Glyn Rhonwy Planning docs

Number / Document name / size / notes
1.01W / Cyflwyno’r Ymgeisiad / 22 pages / Welsh intro to SPH
1.01 / Introduction to the applicant / 23 pages / Intro to SPH
1.02 / Application form / 11 pages / Actual DCO application
2.0 / Plans, drawings, sections / 3 pages / List of all the plans, drawings and sections
2.01 / Site location plan / 2 pages / Map showing where GR is in North Wales
2.02 / Existing site location plan / 2 pages / Close up map of GR
2.03 / Land plans key plan / 2 pages / Map showing land involved in development
2.03.1 / Land Plans Sheet 1 / 2 pages / Similar to 2.03 map of land involved in development
2.03.2 / Land Plans Sheet 2 / 2 pages / Map of land involved further enlarged
2.04 / Works Plans Key plan / 2 pages / Works plan map index and map of order limits
2.04.1 / Works plans sheet 1 / 2 pages / As above further enlarged and colour coded
2.04.2 / Works plans sheet 2 / 2 pages / Similar to above
2.04.3 / Works plans sheet 3 / 2 pages / Similar to above
2.05 / Indicative site layout plan / 2 pages / Map with a key as to the type of works and site layout
2.05.1 / Indicative site layout plan sheet 1 / 2 pages / As above, enlarged
2.05.2 / Indicative site layout plan sheet 2 / 2 pages / Similar to above, larger scale
2.05.3 / Indicative site layout plan sheet 3 / 2 pages / Plan of above ground power house
2.05.4 / Indicative site layout plan sheet 4 / 2 pages / Power house, tailrace and Q 6 layout
2.05.5 / Indicative site layout plan sheet 5 / 2 pages / Q6, pumping station and spillway
2.06 / Indicative elevations and section / 2 pages / Indicative Elevations & Section – Q1 Dam,Extent ofEvacuationand Reservoir
2.06.2 / Indicative Elevations & Sections of Relief Value and Spillway Infrastructure / 2 pages / Relief valve and spillway infrastructure
2.06.3 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Excess Spoil Mound Near Q1 / 2 pages / Cross sections of slate mounds
2.06.4 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Penstock Inlet / Outlet Configuration / 2 pages / Inlet and outlet layouts
2.06.5 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Penstock Configuration / 2 pages / Cross section and scale of tunnel
2.06.6 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Power House, Turbine Shaft and Turbine House Configuration / 2 pages / Cross section of power house
2.06.7 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Above Ground Power House, Substation and Ancillary Buildings / 2 pages / Cross sections of above ground buildings
2.06.8 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Trailrace Inlet / Outlet Configuration / 2 pages / Cross section of tailrace inlet/ outlet
2.06.9 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Q6 Dam, Extent of Excavation and Reservoir / 2 pages / Dam and reservoir cross sections
2.06.10 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Q6 Scour Tower / 2 pages / Cross section of overflow tower and tunnel
2.06.11 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Pumping Station / 2 pages / Cross section of pumping station
2.06.12 / Indicative Elevations & Section of Pumping Station and Spillway Infrastructure / 2 pages / Pumping station and intake plan and cross sections
2.07.1 / Nature Conservation Site, Habitats and Diversity Features / 2 pages / Map detailing all the environmental and conservation areas within and around the development
2.07.2 / Sites of Landscape Importance / 2 pages / Map showing national park boundary and Dinorwig historic site boundary
