Doctor Who: Series 1 – CORNERSTONE (1993-1994)

No. Episode / Title


1 Doctor Who Logo / Checklist #1

2 The Five Doctors / Checklist #2

3 Remembrance of the Daleks / Checklist #3


4 Marco Polo

5 Sensorites

6 The Crusade

7 The Celestial Toymaker

8 The Tomb of the Cybermen

9 The Abominable Snowmen

10 The Silurians

11 Colony in Space

12 The Daemons

13 The Sea Devils

14 The Three Doctors

15 Frontier in Space

16 The Time Warrior

17 Death to the Daleks

18 The Monster of Peladon

19 Planet of the Spiders

20 Robot

21 The Ark in Space

22 Terror of the Zygons

23 Pyramids of Mars

24 The Robots of Death

25 The Talons of Weng-Chiang

26 Image of the Fendahl

27 The Invasion of Time

28 The Ribos Operation

29 The Pirate Planet

30 The Stones of Blood

31 The Androids of Tara

32 Destiny of the Daleks

33 Shada

34 The Leisure Hive

35 Meglos

36 K9 & Company

37 Castrovalva

38 Four to Doomsday

39 The Visitation

40 The Five Doctors

41 Warriors of the Deep

42 The Awakening

43 Frontios

44 Planet of Fire

45 The Twin Dilemma

46 Attack of the Cybermen

47 Timelash

48 Revelation of the Daleks

49 The Mysterious Planet

50 Mindwarp

51 The Ultimate Foe

52 Dragonfire

53 Remembrance of the Daleks

54 The Happiness Patrol

55 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

56 Battlefield

57 The Curse of Fenric

58 Survival


59 The First Doctor

60 The First Doctor

61 The Second Doctor

62 The Second Doctor

63 The Third Doctor

64 The Third Doctor

65 The Third Doctor

66 The Fourth Doctor

67 The Fourth Doctor

68 The Fourth Doctor

69 The Fifth Doctor

70 The Fifth Doctor

71 The Sixth Doctor

72 The Seventh Doctor

73 The Seventh Doctor


74 Ian Chesterton

75 Jamie McCrimmon

76 Victoria Waterfield

77 Jo Grant

78 Sergeant Benton

79 K9

80 Leela

81 The Second Romana

82 Adric

83 Mel

84 Ace


85 Employees of the Daleks

86 Top 10 Ways to Kill a Dalek

87 Enemies of the Daleks

88 The Doctor and the Daleks

89 Science of the Daleks

90 The Toymaker

91 Anatomy of a Cyberman

92 Planets of the Cyberman

93 Top 10 Ways to Kill a Cyberman

94 Ice Warrior

95 I am the Master

96 You Will Obey Me

97 Davros

98 The Rani

99 The Valeyard


100 From Companion to Villain

101 I.M.C.

102 The Lost Episodes

103 Bessie

104 The Whomobile

105 Four out of Five Doctors

106 Just Friends

107 Kamelion

108 "Shada" at Last

109 Sabalom Glitz

110 The TARDIS


Prism Cards (1:18 packs)

1 William Hartnell as the First Doctor

2 Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor

3 John Pertwee as the Third Doctor

4 Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor

5 Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor

6 Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor

7 Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor

Autograph Cards (1:432 packs, 547 total)

-- Anthony Ainley as the Master [blue; 81 signed]

-- Sophie Aldred as Ace [blue; 84 signed]

-- Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor [blue; 80 signed]

-- Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor [black; 83 signed]

-- John Leeson as the voice of K9 [blue or black; 82 signed]

John Leeson K9 [blue]

John Leeson K9! (underlined) [black]

-- John Levene as Sergeant Benton [blue; 82 signed]

-- John Levene as Sergeant Benton [gold; 95 signed; factory set?]

