June 26th, 2016 Issue #128 The Iris The Body Glyphix Studio


What beautiful weather we have had! Not so much for those of us challenged by the constantly high pollen count. Stay in the loop with the Pollen Count and Detail link on my website:

Simply enter your zip code and then click on the detail link to know why you are feeling tired, sneezy, itchy watery eyes, etc. I like to know what’s messing with me. Today in Wales it’sgrass, plantain & dock.

And pickup some Nature’s Sunshine Histablock! It’s a natural way to block the histamine response that makes you react to the invading pollens. We have it in stock at the Studio or call the company direct 1-800-453-1422 tell them you would like to place an order and that Body Glyphix said to call. Get your products at my cost and save $$$.


There will not be Yoga Monday July 4th

But Join Us for a Special Class Saturday July 2nd

“Emancipate Yourself”

Bob Marley & the Wailers Music

As Americans turn to backyard barbeques, family picnics, fireworks etc- we can also look at Independence Day (Independence, Freedom, Liberation~Moshka in Sanskrit.) Most cultures take time to celebrate a form of letting go and feeling open and alive to possibility, and it seems the height of summer is the perfect time for this expression. Your pores are open and warmed by the sun, encouraging your body to release spiritual, emotional & physical toxins, the days are long and, in most places, the weather is inviting.

What to do to disentangle ourselves from our oppressors?

What are our oppressions anyway, and why do we feel tangled in the first place? Yoga can help answer all of the above. Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song” “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.”

This will be our mantra in class Saturday July2nd at 10:00AM. Any obstacle I perceive has been placed there by me, and I can also choose to remove it. My morning yoga practice, of course, will be my revolution.

Today I celebrate independence from the mind stuff, vritti. I will not allow myself to be worried about the extra traffic before a holiday weekend…or the longer lines at the grocery store, or the wait at the bank or how people are so in a hurry all around me. These things are fun and they are choices.

We will enjoy my liberation with breath, movement, and reggae.

What does it mean when you wake up at the same time?Waking Between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm
This is the most typical bedtime period for most people. Having trouble to fall asleep during this time probably is a sign of stress and worries from the day. Exercises of successive muscle tension and relaxation are recommended for helping you sleep. Also meditating and positive mantras are important too.
Waking between 11:00 pm and 1:00 am
Waking at this time is a sign that the gall bladder is active, which according to the ancient Chinese medicine is associated with emotional disappointment. In order to go to back to sleep you should practice forgiveness of others and yourself and also a self – acceptance.
Waking Between 1:00 am and 3:00 am
According to the Chinese medicine walking in this time is associated with the liver which is connected with emotions of anger. Drink cold water and take control over the situation that make you angry, and this will, eventually,helpyou sleep better.
Waking between 3:00 am and 5:00 am
Pay attention if you are waking up in the period between 3 am and 5 am, because this might be a sign that the Divine Power is sending messages to help you to connect withyourhigher purpose. Chinese medicine assumes that waking up at this time is also associated with the energy zenith that runs through the lungs which is connected with emotion of sadness. In order to sleep better try breathing slowly and deeply and pray the Divine Power within you to protect you and help you.
Waking between 5:00 AM and 7:00 AM Early mornings are associated with emotional blockages and problems with large intestines. In order to go to back to sleep trystretching your muscles or use the bathroom.This phenomenon of waking up suddenly is called sleep inertia. We are not capable of intelligent thoughts or making important decisions because the prefrontal cortex is not awake yet.
Waking every night at the same time is a sign from the Divine Power that you need to change something. You are receiving messages about your path, and about the spiritual journey that you are on. You are here tolearnand develop the best version of yourself. Being aware of your higher purpose is part of this process.______
Grow Plants that are Natural Mosquito Repellents

BUG BITES ANYONE? How to Avoid & Treat

To keep those pests at bay- try eating lots of garlic, also taking Vitamin Band C internally. People who are Vitamin B deficient tend to get bitten by mosquitoes, natty bugs and black flies. Spraying Lavender, Nature’s Sunshine Tei Fu mixed with water and sprayed on skin and clothes also keeps them away. To make a child safe, non-toxic mosquito repellant, mix four ounces of purified water in a glass bottle with about 10 drops of lavender oil. I like to mix with Tei Fu or or Lavender- basically one of those or all of those. Grandmothers always said don't eat bananas if you are going to be where mosquitoes will be. Eating sugar also attracks them to us.

