From: Rao Bandla <
To: [NHA] Ledger, Laurie; >; Collier, Alyce; Amanda Emery <>; Andrea O'Shaughnessy <>; ; [VCH] Bisaillon, Andrea [VA]; [VCH] Realubit, Bee-Jay [VA]; [VCH] Imai, Carol [PH]; [IHA] Garber, Carrie Mae; [VCH] Chau, Cindy [PH]; ; [VCH] Landsberg, David Dr. [PH]; Elizabeth Magee <>; [VCH] Ng, Eric [PH]; [VCH] Greanya, Erica [VA]; [VCH] Kumano, Erica [PH]; Ortega, Ferdinand; ; Irwin, Linda; [VCH] Emerton, Jan [VA]; [VCH] Shapiro, Jean [VA]; [VCH] McTavish, Joan [VA]; [VCH] Harrigan, Jo-Ann [VA]; Jodi Jantzen <>; ; ; Kathy Souka <>; ; ; Laurie Robson <>; ; [IHA] Neufeld, Lois; Lori-Jay Dornan () <>; Barnes, Lynette; Man Ling Lee <>; [IHA] Lewis, Maureen; ; Matsuda-Abedini, Mina; Mirek Piaseczny <>; [VCH] Nussbaumer, Gary Dr. [PH]; ; Richardson, Penny; Lewis, Seona; [VCH] Duncan, Sharon [VA]; ; ; [IHA] Bannerman, Sue; [IHA] Buckley, Teresa; [IHA] Pentland, Teri; ; Armbruster, Tracey; [VCH] Javerina, Violet [VA];
Sent: Tue Jul 12 21:48:36 2011
Subject: Flowsheet updates


Just wanted to update you regarding changesmade today to the flowsheet logic.

Liver flowsheet has been enhanced to include required labs that were not available in the previous version. The sequence of the data fields has also been modified, clinicians will find relevant information grouped together to facilitate its review at a glance. Many thanks to Dr Erb for his patience while we went through the various iterations of theflowsheet during its testing.

Daily dose shown in landscape version: Since many of the doses are in mg, users requested that units be only shown if the dose is something other than mg. Changes have been made accordingly and a note has been added at the bottom of the page to denote that default unit is mg

Positive and Negative values shown in landscape version: Users advised that it is not needed to show the complete words and it is sufficient to show them as Pos, Neg respectively. This change alsomakes the flowsheet cell look cleaner.

A quick update also on the other activities:

Kidney Referral: The project sponsors announced last week that starting Sept 6th the Kidney Transplant Referral process will be paperless. In the meanwhile congratulations to Victoria clinic, 100% of their kidney transplant referrals are already being done using the referral module.

July 2011 Activation Release

The logic used to Activate patients to the Wait List is being moved to PROMIS with significant user requested enhancements. A new and improved Immunology screen is also being included with this release, this will allow the capture of cross match/cytotoxicity antibody information to current standards.

Canadian Blood Services (CBS) release

CBS is planning to release the first phase of their National Organ Waitlist (NOW) in October this year and suitable changes will be needed in PROMIS to ensure that BC users are able totake full advantage of the release. We are currently in the planning/business analysis phase.

Please let me know if you have any questions, thanks


(604) 682-2344 x66151