Debra Cunningham

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Last modified: 4/19/10

Website Portfolio Rubric
Presenter:______Points Possible:______
Categories / Advanced (25) / Proficient (18-24) / Acceptable (9-17) / Unacceptable (0-8)
Score: _____ / Very detailed coverage of topic; contains sound research-based information; all required items included and properly linked; all items suitable to intended audience; all items applicable to unit / Detailed coverage of topic; contains credible research-based information; required items included and properly linked; items suitable to intended audience and applicable to unit / Fairly detailed coverage of topic; contains quasi- credible research-based information; some items suitable to intended audience; somewhat applicable to unit / Minimal coverage of topic; research-based information lacks credibility;
Few or no items suitable to intended audience; minimally or not applicable to unit
Score: _____ / No errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, or spelling; very good sentence structure; colorful word usage choices / Two or fewer mechanical errors; good sentence structure; good word usage choices / Three or fewer mechanical errors; fair sentence structure; fair word usage choices / Four or more mechanical errors; poor sentence structure; poor word usage choices
Score: _____ / Extremely professional layout; easy navigation; fast-loading links; excellent use of appropriate graphics, fonts, and borders; attractive and balanced overall / Good professional layout; easy navigation; fast-loading links; good use of appropriate graphics, fonts, and borders; attractive and balanced / Fair professional layout; easy navigation; fast-loading links; fair use of appropriate graphics, fonts, and borders; attractive and somewhat balanced / Poor professional layout; awkward navigation; slow-loading links; poor use of graphics, fonts, and borders; not very attractive; not well balanced
Score: _____ / Very reputable affiliation; easily identifiable author; no bias; verification of currency; no pop-ups, ads, or gimmicks / Reputable affiliation; identifiable author; no bias; verification of currency; one or fewer pop-ups, ads, or gimmicks / Questionable reputable affiliation; identifiable author; some bias; questionable verification of currency; 2 or fewer pop-ups, ads, or gimmicks / Little or no reputable affiliation; author difficult to identify; much bias; little or no verification of currency; 3 or more pop-ups, ads, or gimmicks