2.07.3 / Water Bodies in a River Basin Management Plan / 2 pages / Map showing ‘ecological status’ of the water bodies (streams, lake etc) within and around the development
2.08 / Historic Environment features / 2 pages / Map showing listed monuments and known archaeological features
2.09.1 / Existing rights of way / 2 pages / Map showing footpaths, roads and bridleways
2.09.2 / Rights of way (construction) / 2 pages / Map showing changes to rights of way including permanent closures during construction
2.09.3 / Rights of way (operation) / 2 pages / Map showing affected rights of way during operation of the scheme
2.09.4 / Access plan / 2 pages / Map showing access issues
2.10 / Crown lands key plan / 2 pages / Map showing areas belonging to the crown
2.10.1 / Crown land plan sheet 1 / 2 pages / Enlargement of the above
2.10.2 / Crown land plan sheet 2 / 2 pages / Similar to above
3.01 / Draft development consent order / 47 pages / Looks like the legal document relating to the development of the scheme
3.02 / Explanatory memorandum / 26 pages / Explains all the clauses in 3.01. Read alongside 3.01
4.01 / Statement of Reasons / 49 pages / Details how landowners were contacted and agreements to purchase the land or compulsorily purchase the land
4.02 / Statement of Funding / 13 pages / Costs associated with various aspects of the development
4.02W / Datganiad Ariannu / 13 pages / Welsh version of 4.02
4.03 / Book of references parts 1-5 / 34 pages / Mainly refers to the landowners addresses and details of rights of way
4.04 / Common, Access Land and Public Rights of Way Strategy / 16 pages / Impact on the common land at the site
5.01 / Consultation report / 993 pages / Has an executive summary
5.01.1 / Consultation report summary / 18 pages / Summary of the above
5.01.1W / Addroddiad Ymgynghori - crynodeb / 18 pages / Welsh version of the above
5.02 / Statement of respect to statutory nuisance / 19 pages / The nuisance factors during operation and construction and how they will be mitigated
5.03 / No significant effects report / 220 pages / Potential impacts on conservation/ natura sites within 30km of the development
5.04 / Details of other consents and licenses / 10 pages / List of all the environmental and other permits required
6.01 / Environmental statement volume 1 – non-technical summary / 110 pages / Potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures
6.01W / Datganiad Amgylcheddol Cyfrol 1: Crynodeb Annhechnegol / 110 pages / Welsh version of the above
6.02 / Environmental statement – volume 2 / 16 pages / Llst of abbreviations and acronyms used in the environmental statement
6.03 / Environmental statement – volume 3 technical appendices / 20 pages / List of appendices and abbreviations
6.04 / Environmental statement –volume 4 figures and photomontages / 3 pages / List of figures and photomontages used in the ES
7.01 / Grid connection statement / 10 pages / Description of possible grid connection and map of route
8.01 / Planning statement / 145 pages / Planning details and context of the scheme, relevant planning laws and considerations
8.02 / Planning statement summary / 13 pages / Summary of the above
8.02W / Crynodeb o’r Datganiad Cynllunio / 14 pages / Welsh version of the above
8.03 / Design and access statement / 84 pages / Design considerations. Has an executive summary
8.03W / Datganiad Dylunio a Mynediad / 85 pages / Welsh version of the above
8.04 / Glossary / 26 pages / Explanation of terms used
Appointment of examining authority / 1 page / Statement of the decision to appoint a single person (Stuart Cowperthwaite) to examine the application (rather than a panel?)
