Moderated evidence—improving student learning

Managing harassment through the arts

Assessment event 1—drama and video

Perform a group play, highlighting a form of harassment and a possible solution, for a primary school audience. Create a video presentation of the play to be used as an instructional video for other students.

Guide for interpreting evidence

Assessment event 1—drama

Drama journal entry—self-assessment

Perform a group play highlighting a form of harassment and a possible solution, to be performed for a primary school audience.

How has your stagecraft improved over the course of the program?

Which different scenarios did you try before deciding on the final one to perform?

How did you decide on the final scenario?

How did your final performance turn out?

Did the audience get your message?

Drama performance skills checklist—peer assessment

/ Excellent / Satisfactory / Needs focus
Spoke clearly and loudly
Faced audience
Stayed in character
Clear start and finish
Used space appropriately
Exaggerated the punchline
Engaged audience
Content (made sense, appropriate)
Video presentation—self-assessment

Create a video presentation of your play about harassment that could be used as an instructional video for other students.

Is the introduction clear and succinct?

Is there a mixture of shot types?

Is the setting/background appropriate?

Is the message clear?

How have you modified the performance for this type of medium?

How is this different from the live performance?

Which do you prefer and why?

Video assessment guide—peer assessed

Code: E = evidentN/E = not evident

Introduction clear and succinct / Used a mixture of shot types / Setting/
background appropriate / Message was clear / Peer comment
E / N/E / E / N/E / E / N/E / E / N/E
Peer 1
Peer 2
Peer 3
Teacher evaluation
Drama journal entries
Script/play outline
Performance skills
(stagecraft checklist)
Play performance
Audience response

Assessment event 2—visual arts

Select one of these:

  • Create a ‘Garbage Grot’ collage to be used as a poster to highlight the issue of litter in our school.
  1. Investigate types of garbage bins.
  2. Create a character for a poster using a bin as the main body part and other materials to enhance the image.
  3. Decide where to display this in order to highlight the issue of litter around the school.


  • Create a two dimensional picture using line, colour and image to depict an emotion.
  1. Investigate art works that highlight the use of these elements.
  2. Select an emotion and draw an image of something that depicts that for you. Select the type of line that matches that as well as the colours. Surround the image with these.

Guide for interpreting evidence

Assessment event 2—visual arts

Different guides for interpreting evidence were used, depending on the assessment event chosen.

Garbage grot

Artist’s comments—self assessment

Viewer appraisal—peer assessment

Peer 1 / Peer 2 / Peer 3
Was there a variety of materials chosen?
Does it catch your attention?
What sort of character is portrayed?
Is it displayed in an appropriate place?
Other comments

Teacher evaluation

Two dimensional picture depicting emotion

Artist’s comments—self assessment

Why I chose this emotion

What I found easy about this task

What I found difficult about this task

Did I feel the emotion as I drew?

Does art help people to express their emotions more clearly?

Viewer appraisal—peer assessment

Code: E = evidentN/E = not evident

Peer 1 / Peer 2 / Peer 3
E / N/E / E / N/E / E / N/E
Lines depict emotion
Colours depict emotion
Picture depicts emotion
Care and attention to detail
Additional comments

Teacher evaluation

Assessment event 3—dance

Select one of these:

  • Perform a dance that reflects what you know about an aspect of an Asian culture.
  • Perform a dance that depicts emotion/s.
  • Perform a group social dance that demonstrates what you know about the courtesies involved in this type of social event as well as the dance itself.

Guide for interpreting evidence

Assessment event 3—dance

Written reflections—self-assessment

Our dance comes from

It represents

The actions

We wore

We learnt it from

I liked

We performed

Teacher evaluation

Acknowledgment is given to Clapham Primary School for the preparation of this material. For the full context in which this material was used, see