-- William Russell as Ian Chesterton [black; 57 signed]

Box-Topper Card

Card Album

-- (Binder)

Uncut Sheets

-- (110-card panel of basic set)

-- (3-up panel of promos A1-A3)


A1 (Logo)

A2 (Companion with K-9)

A3 (The five doctors)

Doctor Who: Series 2 – CORNERSTONE (1994-1995)

No. Episode / Title


111 Checklist #1

112 Checklist #2

113 Checklist #3


114 100,000 B.C. [A]

115 The Daleks [B]

116 The Aztecs [F]

117 Planet of Giants [J]

118 The Rescue [L]

119 The Romans [M]

120 The Space Museum [Q]

121 The Chase [R]

122 The Time Meddler [S]

123 Galaxy 4 [T]

124 The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve [W]

125 The Gunfighters [Z]

126 The Tenth Planet [DD]

127 The Highlanders [FF]

128 The Moonbase [HH]

129 The Evil of the Daleks [LL]

130 The Ice Warriors [OO]

131 The Web of Fear [QQ]

132 The Wheel in Space [SS]

133 The Mind Robber [UU]

134 The Krotons [WW]

135 The Space Pirates [YY]

136 Spearhead from Space [AAA]

137 The Ambassadors of Death (CCC)

138 The Mind of Evil [FFF]

139 Day of the Daleks [KKK]

140 The Curse of Peladon [MMM]

141 Carnival of Monsters [PPP]

142 The Green Death [TTT]

143 The Sontaran Experiment [4B]

144 Revenge of the Cybermen [4D]

145 The Seeds of Doom [4L]

146 The Hand of Fear [4N]

147 The Deadly Assassin [4P]

148 The Face of Evil [4Q]

149 The Invisible Enemy [4T]

150 The Sun Makers [4W]

151 The Armageddon Factor [5F]

152 The Horns of Nimon [5L]

153 State of Decay [5P]

154 The Keeper of Traken [5T]

155 Kinda [5Y]

156 Earthshock [6B]

157 Arc of Infinity [6E]

158 Mawdryn Undead [6F]

159 Enlightenment [6H]

160 Resurrection of the Daleks [6P]

161 Vengeance on Varos [6V]

162 The Two Doctors [6W]

163 Time and the Rani [7D]

164 Paradise Towers [7E]

165 Ghost Light [7Q]

The Doctors

166 Doctor Who?

167 The Course of History

168 Doctor of What?

169 Agent of Gallifrey?

170 The Man from UNIT

171 From Venus, with Love

172 The British Gallifreyan

173 The Wit and Wisdom of the Fourth Doctor

174 About That Scarf!

175 The Fifth Doctor and Cricket

176 On With the Motley

177 The Missing Episodes

178 Mixed Maxims

179 "Who are you?"


180 Susan Foreman

181 Vicki

182 Steven Taylor

183 Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart

184 Zoe Herriot

185 Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Shaw

186 Sarah Jane Smith

187 Nyssa

188 Vislor Turlough

189 Perpugillium (Peri) Brown


190 Souvenirs of the Daleks

191 Leaders of the Daleks

192 Time Travel of the Daleks

193 Abominations of the Daleks

194 The Monk

195 Planets of the Cybermen

196 Cybermen and Cybermats

197 The Master in Transition

198 Omega

199 The Sontarans

200 Davros and the Thankless Child

201 The Black Guardian

202 Sil


203 Another "Unearthly Child"

204 Another Time, Another World

205 The Control Console

206 The Vortex

207 Regeneration

208 "Really, Doctor!"