Conwy Borough Council / 1 page / Email stating Conwy has no comment on the application
Denbighshire Borough Council / 1 page / Email stating Denbighshire has no comment on the application
SCOPING OPINION Proposed Glyn Rhonwy Pumped Storage Scheme / 114 / Report by the UK Planning Inspectorate on the Secretary of State’s opinion on the scoping report initially submitted by SPH
SPH Scoping report redacted / 48 pages / SPH’s scoping report to the UK Planning Inspectorate prior to applying for the DCO
Late scoping report responses / 17 pages / UKPI’s report on responses received after the deadline
Gwynedd Council / 3 pages / Email from Gwynedd on the adequacy of the consultation
Notification of decision to accept application / 3 pages / Decision by UKPI to accept the DCO application
Post acceptance advice s51 / 2 pages / Re 5 landowners who were not listed in the application and SPH being urged to contact them
Powys county council / 1 page / Email from Powys stating no comment
Regulation 24 transboundary screening document / 3 pages / Potential cumulative impacts on traffic and pollution by being in proximity to Wylfa power station
Section 55 acceptance of applications checklist / 34 pages / Checklist of documents required by UKPI
Snowdonia National Park Authority / 1 page / SNPA considers it has been properly consulted
Vol2a ch1 / Environmental statement vol 2 introduction / 14 pages / An introduction to the environmental statement
6.02 Vol2a ch2 / Environmental impact assessment statement approach and consultation / 42 pages / Includes consultation on the environmental impact assessment
Vol2a ch3 / Environmental statement – design evolution and alternatives / 35 pages / Design of the scheme
vol2a ch 4 / Environmental statement – project description / 42 pages / Description of the various elements of the project
vol2a ch5 / Environmental statement – policy context / 25 pages / Relevant policies and guidance
vol2a ch6 / Landscape character and visual amenity / 89 pages / Visual and landscape impacts
vol2a ch7 / Ecology / 262 pages / Potential impact and mitigation on ecology
vol2a ch8 / Geology and ground conditions / 30 pages / Geology of the site
Appendix 1.1 / Town & Country Planning Act: decision notice / 27 pages / Gwynedd council’s planning decision for the smaller scheme and conditions
Appendix 2.1 / 2012 Environmental Statement / 1295 pages / Original environmental statement
Appendix 2.2 / Scoping Letter / 22 pages / Application to Secretary of State requesting a scoping opinion prior to applying for the DCO
Appendix 2.3 / Scoping report / 48 pages / Report to go with the above
Appendix 2.4 / UKPI Scoping Opinion / 159 pages / Report by UKPI on the proposed scheme prior to the DCO application
Appendix 2.5a / Draft Environmental Statement vol1: non technical summary / 85 pages / Preliminary environmental info aimed at the public in supposedly non-technical language
Vol 3d
Appendix 2.5b / Draft Environmental Statement vol 2 / 865 pages / Full version of the above
Vol 3d
Appendix 2.5c / Draft environmental statement figures / 90 pages / List of figures, diagrams , photos, maps etc within the draft ES
Vol 3d
Appendix 2.5d / Draft Environmental statement vol 3 technical appendices / 1287 pages / Various surveys and assessments of the environmental impact
Vol 3e
Appendix 2.6 / Minutes of meetings between Gwynedd council and NRW / 27 pages / Worth reading!
Vol 3e
Appendix 2.7 / Gwynedd Council Correspondance / 22 pages / Correspondence between GC and SPH
Vol 3e
Appendix 2.8 / NRW Correspondance / 38 pages / Correspondence between SPH and NRW
Vol 3e
Appendix 6.1 / ASIDOHL / 27 pages / Assessment of the Significance of the Impact of Development on Historic Landscapes (ASIDOHL) ie Dinorwig
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.1 / AECOM phase 1 habitat report (2013) / 50 pages / Bats, biodiversity and other habitat issues, prepped by the contractor
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.2 / Gritten Ecology 2011 botanical survey / 28 pages / Plant surveys in the development areas
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.3 / Addendum to Gritten botanical survey 2012 / 11 pages / Additional surveys for areas identified in for temporary construction compounds
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.4 / Addendum to Gritten botanical survey 2012b / 9 pages / Surveys for plants and protected species due to altered spillway and soil storage at q1
