Known Issues for V8.5.0.0 Combined CF07 (PI40843):
Problem 1: When viewing item references and selecting 'Show references to item' (incoming reference), the reference count on top displays the outgoing count.
Solution: This will be fixed in 8500 CF08.
Problem 2: While running import-library-copy task against a cluster with Virtual Portals, you can occasionally see the following message as the wsadmin task is unable to find the intended WCM library to import on the directory of the server.
[wsadmin] WASX7015E: Exception running command: "source "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/wcm/prereq.wcm/config/templates/wp_UploadWebContentLibrary.jacl""; exception information:
[wsadmin] error while eval'ing Jacl expression:
[wsadmin] java.rmi.RemoteException: EJPXC0014E: The scripting server is unable to select the virtual portal with the specified URL context VP002.
[wsadmin] while executing
[wsadmin] "$Portal login $PortalAdminId $PortalAdminPwd"
[wsadmin] (file "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/wcm/prereq.wcm/config/templates/wp_UploadWebContentLibrary.jacl" line 39)
[wsadmin] (file line 39)
[wsadmin] invoked from within
[wsadmin] "source "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/wcm/prereq.wcm/config/templates/wp_UploadWebContentLibrary.jacl""
Solution: You can eliminate this exception by copying the library import file onto the hard drive of all other nodes in the cluster into the same location in the file directory structure. Or alternatively mount the import file location on all Portal nodes in the cluster so that is it reachable from every node. This is expected to be resolved in 8500 CF08.
Problem 3: The Theme Analyzer Validation Report may show errors for 'wp_worklight_ext' for mobilefirst70.json after a CF07 rollback.
Solution: Any errors that reference mobilefirst70.json can safely be ignored and will be resolved in 8500 CF08.

Problem 4: On a clustered Windows system with a remote WAS Deployment Manager, there may be a failure seen when running the 'Create a Cluster' process thru the Config Wizard.
Specifically, this can occur on 'Step 4 Complete the cluster setup' if the step fails with an error in the SystemOut.log indicating the wpsadmins group doesn't exist:
*** EJPSG0002E: The requested Member cn=wpsadmins,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm does not exist.
This could indicate there was a problem with the deployment manager profile augmentation.
Solution: Take the following actions to workaround the problem:
1. Ensure the Deployment Manager is Started.
2. On a Command window of the DM server, go to /bin, and issue the following command:
manageprofiles.bat -augment -templatePath /profileTemplates/management.portal.augment -profileName 3. Restart Deployment Manager.
4. Then, execute 'Step 4 Complete the cluster setup' again.
Problem 5: If Portal is running on WAS level, there may be a failure seen during Portal profile creation.
This may correspondingly be encountered during additional nodes setup in a clustered environment.
Solution: Applying WAS iFix PI37248 should resolve this issue.
Problem 6: The upgrade of Script Portlet PAA, from a previous version, may fail to import the new WCM Script Portlet Library.
The following error may be seen:
Invalid XML. javax.jcr.ItemExistsException: RT7028E: A node or property already exists at path:
/contentRoot/icm:libraries[13]/Content/script portlet library site area/script portlet content item
The WCM Library Import task may fail if importing a library over an existing library with the same library and artifact names, but where the unique id of one of the artifacts (component, content item, etc.) differs.
Solution: Investigate the ConfigTrace.log and Portal SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log for details of the cause of the error.
Determine the Script Portlet Library artifact causing the collision, via the error information obtained from the logs, if possible, and delete or rename that artifact and then try the install again.
To avoid seeing the issue, it is recommended to not delete or rename and then recreate any of the out of the box artifacts that are installed with the Script Portlet Library.

Problem 7: For IBM i only: May have the following error when running APPLY-FIX when Portal databases have been transfer to IBM i DB2 using type 4 driver:

[importNodeTypes] SEVERE: RT0022E: Failed to initialize pool with minimum number of free connections

[importNodeTypes] Relational database "hostname" not in relational database directory.

Solution: Run the following steps then rerun APPLY-FIX

1.  Start a 5250 session on the database machine.

2.  Type the IBM i command WRKRDBDIRE to display the Relational Database Directory Entry for Location *LOCAL and make a note of the value displayed.

3.  Sign off from the 5250 session.

4.  Start a 5250 session on the machine where WebSphere Portal is installed.

5.  Create a Relational Database Directory Entry on the system where WebSphere Portal is installed for the database system using IBM i command WRKRDBDIRE.

6.  Add an entry with the following values:
Relational database: The relational database. Use the value noted from the prior step.
Relational database alias: The hostname. Use the short TCP/IP hostname of the database system.
Remote location: The domain qualified hostname. Use the full TCP/IP hostname of the database system.
Type: IP
Port number or service name: DRDA
Remote authentication method: Preferred method: ENCRYPTED
Allow lower authentication: ALWLOWER

Problem 8: The drag and drop feature of the Toolbar does not work with Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer version 9.
Solution: The Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer issue will be resolved in the next cumulative fix.
Problem 9: The Live Repository will not show any available packages to be updated when selecting the IIM Preferences checkbox: "Search service repositories during installation and updates."
Solution: IBM Installation Manager (IIM) should be updated to the latest level, at least IIM 1.8, for the packages to be displayed.

Problem 10: The APPLY-FIX task may fail with an error like the following:


[echo] /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/deploytool/scripts/install/

--- Exception Thrown ---

/usr/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/installer/wp.update/config/includes/cumulative_fix.xml:302: The directory you specified does not exist.