209 The Sonic Screwdriver

210 History of the Transmat

211 Doctors at Odds

212 Politics of Gallifrey

213 The Matrix

214 Lord Borusa

215 Relics of Gallifrey

216 Commander Maxil

217 Who is Ace?

218 The Other Brigadier

219 The Laws of Time

220 ... And Relative Dimensions in Space


Premiere Cards (1:2 packs)

1 2 out of 3 Doctors

2 The 4th Doctor

3 The 5th Doctor

4 The 6th Doctor

5 Time & the Rani

6 The Master

7 Ace

8 Jo Grant

9 A Sontaran

Foil Villains (1:12 packs)

F1 Creator of the Daleks

F2 Designer of the Daleks

F3 Operators of the Daleks

F4 Scientist of the Cybermen

F5 Lives and Times of the Cybermen

F6 Cyberdad of the Cybermen

F7 Davros (Factory Set Only)

Autograph Cards (1:510 packs)

-- Sophie Aldred autograph [blue; 113 signed]

-- Nicholas Courtney autograph [red; 112 signed]

-- John Levene autograph [red; 112 signed]

-- Jon Pertwee autograph [red; 112 signed]

Bonus Card (Box-topper)

Prism Card (Factory Set only)


Card Album

-- (Binder)


B1 Doctor Who Trading Cards (orange wash)

B1 Doctor Who Trading Cards ([other] wash)

B2 (medieval dress, green wash)

B2 (medieval dress, purple wash)

B3 (riding K-9, blue wash)

B3 (riding K-9, yellow wash)

B4 (lotus position, pink wash)

B4 (lotus position, [other] wash)

-- (Uncut promo sheet)

Doctor Who: Series 3 – CORNERSTONE (1995-1996)

