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California Department of Education
Executive Office
SBE-004 (REV.01/2011) / addendum-jul16item2
Date: / July 7, 2016
TO: / MEMBERS, State Board of Education
FROM: / STAFF, California Department of Education, WestEd and State Board of Education
SUBJECT: / Item 2 – Mock-Up of Prototype Illustrating Potential Design Features for the Local Control Funding Formula Evaluation Rubrics’ Top-Level Summary Data Display

Attachment 4 to Item 2 describes design concepts for the top-level summary data display to be included in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) evaluation rubrics. This Addendum includes a mock-up (Figure 1 below) that shows the proposed design features. Figure 1 contains six main columns, which are described below in order from left to right.

Website Navigation Bar.This column reflects that the display will be part of the web-based interface for the LCFF evaluation rubrics. Tabs or links will be available to allow users to access other parts of the evaluation rubrics.

LCFF Priority. This column identifies the LCFF priority addressed by each indicator. It is included only for the purpose of clarity in this mock-up to illustrate how the proposed design would address the relevant LCFF priorities. Staff do not propose including this column in the final web-based design.

Indicators.This column lists the indicators reflected in the display. This mock-up reflects the current staff recommendation for state indicators and standards addressing other LCFF priorities for the initial year of the evaluation rubrics. The State Board of Education’s action at the July 2016 meeting will inform further development work.

As noted in the Item and accompanying information memoranda, these indicators are likely to evolve over time based on experience and learnings, including:

  • The California Department of Education (CDE) will work on developing a growth measure as part of the assessment indicators, when a second year of data become available.
  • The CDE will convene a work group to consider options for an English learner composite that includes progress toward proficiency, reclassification rates, and long-term English learner rates.
  • The CDE will convene a work group to consider local surveys and self- assessments to measure school climate broadly, including measures of student safety and connectedness, conditions of learning, implementation of state academic standards, access to broad courses of study, and the coordination of services.
  • The CDE will continue its work on college and career readiness by evaluating other possible measures to include in the College and Career Indicator (e.g., including course taking information and 8th grade indicators).

All Student Performance. This column reflects the performance for all students in the local educational agency or school. It shows the color-coded performance category (e.g., Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) for each indicator, as described in Attachments 1 and 2.For the state indicators, this column is split in half to reflect the status and change dimensions of performance under the approved methodology, which is described in Attachment 1.

Equity Report. This column identifies instances where any student subgroup, with a valid n-size, is in the Red or Orange performance category for each state indicator. Within the web-based evaluation rubrics interface, users would be able to generate more detailed reports showing all performance categories for all student subgroups.

This mock-up identifies student subgroups by number (e.g., Student Subgroups 1-13). Based on the actual performance data from the local educational agency or school, the Equity Report could identify any of the following student subgroups listed in Education CodeSection 52052:

  • Socioeconomically disadvantaged pupils;
  • English learners;
  • Foster youth;
  • Pupils with disabilities;
  • Homeless youth; and
  • Racial/ethnic student subgroups currently reflected in standard reporting (American Indian/Native Alaskan; Asian; Black/African-American; Filipino; Hispanic/Latino; Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander; Two or more races; and White).

Narrative. This column includes additional information about the local educational agency or school that local educational agencies can add through the evaluation rubrics interface.

The top portion of the column for state indicators is optional. It is intended to ensure that local educational agencies and schools can provide context around performance and identify any circumstances and steps taken locally that can provide a more complete understanding of performance across the LCFF and any local priorities.

The bottom portion of the column addresses the standards for the LCFF priorities not addressed by the state indicators, which are described in Attachment 2. For local educational agencies that meet the relevant standard(s), the local educational agency would summarize the findings of the self-assessment based on the information collected.

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Figure 1. Proposed Design Features for Top-Level Summary Data Display.

LEA/SCHOOL INFO HERE (could include basic demographic info)
Navigation pane, with tabs pointing to sub-pages with detailed reports, model practices and resources. / LCFF Priority / Indicators / All Student Performance / Equity Report[1] / Narrative
Status / Change / Red~ / Orange^
4 / ELA Assessment (K-8) / High / Improved Significantly / # / 1, 5~ / 2^ / (Optional for State Indicators)
Math Assessment (K-8) / High / Improved / + / 2,3~ / 6^
4 / English Learner Proficiency / Intermediate / Maintained / - / N/A (indicator applies only to English Learners)
5 / Graduation Rate (9-12) / Low / Improved / - / 1~ / None
5 / Chronic Absenteeism
(K-8) / Very Low / Maintained / ~ / 1, 4, 8, 9~ / 7, 10, 12^
6 / Suspension Rate &
Local Climate Survey / Low / Maintained / ^ / 6,9~ / 10^
7, 8 / College & Career Readiness (9-12) / High / Improved Significantly / # / None / 1^
1 / Basics (Teachers, Instructional Materials, Facilities) / Met / + / N/A / (Summarize Self-Assessment Results)
2 / Implementation of Academic Standards / Not Met for One Year / ^ / N/A
3 / Parent Engagement / Met / + / N/A

Note: The following symbols correspond to the Performance Categorynoted in parentheses for All Student Performance and within the Equity Report: # (Blue); + (Green); - (Yellow); ^ (Orange); ~ (Red).

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[1] The Equity Report identifies any student subgroup, with valid n-size, that is in the Red or Orange level of performance on the indicator. Users can generate more detailed reports showing performance for all student subgroups. The Equity Report would include the specific student subgroups listed in Education Code 52052: Socioeconomically disadvantaged pupils; English learners; Foster youth; Pupils with disabilities; Homeless youth; and racial/ethnic student subgroups currently reflected in standard reporting (American Indian/Native Alaskan; Asian; Black/African-American; Filipino; Hispanic/Latino; Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander; Two or more races; and White). This mock-up identifies student subgroups by number for illustrative purposes only.