If you should get bitten, Plantain or Raspberry Leaves- crush with teeth and apply to bite. Apply Yarrow Poultices on bleeding stings. Or put one drop of lavender oil on the bite. This will ease any pain and itching and keep it from getting infected. Nature’s Sunshine or Herb Pharms Tea Tree Oil stops the pain instantly. Painful stings- make a paste out of Redmond Clay or herbal charcoal. You can also use baking soda- but it’s not as effective as the first two choices. We carry these herbal remedies at our Studio, should we be out of stock- we will gladly order them for you. It’s a good idea to keep them readily available in your Herbal Medicine Chest. Come check out our herbs/supplements at our Studio!!!


Is it Gluten Intolerance or are We Being Poisoned???


Makes 2 deodorant push-ups (2.5-oz size) -see where to buy deodorant tubesSeethis chartto determine how much zinc oxide to add for your desired SPF


  1. 25 grams beeswax (about 1 1/2 tablespoons beeswax pastilles)
  2. 40 grams shea or mango butter
  3. 50 grams coconut oil
  4. 20 grams cocoa butter
  5. 30 grams zinc oxide (see where to buy non-nano zinc oxide)
  6. cocoa powder, 1-7 tablespoons (optional)- the tinted sunscreen in the picture above used 5 tblsp
  1. Melt all ingredients except zinc oxide and cocoa powder together in a double-boiler (or in a small saucepan set inside a slightly larger saucepan with simmering water). If you must heat the ingredients on direct heat, be sure to use the absolute lowest setting your stove will allow.
  2. When all ingredients are melted, remove from the heat and stir in the zinc oxide and cocoa powder, if using. Be careful not to breathe in the zinc oxide powder.
  3. Make sure the mixture is well mixed, especially if you're using large amounts of cocoa powder, then pour the mixture into your deodorant tubes.
  4. Let stand until completely cool and very firm, 6-12 hours.
  5. Store in the refrigerator for 6-12 months. Carry in any bag, but word to the wise: if you will be in a warm location, keep the sunscreen in your cooler or store in a zipper-top plastic bag out of the sun, as the sunscreen will soften as it warms.
  6. Apply liberally and reapply anytime water no longer beads on top.

Natural Electrolyte Drink for the Summer

The summer is the perfect time to introduce your family, friends and clients to try Natures Sunshine Solstic Revive. I've had amazing testimonies coming back from people with chronic stiffness, low energy and those looking for a healthy sports drink. Easy to use little packets to share especially for those working out at the gym, teaching yoga, massage therapists, chiropractors, baseball teams, the weekend warriors that end up over doing it and feeling it the next day.
Dehydration can be dangerous and the nice lemon berry flavor is a welcome change from plain water. This amazing electrolyte mix supports increased energy and endurance, joint and cartilage health, muscular support and much more! Simply pour it into your water bottle, shake and drink.
* Replaces electrolytes lost through exercise or stress.
* Supports joint and cartilage health.
* Provides amino acids for muscular support.
* Boosts energy and endurance.
* Helps maintain joint health.
How It Works:
Solstic Revive replaces vital nutrients-including calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium-lost during exercise, stress, exertion, dehydration and malnutrition. Revive is perfect for before, during and after any strenuous activity or as a refreshing beverage anytime throughout the day. Solstic Revive contains 500 mg glucosamine per serving to help support joint and cartilage health; electrolytes, essential for hydration, nerve and muscle function and proper pH levels; the amino acids l-carnitine, l-taurine and l-glycine to facilitate muscle repair, increase endurance, aid general rebuilding and offer muscle and structural support; and B vitamins, which help produce energy, metabolize fats and proteins, and benefit the nervous system.
Vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, glucosamine, chicory root fiber, d-ribose, natural citrus sweetener, sea salt, natural flavors, stevia leaf extract, grape skin extract, pomegranate fruit juice concentrate, l- carnitine, l-taurine and l-glycine.
Recommended Use:
Empty the contents of a third,half or a whole (depending on your taste) of a Solstic Revive packet into 14-16 oz. of cold water, shake and enjoy! Ideal for mixing in bottled water or any container that you can close and shake.

Try a free sample at the Studio!!! To order 1-800-453-1422, tell them Body Glyphix should be your sponsor.

Luna Moth Sugar Elixir

Lunamoths are a symbol of spiritual transformation.