No. Title


221 Checklist #1

222 Checklist #2

223 Checklist #3


224 Inside the Spaceship [C]

225 The Keys of Marinus [E]

226 The Reign of Terror [H]

227 The Dalek Invasion of Earth [K]

228 The Web Planet [N]

229 Dalek Cutaway [T/A or DC]

230 The Myth Makers [U]

231 The Daleks' Master Plan [V]

232 The Ark [X]

233 The Savages [AA]

234 The War Machines [BB]

235 The Smugglers [CC]

236 The Power of the Daleks [EE]

237 The Underwater Menace [GG]

238 The Macra Terror [JJ]

239 The Faceless Ones [KK]

240 The Enemy of the World [PP]

241 Fury from the Deep [RR]

242 The Dominators [TT]

243 The Invasion [VV]

244 The Seeds of Death [XX]

245 The War Games [ZZ]

246 Inferno [DDD]

247 Terror of the Autons [EEE]

248 The Claws of Axos [GGG]

249 The Mutants [NNN]

250 The Time Monster [OOO]

251 Planet of the Daleks [SSS]

252 Invasion of the Dinosaurs [WWW]

253 Genesis of the Daleks [4E]

254 Planet of Evil [4H]

255 The Android Invasion [4J]

256 The Brain of Morbius [4K]

257 The Masque of Mandragora [4M]

258 Horror of Fang Rock [4V]

259 Underworld [4Y]

260 The Power of Kroll [5E]

261 City of Death [5H]

262 The Creature from the Pit [5G]

263 The Nightmare of Eden [5K]

264 Full Circle [5R]

265 Warriors' Gate [5S]

266 Logopolis [5V]

267 Black Orchid [6A]

268 Time-Flight [6C]

269 Snakedance [6D]

270 Terminus [6G]

271 The King's Demons [6J]

272 The Caves of Androzani [6R]

273 The Mark of the Rani [6X]

274 The Trial of a Time Lord pts 9-12 [7C]

275 Delta and the Bannermen [7F]

276 Silver Nemesis [7K]

The Doctors

277 Grandfather!

278 Doctor "Who"

279 The First Regeneration

280 Genius or Fool?

281 The Third Doctor

282 The Third Doctor and Authority

283 Quothe the Fourth Doctor ...

284 Name Dropper!

285 CIA Agent

286 The Doctor and Money

287 The Fifth Doctor's Friends

288 Improved Performance

289 Quotations of the Sixth Doctor

290 What We Didn't See

291 The New Adventures


292 Barbara Wright

293 Katarina

294 Sara Kingdom

295 Dorothea ("Dodo") Chaplet

296 Polly Wright

297 Ben Jackson

298 Captain Mike Yates

299 Harry Sullivan

300 The First Romanadvoratrelundar

301 Tegan Jovanka

The Villains

302 The Dalek Invasions of Earth

303 The Daleks Inside Out

304 The Birth of the Daleks

305 Metaphor of the Daleks

306 Evolution of the Cybermen

307 Invasions of the Cybermen

308 Weapons of the Cybermen

309 The Great Intelligence and the Yeti

310 The Nastenes and the Autons

311 Sea Devils and Silurians

312 The Mind of Davros

313 The Master Renewed

314 The Mara

315 Commander Gustave Lytton

The Legend

316 The Thals

317 Bret Vyon

318 The Mind of the Doctor

319 Special Effects

320 Actors and Their Roles

321 The Other TARDIS Control Room

322 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Doctor

323 E-Space, N-Space and CVEs

324 The Cloister and Its Bell

325 The Watcher

326 Rassilon

327 The Continuity Game

328 Americans in Doctor Who

329 Sorry--Our Mistake!

330 Credits & Acknowledgements


Premiere Cards (1:6 packs)


11 Susan

12 Romana

13 Dalek Emperor

14 Peri

15 Romana Too

Foil Doctors (1:9 packs)

F1 The First Doctor

F2 The Second Doctor

F3 The Third Doctor

F4 The Fourth Doctor

F5 The Fifth Doctor

F6 The Sixth Doctor

F7 The Seventh Doctor

Autographed Cards

-- Sophie Aldred [blue; 90 signed]

-- Michael Craze 'Ben' [red; 90 signed]

-- Louise Jameson [red; 10 signed + black; 80 signed]

-- Sylvester McCoy [blue; 80 signed]

-- Wendy Padbury as Zoe [red; 90 signed]

Box Bonus Cards

Came with the box (2 different for each one); 6 in total.


C1 (title card)

C2 (two men looking at clothes)

C3 (man at control panel)

IT-4 (Cornerstone Inside Trader Club exclusive)

Doctor Who: Series 4 – CORNERSTONE (1996-1997)

