Junior Survey – The Bishop’s School

1. Full name

2. Name you prefer to be called

3. Email Address

4. Please list siblings, age, and where they attend(ed) school.

5. Tell us about your parents - What do they do? Did your parents attend college? If so, where and what degrees did they earn?

6. When did you enter Bishop's?

7. What school did you attend prior to Bishop's?

8. Is English your first language?

9. Do you speak any language other than English?

10. Do you plan on applying for need-based financial aid for college?

11. What are your greatest academic, extra-curricular and/or personal strengths?

12. What specific experiences have been instrumental in developing these strengths?

13. What are your most significant academic and/or personal challenges? How do you work to overcome or cope with those challenges?

14. Colleges often ask us for several words to describe a student as well as an assessment of the applicant's leadership, confidence, warmth, concern for others and maturity. Considering this, what words would you use to describe yourself? How would you characterize your values and personality? Please be specific and cite examples of how or when you exhibit these qualities.

15. Assess your academic record. Is your transcript an accurate reflection of your abilities? Why or why not?

16. How have you spent your summers? What do you plan to do this coming summer?

17. Please list any academic work, including summer study or research, which you have done outside of Bishop's.

18. Please list any awards and/or honors you have earned.

19. Tell us about your extra-curricular activities, which encompasses anything you do outside of the classroom either at Bishop's or off-campus. How much time do you spend on these activities? Which one is most important to you?

20. Tell us about any leadership positions you hold in your extra-curricular activities. What is it about these positions that are important to you?

21. Do you want to continue any of these activities in college? If so, which ones?

22. What do you like to do for fun?

23. What is your potential college major and/or possible career goals?

24. What do you hope to gain from your time in college?

25. What characteristics do you think are important for your collegiate success? Consider qualities like type, size, location, religious affiliation, academic offerings and social atmosphere.

26. Which, if any, specific colleges would you like to consider and why?

27. If you could write your college recommendation, what qualities, experiences, or anecdotes would you emphasize?

28. Compare yourself now to the you of 9th grade. Explain in as much detail as possible one way in which you have changed and one way in which you have remained the same. Use examples.

29. Is there anything else (family background, personal experiences, special circumstances) that you would like your counselor to know about you?