Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet

St. Louis Province

Justice Coordinator Position

Job Description

Title: Justice Coordinator

Role Description: facilitates Sisters and Associates in work toward unity with the Dear Neighbor, through individual and collective works of justice in deed and prayer; does advocacy and networking with others on the local, national and international levels on specific issues of justice determined through Acts of Chapter; serves as staff person with the Justice Committee and Province Committee on Responsible Investing and coordinates with Kinship With Creation Committee.

Accountability: reports to the Province Leadership Team


Knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching and current materials from USCC

Understanding of CSJ charism and Acts of Chapter

Knowledge of current justice issues at global, national and local levels

Experience working with passion for justice ‘in the long haul’

Good communication skills: interpersonal, writing, public speaking, computer competent

Education, Training, Experience:

Experience networking with multifaceted justice organizations and diverse populations

Responsibilities - Planning and Administration

  1. Facilitate Justice Committee with chairwoman
  2. Facilitate Tabitha Grant committee, with Carol Underhill as staff and PLT
  3. Plan and implement advocacy, action and communication on issues of Mission and Justice with Sisters and Associates
  4. Provide information and action opportunities to the Province community
  5. Province News Notes
  6. weekly email, action alerts
  7. Plan and execute prayer opportunities, with Motherhouse liturgist: Lenten program, UN Day of Peace, significant dates of justice events, MO executions
  8. Collaborate and serve as staff with
  9. Province
  10. PCRI – Province committee on Responsible Investments
  11. MCRI – Midwest Coalition on Responsible Investments
  12. Corporate Response Fund distribution
  13. Intercommunity Justice Ministry with LCWR Region X
  14. Agenda committee
  15. Tabitha

b.Congregation and Federation Justice Coordinators, UN-NGO Ministry

6. Build and maintain active relationship with justice/mission person at sponsored institutions

Responsibilities – Consultation and Communication

  1. Provide opportunities for CSJ’s and Associates
  2. to choose personal transformation, consciousness raising and to do acts of justice
  3. Encourage Sisters and Associates to integrate faith, prayer and action in areas of justice; (deepen understanding of CSJ charism of right relationships, involving both charity/direct service and justice/systemic change)
  4. Collaborate with other agencies/congregations on issues of justice relating to Acts of Chapter and the CSJ charism
  5. Significant, credible ‘issue-focused’ groups: NETWORK, Pax Christi, Amnesty International, Catholic Charities, etc.
  6. Congregation & Federation –
  7. UN/NGO issues: MDG’s, women & children, poverty and Environmental justice, Catholic Campaign against Poverty
  8. Trafficking of human persons
  9. Immigration and refugees, USCC’s Justice for Immigrants, SOAW – WHINSEC
  10. Abolish death penalty sentencing
  11. Advocate on behalf of those in need at local, state and federal levels
  12. Letters, phone calls, meetings with elected officials and collaborating groups
  13. Model right relationship
  14. conversations and public witness
  15. Provide ongoing affirmation to the works of justice currently being done in the Province.
  16. Raise consciousness of common thread (of affirmation) from the Federation UN-NGO ministry, MDG’s, Earth Charter, and among Congregation Justice Coordinators.
  17. Letter writing advocacy “as part of the US Federation and the over 600 Sisters and Associates of the St. Louis Province” to federal, state and local officials on a wide range of justice issues including Earth, death penalty, globalization, multicultural diversity and racism, violence against women and children.
  18. Plan and/or attend prayer vigils, rallies and services, legislative lobby days
  19. Monthly “Justice Hour” at Nazarethto include videos, letter writing, and slide presentations providing residents with an opportunity for learning, prayer and action on issues of justice
  20. Missouri Moratorium on the death Penalty - Eastern MO coalition Board

Updated Sept 2011

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