3 to 6 over ripe bananas1 to 2 bottles stale beer

1 to 2 cup molasses1-2 cups orange juice

1 to 2 ounces Rum

Blend the bananas first, the stir in sugary ingredients. Add the liquids last, a little at a time until the mixture becomes as thick as house paint. If it becomes too thin just add another banana. Finally cove the mixture in a jar or a bowl and leave it to ferment in the sun for a few hours.

Some cooks do not use alcohol ingredients- instead they add apple cider vinegar to the brew. . Some cooks add cherry or apple juice to mimic local fruits.

Now you’re ready to go sugaring!! The best nights for attracting moths are cloudy, warm and still. In the late afternoon or early evening- just before sunset go out and paint and 8” square patch of sugar on tree trunks or other objects (fence posts, rocks, etc). Usually the best places are in open woods or where trees and bushes meet a clearing of some sort (a lawn, meadow or driveway). Be wary, the elixir can leave a stain!

Are you are a Star Seed? ~ Quiz



Come walk the labyrinth, before or after Yoga or a Consultation- or anytime that you are in the neighborhood. The Labyrinth is located just behind our Studio. It is enhanced with organic Lavender and native Turtle Rocks which coincide with the 4 cardinal points. Feel the energies! Smell the relaxing lavender! Connect with nature!
Begin in the entrance located in the North (earth). Enter with a clear mind as you begin to walk counter-clockwise (releasing negative energy). Breathe in the lavender- allow it to relax your body, mind & soul. The path will change and you will moveclockwise (strengthening your convictions). Feel the energies move through you as you spiral into the center. When you reach the center you will be facing east, invoking the fire element. Pick or choose an intention (manifesting) here. To raise your energies, reach down and touch the Key Stone. This rock was found in our creek bed,and over time the water has spun it and shaped it almost perfectly round! It has many thousands of years of energy (prana) in it for you to access! Stop by the Wishing Well to manifest intentions and don’t forget to visit the frogs in our Buddha Fountain.


YOGA NIDRA~ Meditation

Please join Rose Czyrny of the Body Glyphix Studio for a very special yoga meditation class called Yoga Nidra. This is not your typical mediation~YN opens up doorways, releases blockages, it heals every organ, bone, muscle etc, itgoes DEEP in to ALL levels of consciousness, releasing scars from traumas & abuses we have suffered from in this lifetime and more. Your YN takes you through the veils of life, afterlife, and previouslifetimes. We experience time travel, astral projection and it's also trippy!

It is said that Yoga Nidra is the most healing and best of all meditations. It has an emphasis on health and healing where habitual thinking and thought patterns are reduced or eliminated and it also helps with insomnia and stress reduction. It also brings an incredible calmness, quietness, clarity and is one of the deepest of all meditations. Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep and is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. In this Meditation, you remain in the Waking state of consciousness, and gently focus the mind, while allowing thought patterns, emotions, sensations, and images to arise and go on. While Yoga Nidra is a state that is very relaxing, it is also used by Yogis to purify the Samskaras (negative energy & thought patterns). It’s also great for insomniacs and those who suffer with PTSD, as well as a powerful tool for manifesting. It also raises “Bodhi” our awareness or spiritual growth.

The class is being held Wednesday, July 6that 7:30 PM. The fee is $12, pre-registration is a must. Call 652-7805or email for more information or registration.



Times / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
9:30 am / Yoga / Yoga / Yoga
10:00 am / Yoga
6:00 pm / Yoga / Gentle Yoga / Yoga

YogaA nice blend of Hatha, Integrative, Pilates & Foot Reflexology-geared to participants needs (Rose)

Gentle Yoga A therapeutic healing yoga based on Yoga Therapy, SomaticsFeldenkrais principles ( Rose)

Yoga Nidra 1st Wednesday of the month- deep, healing meditation for all levels
Life goes Om Free participation in any Yoga Class to any one with Cancer or a life threatening disease
Group Class fees- $12 drop in or $80 for 8 or $145 for 16 for any of the above classes

"Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul and miracles in your life in these changing times”

we're here to provide exceptional service
In alignment with our values here at Body Glyphix, we pride ourselves in offering an exceptional customer experience. Body Glyphix was established in 1984 by Rose and to this day is a heart-based business run by a female spiritual entrepreneur.

Your Suggestions and input are encouraged- as always!

The Body Glyphix Studio

Rose Czyrny

12377 Big Tree Road, Wales Center, NY 14169



phone: 716.652.7805