Solution: Portal Server requires the optional WebSphere Application Server EJBDeploy tool, and the above error will occur if this tool is not installed. To resolve the error, use IBM Installation Manager to modify your copy of WebSphere Application Server and add the feature named "EJBDeploy tool for pre-EJB 3.0 modules".
Problem 11: If you have a modified context root, the addtosametimelist and peoplePicker portlets may revert back to /wps after the 8500 CF04 install.
Solution: Run the following steps:

1.  cd <wp_profile>/bin

2.  ./|bat

3.  Look at <wp_profile>/config/cells/plugin-cfg.xml and make sure the context root for PA_Add_to_Sam_st_Portlet portlet and PA_People_Picker_App portlet is /wps (not the custom context root)

4.  cd <wp_profile>/ConfigEngine

5.  ./|.bat action-modify-servlet-path-people.impl/addtosametimelist/portlet -DPortalAdminPwd=<password> -DWasPassword=<password

6.  ./|.bat action-modify-servlet-path-people.impl/picker/portlet -DPortalAdminPwd=<password> -DWasPassword=<password

7.  cd <wp_profile>/bin

8.  ./|bat

9.  Look at <wp_profile>/config/cells/plugin-cfg.xml and make sure the context root for PA_Add_to_Sam_st_Portlet portlet and PA_People_Picker_App portlet is your custom context root.

Problem 12: XMLAccess import with a URI parameter specifying a non-existent VP may not throw an error and instead change the default VP.
Solution: Reference the following technote for more information on how to apply PI31398 as a solution to avoid this issue.

Problem 13: The IBM Installation Manager GUI may hang or crash on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v6.6 during the Portal update process.
Solution: There are potentially two issues at work. The first is an eclipse bug caused by an infinite loop in code that tries to enumerate printers:
This first issue can be resolved by updating your Installation Manager client to v1.8 or later.
If updating your client is not a viable option at the moment, you can alternatively work around the problem by adding the following line to the /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/IBMIM.ini file:
The second issue is caused by a different eclipse bug, related to a mismatch between the GTK version and the "cairo" library. The resolution is to update the cairo libraries, as described in this IBM TechNote:
Problem 14: Update to Portal CF03 or later may fail on Solaris OS if WAS / WAS / WAS is already applied on the system due to a potential WAS RMIC compiler issue.
Solution: Before applying CF03 or later, apply the following WAS fixes:

·  For WAS, apply iFixes PI20796 and PI20797

·  For WAS or WAS, apply iFix PI20796

Problem 15: Starting Portal Farm node may result in Error 500 when accessing Portal.
Solution: Please see the following technote for more details and resolution.

Problem 16: Portal toolbar may be missing after migration to Portal 8500 CF02.
Solution: This will be targeted to be fixed in 8500 CF05.
Please see the following technote for details and resolution:
Problem 17: Database Transfer to the z/OS DB2 systems fails when the DB Admin users are different from the DB Config users defined in the Configuration Wizard.
Solution: Portal 8.5 CF03 or later is required for Database Transfer to the z/OS DB2 systems, in the case where the DB Admin users are different from the DB Config users defined in the Configuration Wizard.
Problem 18: If you do a database transfer to z/OS DB2 after installing Portal 8.5 GA and before updating to CF01, the schema name used for JCR indices will be the config user name instead of the designated schema name, resulting in potential duplicate entries if more than one portal uses the same z/OS DB2. The schema name is supposed to be sufficient for uniquely configuring multiple Portals to the same z/OS DB2 and it is very possible that the same config user could be used for both Portals.
Solution: Apply Portal 8.5 CF01 or later prior to doing a database transfer to z/OS DB2.
Problem 19: Portal 8.5 CF Update on IBM i does not report Configuration Wizard update failures. After a Portal 8.5 CF Update on IBM i, there is no indication from Installation Manager of Configuration Wizard update failures. The file /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V85/ND/profiles/cw_profile/ConfigEngine/log/ConfigTrace.log may show errors like this:
/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/PortalServer/V85/ConfigEngine/config/includes/default_cfg.xml:884: /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V85/ND/profiles/cw_profile/ConfigEngine/properties/ (The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.)
Solution: Before running a Portal 8.5 CF Update on IBM i, issue the following command from qshell:
chown QEJBSVR /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V85/ND/profiles/cw_profile/ConfigEngine/properties/
This will be targeted to be fixed in 8500 CF03.
Problem 20: After installing and rolling back the Cumulative Fix, you may observe error messages similar to the following in the Installation Manager if you subsequently uninstall Portal 8.5:
Basedir /usr/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile does not exist
Basedir /usr/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile does not exist
Solution: The product will be successfully uninstalled despite these messages, so you can safely choose to ignore them. The errors will be avoided if you uninstall Portal 8.5 without first rolling back the Cumulative Fix.
Problem 21: IBM Installation Manager version 1.7.1 crashes with JVM Error when running WebSphere Portal rollback in GUI Mode
Solution: Upgrade Installation Manager to version 1.7.3 and retry the rollback. See this link for more details:
Problem 22: After installing or rolling back the cumulative fix, you may observe error messages similar to the following in the Installation Manager log file:
Installation Manager cannot remove feature Portal Server Profile during the Update or Rollback.
Installation Manager cannot add feature Create a new Deployment Manager Profile augmented with WebSphere Portal during the Update or Rollback.
Solution: These messages do not indicate a problem. To prevent a configuration error, you are prevented from changing your feature selections when performing an update. If you want to add or drop a portal or deployment manager profile, you must select the Modify function of Installation Manager instead.