July 14 2014 Wilson Town Board Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of the Wilson Town Board held on July 14 2014 at the town hall was called to order by Chairman Leon Bowman at 7:00 p.m.
Present were Supervisors Leon Bowman, Tony Chelmowski and Ernie Culp. Clerk Robin Jandt, Treasurer Karen Haedtke, Zoning Administrator Paul Siebenaler and Fire Chief Paul Douglas.
Others Present: List is attached.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The agenda was amended to add Marcia Ward and special meeting for Sobeck’s.T.Chelmowski made a motion to approve the amended agenda and E. Culp seconded. All approved.
The minutes from June 92014 were approved by T.Chelmowski andseconded by E.Culp All approved.
The bills totaling $127,969.12 were approved by T.Chelmowski and seconded by E.Culp. All approved.
Mike Hill from Charter was there to discuss the Charter Franchise contract. Mike discussed the agreement that Wilson Township has with Charter now. If you have at least 500-600 customers in the contract the township can collect a 0-5% fee. Townships in the area that have agreements are Lewiston, Stockton, Goodview. Right now Wilson has a 5 year agreement with Charter. L.Bowman asked numerous questions. A discussion took place on annexation what happens to the house in the township that are annexed into the city. A discussion took place on the 0-5% fee that we should be getting but have never seen. Mike Hill would get back to Robin on the answers to some of the questions we had asked. After no other questions we thanked Mike Hill for coming.
Laurie Rogers was in attendance and is running for the district 5 seat for county commissioner. Laurie lives in Dakota and has lived there 23 years. She has worked as an occupational therapist in the schools. Laurie is concerned about the roads in Winona County. She enjoys being out in the public working with people. L.Bowman commented that it would be nice to see the league for women voters have a debate in Wilson at the town hall it would bring people from the country that don’t normally attend them in town. With no other comments we thanked Laurie for coming.
Update on culverts. T.Chelmowski has not talked to Heitz. Hopefully this week he will get a hold of him. The weather hasn’t helped. The parking signs have been ordered thru M&R signs. Dust control is done. T.Chelmowski commented that some townships spray all of their roads and supposedly this cuts down ½ the cost of crushed rock you need to purchase in the spring. L.Bowman commented that we maybe should do a test on a road with a high volume of traffic and watch to see if we notice a difference. T.Chelmowski commented that he could contact them anytime to spray more if we would like to do that. A short discussion took place and it was decided that we will spray a section of Wilson Frontage Road. We will go from the T to Fawn Road. L.Bowman made a motion and T.Chelmowski seconded. All approved.
The hall rental contract will be updated to add the information on to it pertaining to liability. R.Jandt will work on it. T.Chelmowski made a motion to this affect and E.Culp seconded. All approved.
P.Siebenaler talked to St. Mary’s cemetery and informed them that they would need to get a Conditional Use and plat for more expansion.
L.Bowman attended the FEMA meeting in Winona. L.Bowman brought up the issue of streams and erosion problems in the county that more needs to be done about these issues. The meeting was informative.
Air Packs were discussed and P.Douglas will get some information to us by next month.
Styx Concrete has finished the concrete work but still needs to get parking stops in and door still needs to be done before the bill will be paid. T.Chelmowski made a motion to have L.Bowman mail the check to Styx Concrete once the work is complete and E.Culp seconded. All approved. The Modern Ready Mix bill will paid minus the discount.
Permit applications changes need to be made to our forms to be more specific after a small problem occurred. P.Siebenaler will work on it and give us a rough draft next month.
The using of township water was discussed some more. We will have a clip board to sign out water the date, time, who, how many the gallons they are taking. P.Douglas commented that a projector has been missing for a while now. T.Chelmowski will talk to Mike Conway to see if he still has an extra projector that he would be willing to donate. T.Chelmwski commented that we should have a key that gets signed out just like the hall key for renting the hall. P.Douglas commented that the pump is leaking. L.Bowman commented that it should get fixed. E.Culp made a motion to have B.Peterson look in to it and get back to the board with an estimate and T.Chelmowski seconded. All approved.
A follow up on painting of the town hall. Gary Spencer would be interested in giving us an estimate. T.Chelmowski commented that Lisa Douglas is also interested in doing it now. She has some extra time now. A small discussion took place and L.Bowman made a motion to have Lisa Douglas paint the walls if interested and T.Chelmowski seconded. All approved. We will supply the materials.
We got a donation of a printer/copier and 2 file cabinets. R.Jandt would be interested in taking the printer but we would need to find a home for the printer/copier that we have now.A suggestion was Darr auctions. We will keep the file cabinets and dispose of 1 of the older ones we have. Fire Dept. would use one of the file cabinets and the fire proof one we will take. R.Jandt will send a thank you and a receipt for the file cabinets and the printer/copier.
We will have a special meeting Wednesday July 30 2014 at 7:00 to hear the conditional use request for the Sobeck Bros. T.Chelmowski made a motion to have it on this date and E.Culp seconded. All approved.
P.Douglas commented that there are 3 ceiling fans in the fire hall and 2 of them are not working. Paul would like to see them replaced before winter. The new flag on the pole was replaced by the 4-H. R.Jandt will send them a thank you. P.Douglas commented that for the family fun day we had sold 275 adult meals but we had no complete totals on what was made back yet. Back door still needs fixing.
P.Siebenaler just reminded everyone the planning commission will be meeting this coming Wednesday July 16 2014 at 7:00 to hear the conditional use request for SobeckBros.
T.Chelmowski commented that the weeds are sprayed. We are still waiting for an accident report for a schwans truck that had gone in the ditch on top of East Burns Valley Road. Some old sidewalks from Winona will be going on top of East Burns Valley lining the ditch. We had received a bid from Dunn Black Top for Camp Road and it came in at $19,475.00. The bid for Farmview Road had come in lower than expected so we saved some money there. T.Chelmowski did comment that we should consider doing Camp Road this year since black top is cheaper.
R.Jandt gave a report on the elections. The primary will be coming up on August 12 2014 the polls will be open from 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Hart Township will be over to share polling places. Election training will be taking place and new this year will be online training. The tentative election judges will be Gail Griffin, Rita Wieczorek, Patti Deets, Bob Peterson, John Burros, Lynn Redig, Leon Bowman and Robin Jandt. L.Bowman made a motion to approve the election judges and T.Chelmowski seconded. All approved. R.Jandt reported that the next district meeting will be coming up on August 13 2014. Robin also got the annual report on population for Wilson Township and it is as follows. There are 1,146 people in the township, households are 433.
L. Bowman would like to see Styx finish the concrete work this fall. The estimate would be about $20,000.00 to complete the cement work. L.Bowman commented that the printer and file cabinets were donated by Mike Andring. A letter should be mailed out to Mike thanking him for the donation. The estimate value of the products are $500 for the fire proof file cabinet, $60 for the regular file cabinet and $3,000 for the printer. R.Jandt will take care of getting a thank you out. L.Bowman made a motion to have R.Jandt to take care of it and T.Chelmowski seconded. All approved.
T.Chelmowski made a motion to have L.Bowman talk to Styx concrete to see if it would be possible to finish up the concrete this fall and E.Culp seconded. All approved.
T.Chelmowskimade a motion to adjourn and L.Bowman seconded. All approved.