Juvenile Justice System Improvement Planning Project

The Rehabilitation Administration’s Office of Juvenile Justice received a 2 year grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to support a Statewide Juvenile Justice System Improvement Planning Project. The projectaims atdeveloping statewide strategies that would reduce the out-of-home placement of youth who commit status and low-level offenses, and explore ways to reduce racial disparity in juvenile justice referral and detention. Part of the OJJDP Planning Grant requirements includes working with Council of State Governments Justice Center who serves as Technical Assistance (TA) for the project.

Year One(2017)

Stakeholder and Community Engagement, Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment

The planning process is a statewide coordinated process inclusive of institutions, organizations, and communities/individuals involved and impacted by the system. A strategic Task Force with over 50 representatives is the driver of the planning process bringing diverse and informed discussions to the table representing WAJCA leadership and members, court administrators, legislators, defense attorneys, prosecutors, judges, community members, youth and families, detention administrators, county probation managers, law enforcement, educators, and community-based organizations. The Task Force is chaired by retired Supreme Court Justice Bobbe J. Bridge who is the founding CEO and President of the Center for Children & Youth Justice.

Since the project’s launch event in March 2017 the Task Force has met bi-monthly to build collaborations, engage in community forums, participate in technical assistance interviews, and gain insights to the system processes and practices including presentations such as innovative community-based programming by King County Juvenile Justice Equity Steering Committee members, and system, practices, and smart on juvenile justice focus by Washington Association of Juvenile Court Administrators representatives.

Year Two (2018)

Inclusive Discussion/Work Sessions, System Improvements Planning & Development

On January 26, 2018, Technical Assistance Team presented their key findings, resource materials, and suggestions. Presentation was centered on three primary areas:

  • Diversion
  • Detention
  • Racial & Ethnic Disparities

What are some of the next steps following the presentation?

  • Review TA Powerpoint Presentation and Video Recorded Presentation.
  • Schedule a meeting/group session with the Office of Juvenile Justice – to reflect/discuss on what we learn, post clarifying questions, explore partnership opportunities, etc.
  • Join one or more working groups that focused on the core areas of the System Improvement Project:
  • Strengthen the diversion of youth who commit status and low level misdemeanor offenses from court involvement,
  • Support strategies that reduce the use of detention for youth who commit status and low level misdemeanor offenses,
  • Integrate racial and ethnic disparities reduction strategies and practices broadly and deeply in the system.

Contact Vazaskia Crockrell, Director, Office of Juvenile Justice, and/or Alice Coil, Grant Coordinator, Office of Juvenile Justice, , for more information about next steps and how to get involved.