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.5 / Etive Ecology (2012) Llyn Padarn Freshwater ecology impact assessment / 58 pages / Impact assessment on arctic charr, floating plantain, lamprey and other freshwater flora and fauna
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.6 / Arboriculture assessment / 42 pages / Trees affected by the scheme
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.7 / Fungi habitat report / 39 pages / Grassland fungi affected by the scheme
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.8 / Lichens habitat report / 15 pages / Lichens affected by the scheme
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.9 / CEP proposed tower construction bat and protected species report / 23 pages / Re bats affected by the scheme and mentions construction of a tower for safety training and equipment testing
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.10 / Reptile habitat report / 20 pages / Reptiles affected by the scheme (lizards and slow worms)
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.11 / Breeding bird report / 31 pages / Birds affected by the scheme
Vol 3e
Appenix 7.12 / Otter survey / 13 pages / Likely otter habitats
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.13 / Bat surveys 2011-2012 / 32 pages / More bat surveys
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.14 / Summer bat report / 41 pages
Vol 3e
Appendix 7.15 / Bat mitigation report / 34 pages / How they could mitigate effects on bats
Vol 3f
Appendix 7.16 / Winter bat hibernation report 2014 / 37 pages
Vol 3f
Appendix 7.17 / TPO report / 13 pages / Trees with tree protection orders on them within the scheme
Vol 3f
Appendix 7.18 / Bat licence / 93 pages
Vol 3 f
Appendix 7.19 / Aquatic surveys / 37 pages / Whats in Q 6 and Q 1 water
Vol 3f
Appendix 7.20 / Non confidential breeding bird survey / 47 pages
Vol 3g
Appendix 8.1 / Hydrogeological report / 63 pages / Geology, hydrology and water resources within the site
Vol 3g
Appendix 8.2 / Borehole logs / 12 pages / Reports on contents of boreholes
Vol 3H
Appendix 8.3 / Historical OS maps / 68 pages / Old OS maps of the site
Vol 3H
Appendix 8.4 / MoD letter / 5 pages / Copy of an old letter from RAF to HTV
Vol 3H
Appendix 8.5 / Zetica desk study UXO report / 92 pages / Report on possible unexploded ordinance within GR.
Vol 3H
Appendix 8.6 / Zetica desk study report UXO Cefn Du / 42 pages / Report on possible unexploded ordinance on Cefn Du
Vol 3H
Appendix 8.7 / Utilities affected and not affected by the development / 76 pages / Impact on local utilities
Vol 3I
Appendix 9.1 / Water Framework Directive assessment / 62 pages / Details water abstraction and discharge details
Note that they will be applying to increase the abstraction rate from 2000m3 to 3300m3 per day
Vol 3I
Appendix 9.2 / Private water supplies letter 2012 / 10 pages / Letter sent to households with private water supplies near the scheme
Vol 3I
Appendix 9.3 / Water sampling results 2012 / 14 pages
Vol 3I
Appendix 9.4 / Water sampling results 2015 / 311 pages
Vol 3I
Appendix 9.5 / Private water supplies letter 2015 / 5 pages / Similar to 9.2
Vol 3I
Appendix 10.1 / Flood consequences assessment / 41 pages / Risks of flooding on various areas associated with the scheme
Vol 3I
Appendix 11.1 / Known Archaeology / 23 pages / Archaeological features affected by the scheme
Vol 3I
Appendix 11.2 / Archaeology photographs / 6 pages / Photographs of the above
Vol 3I
Appendix 11.3 / Aerial photographs consulted / 2 pages / List of the photos consulted
Vol 3I
Appendix 11.4 / Written scheme investigation / 22 pages / Archaeological investigation
Vol 3I
Appendix 12.1 / Accident locations by causation factors / 2 pages / Maps of where accidents have occurred in last 4 years
Vol 3I
Appendix 12.2 / Construction traffic impacts / 2 pages / Traffic flows at various junctions
Vol 3I
Appendix 13.1 / Additional noise information / 15 pages / Anticipated onstruction noise levels
Vol 3I
Appendix 13.2 / Baseline noise surveys / 19 pages
Vol 3I
Appendix 15.1 / Labour market statistics / 5 pages / Local jobs
Vol 3I
Appendix 15.2 / Accommodation survey results 2012 / 25 pages / Accommodation in the area
Vol 3I
Appendix 16.4 / Construction Code of Practice / 144 pages
Vol 3I
Appendix 17.1 / Minutes of Horizon meeting / 3 pages / Possible cumulative effects of Wylfa construction
Vol 4a / Contents page of figures and photos in the environmental statement / 2 pages