Block 1
Day 1
RDL 3x10
Step Ups 3x10
Farmers Walk 3 sets x 30 seconds
Day 2
DB OHP 3x10
Lat pull down 3x10
Face pull 3x15
Rear delt fly 3x10
Snatch grip Shrugs 3x10
Biceps 3x10
Day 3
Front Squat 3x10
2DB RDL 3x10
Farmers Walk 3x 30 sec
Day 4
Incline Press 3x10
DB Row 3x10
Face pulls 3x10
Block 2- 4 weeks
Day 1
Good Morning 4x12
Bulgarian split squat 4x12
Farmers Walk 3 sets x 30 seconds
Day 2
Close grip bench 4x12
Medium Grip lat pull down 4x12
Face pulls 4x12
Day 3
Pause Squat 5x5
BB RDL 4x12
Farmers Walk 3 sets x 30 seconds
Day 4
Single Arm DB Bench 4x12
Bent over row 4x12
Block 3 – 4 weeks
Day 1
RDL 3x8
Lunge 3x8,8
Farmers Walk 3 sets x 30 seconds
Day 2
Close grip bench 3x8
Pull down close grip 3x8
Face pull 3x8
Triceps 3x15
Day 3
Front Squat 3x8
Single leg RDL 3x8
Leg press 3x10
Farmers Walk 3 sets x 30 seconds
Day 4
DB Bench 3x8
DB Row 3x8
Face pull 3x8
Biceps 3x8
Block 4 – 2 weeks, 1 week taper
Day 1
DB RDL 2x6
Lunge 3x6,6
Day 2
OHP 2x6
Day 3
Jumps 5x3 jumps
Speed Squat 8x2
Main lifts rep scheme:
(for deadlifts – warm up and only hit the last set)
Week 1: 65%x12, 60%x12, 55%x15+
Week 2: 70%x10, 65%x10, 60%x12+
Week 3: 75%x8, 70%x8, 65%x10+
Week 4: 70%x10, 65%x10, 60%x12+
Week 5: 75%x8, 70%x8, 65%x10+
Week 6: 80%x5, 75%x5, 70%x8+
Week 7: 85%x5+
Week 8: 75%x8, 70%x8, 65%x10+
Week 9: 80%x5, 75%x5, 70%8+
Week 10: 85%x3, 80%x4, 75%x6+
Week 11: 90%x3+
Week 12: 85%x3, 80%x4, 75%x6+
Week 13: 90% (opener) x 3
Week 14: 60%x4x3
Intro to Powerlifting Program
This intro to powerlifting program is a 14 week program designed to get you as strong as possible within this time frame. It will also set you up well for future programs by building a base. As someone who is just getting into powerlifting you may benefit more from the increased volume in this program. The accessory movements will vary slightly every four weeks. This way you can practice different movements and it will eliminate some of the monotony. If you are early in your training the most important thing is to focus on technique. If you have access to more experienced lifters this is the time to have people critique your form. You will be practicing the main lifts at least once a week. The last set of the main movement you are working up to a rep max. This is the set that tests your mind and body.
To determine starting weights for the main lifts. Take a weight that you think you can hit for 5 reps on each of the lifts and hit a rep max. Plug the reps and weight into a one rep max calculator online. Take the number they give you and multiply it by 0.92 and that is your training max. Every three weeks increase the training max by 5 pounds on overhead press and bench and 10 pounds on squat and deadlift. Multiply your training max by the work set percent to get the weight you should be using on each set.
If you plan on competing at the end of this cycle the only goal you should have is to achieve a total. In powerlifting you get three chances at each lift (squat, bench, and deadlift). If you miss all three lifts in any given movement you are disqualified from the rest of the competition.
Cardio is not a necessity when you are training for powerlifting. However, the last sets of all the main movements tend to be high reps and will get your heart rate up. If you feel as though you need additional work on this program, incline walking for 30-45 minutes is all I would recommend. In training things are usually give and take. If you over do cardio or other activities, you may not have the ability to gain strength as well as those who stick to the program.
Additional Reading:
5/3/1 (all editions) – Jim Wendler
Starting Strength - Mark Rippetoe