The City Council of the City of Conrad, County of Pondera, State of Montana, met in regular session at the Conrad City Hall on February7, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Judisch, Aldermen; Karla Breding, Ron Widhalm, Daniel Jones and Cory Rilley; Chief Dent, Public Works Director (PWD)Zimbelman and Administrative Clerk Klette.
Absent: Finance Officer Fowler with permission.
Guests present: Cynthia Johnson, Bridger Gouchenour, Paul & Drew Scown, Tommy Hammond, Gena & Ryan Ries (arrived at 6:25) and Darryl Burditt (arrived at 6:45).
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judisch at 6:00 p.m.
Motion by Alderman Breding and second byAlderman Widhalmto approvethe minutes fromJanuary 17th, 2017 regular meeting as presented.
Motion Carried Unanimously.
Claim Checks #34967-#35011 (refer to the claims register) and the January 2017 Payroll Register were presented to the Council.
Motion by Alderman Breding second by AldermanWidhalm to approve the claims and the January Payroll Register as presented.
Motion Carried Unanimously.
No water contracts were presented.
Public comment:Boy Scout Troop #1513 was present at the meeting to observe.
A list of ResidentialBuilding Permits forJanuary was presented to Council.
Public Works Director Zimbelmanreportedhe and John Calahan went to SafetyFest in Missoula for training. It was a good meeting and they learned a lot. Sullivan Construction fixed a leak in the line coming from Valier and the crew fixed a leak in the air release valve. They have been doing some snow removal and sanding. The walls at the shop have all been painted. PWD Zimbelman is going to speak with KLJ about replacing two storm drains on Iowa when they do the water main project. These storm drains are the smallest in town and they freeze up. Jerry has been trying a new coagulant chemical at the water plant but it does not seem to be working. Wednesday a new furnace will be installed at the water plant and they will be sending a crew member to work with the Interlocal on equipment maintenance in the next few weeks.
Chief Dent reported there were169 calls for service in the month of January. Among these calls were4 residential security checks,12suspicious persons or activities,3domestics incidents, 5 accidents, 4 businesses left open, 1 alarm, 1thefts, 1 shoplifting, 2 rides home from the taverns, 26various publicassists, 5 traffic citations issued, 5 misdemeanor arrests, 32 various warnings, 8 assists to Sheriff’s Department, 1 Highway Patrol assist, 4 ambulance assists. They received 28animal control callswith3 dogs and2cats in the pound.
Cynthia Johnson gave the January report for the Pondera Regional Port Authority. Pondera County declined to participate in the REDLG opportunity through 3 Rivers Communication. 3 Rivers Communication remains committed to the program. They will be proceeding with the Requests for Proposals from the City of Conrad, Town of Valier and the Port Authority’s engineering firms to update the Growth Policy. They are keeping watch on the Legislative Session. There are 11 current Revolving Loan Fund Loans and 3 current Neighborhood Stabilization loans in Pondera County. They had a couple requests to assist with potential business transitions to new ownership and two inquiries regarding business start-ups. A Conrad consortium has been formed regarding a walking trail project. They have $77,000 remaining in 2nd tier NSP funds that can be dedicated to a new remodel for a target project in Valier.
Motion by Alderman Jones and second by Alderman Breding to approve the Employment Agreement with City Judge Lourdes Russell.
Motion Carried Unanimously.
Motion by Alderman Jones and second by Alderman Breding to adjourn the regular meeting and open the Public Hearing. Motion Carried Unanimously.
A Public Hearing was held on the Conditional Use Application from Gena Ries to open a massage business out of her home at 508 S. Michigan. The Zoning Board met on 2/6/17 and their recommendation was to approve the application with no conditions. There were two letters from citizens that were read. One letter was in favor and one letter against approval of the application.
Motion by Alderman Rilley and second by Alderman Jones to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Motion by Alderman Breding and second by Alderman Widhalm to approve the application for a Conditional Use Permit from Gena Ries to operate a massage business out of her home at 508 S. Michigan Street.
Motion Carried Unanimously.
Elodie and Ryan Rauscher submitted a request to use different months for their sewer average on their property at 16 N. Montana Street. There was a broken pipe and the December 2016 and January 2017 water bills had higher than normal usage. The pipe has since been repaired.
Motion by Alderman Breding and second by Alderman Jones to use the months of December 2015 and January 2016 to replace December 2016 and January 2017 for their sewer averaging. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Motion by Alderman Breding and second by Alderman Widhalm to approve the updates to the Boards, Commissions & Committees (see attached sheet).
Motion Carried Unanimously.
The City received two quotes for a new ½ ton pickup for the Public Works Department. PWD Zimbelman opened the quotes. One was from Van Motors for a ¾ ton. GM does not make a ½ ton extended cab long box anymore so they quoted for the ¾ ton. With a trade in their quote was $25,770 and without a trade $30,970. Courtesy Ford quoted for a ½ ton, 8’ box at $26,604 with a trade in and $30,604 without a trade in.
Motion by Alderman Breding and second by Alderman Rilley to allow PWD Zimbelman to move forward with his discretion of which pickup to purchase.
Motion Carried Unanimously.
Next agenda:Chief Dent’s request for Genevieve Reiken Anderson Funds; Northern Transit Interlocal request for support; speed limit on Wisconsin Street and MSU request for a sign at the wastewater treatment plant.
Motion by Alderman Breding and second by Alderman Widhalm to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried Unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at7:27 p.m.
Mayor Judisch
Administrative Clerk
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