November Update
Just a wee update on the works, We have cleaned down the steps and route into phase 2 and Norrie has the DLO working to sort out lights ( maintenance )
In the meeting yesterday I raised concern that the lighting from the college to car park was also very poor, the SIC team agreed to instruct us to install extra lighting to provide better access / egress. I have also raised concerns of the lack of SIC gritting around the campus, I the meantime we will do some gritting at the site entrance and crossing point. It would be helpful is all users ( staff & students) use the red corridor this gives a fixed route that is much easier to maintain.
Work wise the roof is now on Phase 2 and wall start next week, these works are progressing well and fingers crossed we will have a good bit done prior to the winter break. The final decking is due this week and that will cover the area above the disabled entrance to PH2, we have carried out the first of 3 pours for the construction department floor and hope to have that fully complete prior to the break also.
You will see the stairs are in for Phase 2 this will give people the sense of a building, I am looking to have us closed in very early on in the new year and possibly get to a point where I can show a few lucky people around for those who may be interested in the construction of the buildings.
In the meantime I ask that everyone take extra care using the paths and roads around campus as the cold spell continues to create frost and ice hazards, looking at the long range forecast this is the start of a long and very cold winter so getting into the habit of allowing a little extra time and watching out for the ice is a good thing.
I have held of works to the entrance way until such time as I get more of the walls on and the cladding out of storage ( onsite ) I will look at this again in the coming month and look to action something early in the new-year, if you could action the move of the reception to coincide with the close down at winter that would help greatly.
Many thanks
Leejay Butcher
Mr Leejay Butcher
Construction Manager
Hunter & Morrisons
8 Blackhill Industrial Estate