July 4C Niners Luncheon Meeting July 6, 2017

Meeting was called to order by Rita Smiley, Captain, at 11:25.

New Member-- Judi Nelson, was introduced and she spoke a bit about herself. Has retired from Kaiser Permanente where she was a nurse. Now looking forward to playing more golf, traveling, and socializing.

Captain’s Report

·  Golf Committee—Rita Smiley

o  Course markings—Committee is asking for improvements.

o  Golf Committee will be out on course for clean up etc. in July.

o  Local rules will be revamped for distribution. Russ Martin will work on it.

o  Reclaimed water has not been installed. Maybe December because of EBMUD delays.

o  Plaques—9 approved. 1 for Niners: Low Gross and Low Net winners .

o  Club will be paying for these plaques.

·  Use of Mailing list/ Add to Standing Rules

o  Mailing list to be used only for official Niner business. No solicitations for business or charity purposes, or humorous posts to be sent through Gisele’s email to membership.

o  This policy to be added to Niners Standing Rules and voted on at the next general meeting.

·  Nominating Committee—Headed by Carolyn Procunier, Parlamentarian.

o  Committee will be formed— Parlamentarian, Team Play, Tournament and Membership Chairs and 2 Niners from the general membership.

o  If you are interested in being on committee, let Carolyn know.

o  First committee meeting will be August 9. Nominees will be voted on at November meeting.

o  Rita will have a cocktail party for membership at her house on Wednesday July 26 from 5-7pm. Everyone is invited but especially past board members and those interested in serving in the future.

o  Job descriptions for Executive Board and Chairperson Positions will be distributed. Should be in Parliamentarian folder. Carolyn will find them.

·  Mixer with 18-Holers—Feedback

o  Enjoyed by all who played.

o  Good turnout-- 20 18-Holers and 19 Niners participated.

o  Next year it’ll be a 9- hole mixer only so golfers can mix it a bit more.

o  Play in afternoon so can have social hour after golf.

·  Twilight-- This Saturday.

o  Must be a Crow Canyon member but can invite a partner of same sex.

o  For new members, just sign up and will be assigned a partner.

o  This Saturday’s dinner is Mexican.

o  Paula Olsen came meeting to encourage sign ups.

o  Will be a scramble.

·  July 13 Play Date- changed to Tuesday, July 11, because of 18-Holer’s Invitational on Thursday and Friday.

o  Sign up problems for Tuesday was discussed. Kendal discussed alternative sign up on “TimeToSignUp” .

o  If have a problem signing up, contact Sue Sunder and she will handle it.

·  TOC Qualifying Rounds—July 11, July 20, and July 27. Must play all 3 dates.

·  Annual 4C Niner Guest Day—August 17, 2017—Julie Disch

o  $50.00 per person with Cart.

o  $40.00 per person if own cart and/or pay monthly cart fee.

o  Can bring 3 guests.

o  Includes breakfast, golf and cart, lunch, prizes etc. fun.

o  Wear Pink.

o  No Walkers.


o  Committee of 7 members to be formed will include:

§  ( from the Board )Rita Smiley, Denise Kettunen, Judy Brooks, Roxana Hing, and Barbara King

§  Barbara Hutchins who has been a WNHGA board member.

§  2 Niners from general membership—Starla Chimienti, and Karen Adams.

o  Committee tasks will be to report to membership:

§  WNHGA costs and benefits to Niners

§  Alternatives to leaving WNGHA membership

§  Presentation will be made to membership in October and voted on at that meeting.

Co-Captains Report—Denise Kettunen

·  July Birthdays—Marilynn Hoffman-July 1, Sheila Berry- July 15, Carolyn Procunier- July 17.

·  There is one Invitational in Elk Grove, Ca. on unknown date. Checks due by July 10th. Denise will get more information and get it out to membership or put it on bulletin board.

Teasurer’s Report- Rita Smiley for Debi Mori-See Attachment A-B

Team Play—Roxana Hing and Kendel Goldthwaite

·  Roses were handed out to all who participated.

·  Standings announced:

o  Castlewood CC 57 pts—1st Place

o  Blackhawk CC 47.5 pts—2nd Place

o  Crow Canyon CC 45 pts—3rd Place

o  Contra Costa CC 43.5 pts—4th Place

o  Discovery Bay CC 30 pts— 5th Place

Tournament—Sue Sunder and Joann Meyers See Attachment C

·  July 20 play day will be “Dress Wild” African style.

Handicap—Barbara King

·  Most Improved for July was Rosalie Vantine.

·  Need to post properly— Very helpful information.

o  ESC is Equitable Stroke Calculation which is calculated using the slope of the course and the golfer’s Index.

o  On the iphone, if you have course slope can use the calculator in the GHIN app.

Eclectic—Julie Disch

·  Front 9 Winners:

o  First Place- Starla Chimienti

o  Second Place- Julie Disch

o  Third Place-Carol Reiswitz

·  Back 9 Winners

o  First Place-Denise Kettunen

o  Second Place- Sue Sunder

o  Third Place- Barbara King

Golf Clinic—Judy Brooks

·  July 25 – on the Course—Course Management Issues…i.e. unplayable lie etc.

·  4th Tuesday not 3rd Tuesday because of Mark’s schedule .

Holiday Party—Carolyn Procunier—December 3

Reciprocal—Carolyn Procunier

·  4 Clubs participated this year and want to continue next year.

·  Names will be drawn for those who sign up if there are more than allowed. Hopefully everyone will get to go to one of the reciprocals

·  Orinda coming to Crow Canyon on July 27. Sign up on line.

·  Crow Canyon at Diablo on August 15

·  Crow Canyon at Orinda on September 13

·  Contra Costa at Crow Canyon on September 21

·  Crow Canyon at Contra Costa on September 26

Old/New Business

·  Sign up issues and log on problems were discussed. Kendel will research log on problems and get back to us.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:04

Respectfully submitted,

Susann Green, Secretary