No. Title

First Doctor Era

1 The Fallible Wizard

2 The Family Way

3 A Violent Child

4 Checklist

5 The Family Doctor

6 The Susan That Wasn't, Pt. 1

7 The Susan That Wasn't, Pt. 2

8 Ian and the Doctor

9 I Was a Teenage Alien

Second Doctor Era

10 Memories of the Cybermen

11 Joining the Club

12 Victoria's Secret

13 Being Victoria

14 Into the foam, Pt. 1

15 Into the foam, Pt. 2

16 Behind the Sofa

17 The Yeti and the Dog

18 Missing the Episodes

Third Doctor Era

19 Stories vs. Serials, Pt. 1

20 Stories vs. Serials, Pt. 2

21 Presenting the Pertwees

22 Jon Pertwee The Writer

23 The "Stupid" Idea, Pt. 1

24 The "Stupid" Idea, Pt. 2

25 The End of an Era

26 His Least Favorite Story

27 The Unit Family

Fourth Doctor Era

28 Tom Baker on K-9

29 Acting and Actors

30 The Autobiography, Pt. 1

31 The Autobiography, Pt. 2

32 The Autobiography, Pt. 3

33 An Actor's Motivation

34 Fame and Failure

35 One, Two, Three Companions

36 The Doctor Who Archetype

Fifth Doctor Era

37 Three Years and Out

38 Fashion Sense

39 Adric and the Children

40 Playing Cricket on Camera

41 Colleagues

42 Three's a Crowd

43 Still the Doctor

44 Tegan's Last Scene

45 A Matter of Perspective

Sixth Doctor Era

46 Why Did He Do That?

47 The Short Term

48 Doctor Who's Defender

49 A Regeneration That Wasn't

50 Coats of Fewer Colors

51 An Articulate Doctor

52 Casting Colin Baker

53 Casting Nicola Bryant

54 The Singapore Story

Seventh Doctor Era

55 Sophie's Great Escape

56 Out of Time

57 Teen Rebel

58 Casting Sylvester McCoy

59 The Mystery of the Doctor

60 The Musical Screamer

61 The Stars and Their Guests

62 The Juggling Doctor

63 The Dalek Invasion

The Brigadier & UNIT

64 RSM John Benton

65 Actor to Actor

66 Love and the Brigadier

67 The Coming of UNIT

68 Success Story

69 Serendipity

70 What's In a Name?

71 No Business Like Show Business

72 Reunited

Dimensions in Time

73 Dimensions in Timing

74 The Story, Pt. 1

75 The Story, Pt. 2

76 The Story, Pt. 3

77 The Story, Pt. 4

78 Did It Happen?

79 Doctor on the Run, Pt. 1

80 Doctor on the Run, Pt. 2

81 Au Revoir

Rogues Gallery

82 About the Doctor

83 Greatest Show in the Car Park

84 McCoy on Typecasting

85 Hearts and Minds

86 The Writer and the Fans

87 Daleks vs. Daemons

88 Soldiers and Villains

89 Victoria and the Daleks

90 A Cyberman in Ealing


Foil Stamped Cards (1:9 packs)

i1 The First Doctor

i2 The Second Doctor

i3 The Third Doctor

i4 The Fourth Doctor

i5 The Fifth Doctor

i6 The Sixth Doctor

i7 The Seventh Doctor

i8 The Eighth Doctor [only in factory set]

Autographed Card (1:432 packs)

-- Nicola Bryant [90 signed]

-- Nicholas Courtney [red; 90 signed]

-- Caroline John [blue; 90 signed]

-- Elisabeth Sladen [90 signed]

Tribute Cards (mail-in offer)



Card Album

-- (Binder)


D1 (title card)

D2 (group of strange people)

D3 (man fishing)

D4 (applying makeup)

IT6 (Cornerstone Inside Trader Club exclusive)

Doctor Who: The Definitive Collection - Series One (Strictly Ink – 2000)

No. Title/Card Text Subset/Description

1 An Unearthly Child/100,000 BC Episodes

2 The Daleks Episodes

3 Inside The Spaceship Episodes

4 Marco Polo Episodes

5 The Keys of Marinus Episodes

6 The Aztecs Episodes

7 The Sensorites Episodes

8 The Reign of Terror Episodes

9 Planet of Giants Episodes

10 The Dalek Invasion of Earth Episodes

11 The Rescue Episodes

12 The Romans Episodes

13 The Web Planet Episodes

14 The Crusade Episodes

15 The Space Museum Episodes

16 The Chase Episodes

17 The Time Meddler Episodes

18 Galaxy Four Episodes

19 Mission to the Unknown Episodes

20 The Myth Makers Episodes

21 The Daleks' Master Plan Episodes

22 The Massacre of St… Episodes

23 The Ark Episodes

24 The Celestial Toymaker Episodes

25 The Gunfighters Episodes

26 The Savages Episodes

27 The War Machines Episodes

28 The Smugglers Episodes

29 The Tenth Planet Episodes

30 The Power of the Daleks Episodes

31 The Highlanders Episodes

32 The Underwater Menace Episodes

33 The Moonbase Episodes

34 The Macra Terror Episodes

35 The Faceless Ones Episodes

36 The Evil of the Daleks Episodes

37 The Tomb of the Cybermen Episodes

38 The Abominable Snowmen Episodes

39 The Ice Warriors Episodes

40 The Enemy of the World Episodes

41 The Web of Fear Episodes

42 Fury From The Deep Episodes

43 The Wheel In Space Episodes

44 The Dominators Episodes

45 The Mind Robber Episodes

46 The Invasion Episodes

47 The Krotons Episodes