS application form

☐ Copy of CA RN nursing license

☐ Copy of overseas RN License (required if you are a foreign-trained RN)

☐ Proof of eligibility to work in the United States

-U.S. passport or

-Green Card or

-valid Social Security card and Driver’s license

☐ ESL placement results (required if English is not your primary language) **see more info below

☐ Copy of valid American Heart Association Health Care Provider CPR certification (BLS)

☐ Resume

Recommended documents:

☐ Copy of nursing transcripts

If you are eligible, have submitted all of the required documents, and are selected to move forward with the application process, you will have a:

☐ Math and computer skills assessment

☐ Phone screen with the JVS RN Refresher Program Coordinator and others

☐ Enrollment session with the JVS RN Refresher Program Coordinator and others

Upon acceptance, you will be required to:

Attend an orientation at Chabot College approximately one month before the class starts

Pay for and do a mask fit at ACMC the week before class starts (more information to come on this); this will likely happen the same day as the ACMC orientation

Complete and pass an at home self-paced electronic medical record training before class begins

Provide a completed physical examination and immunization record completed by a medical provider. (The physical examination form will be mailed upon acceptance to the program.) Physical exams are given low cost the first week of classes to those students who paid student health fees.

Provide a completed background check and drug screening (The website to make your appointment will be given to you upon acceptance to the program.)

Additional steps may come up as well.

Notes about the CCSF ESL placement test:

You may use any of the following ESL test results as proof of your English level:

  • CELSA------score of 73 or higher
  • TOEFL iBT (internet-based exam)------score of 61 or higher
  • City College------score of 150 or higher

All ESL placement tests are administered for a fee at the English Center.

Location: Jack London Square

66 Franklin Street, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607

Call the following number to make an appointment for testing: (510) 836-6700.

Please submit complete applications via email, fax, or mail to:

RN Refresher Program

Attn: Annie Nogg

225 Bush St. Suite #400

San Francisco, CA 94104

Fax: (415) 391-3617

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, March 5th