Judge John Roberts: mixed signals on abortion

Conflicting positions on abortion reveals lack of proper training given to lawyers in most American law schools, regarding the rightful biblical moral foundation for law. Likewise, this failure, and others also, as applied and practiced by working attorneys throughout America, has perverted truejustice in our nation.

The two faces of John G. Roberts:

1. John Roberts, as Principal Deputy Solicitor General (attorney) of the

United States for the Bush Sr. administration, in 1990/1991:

In a 1990 legal brief he co-authored for the 1991 Rust vs. Sullivan case, regarding

federal funding to abortion 'doctors' and 'clinics' :

"We continue to believe that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overruled." /

“The court’s conclusion in Roe that there is a fundamental right to an abortion ... finds no support in the text, structure or history of the Constitution,” the brief said.


2. John Roberts, as a candidate (subsequently confirmed) for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, nominated by President George W. Bush Jr., in 2003:

In the Senate confirmation hearing for candidate Roberts, when he was pressed on the abortion issue:

"Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land…There's nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent."



These words of John Roberts in his testimony before the U.S. Senate in 2003 are despicable. He is upholding the flawed legal theory that the legal precedents of the Supreme Court are the "supreme law of the land." [even if they were, which they are not, child-murder-by-abortion will never be lawful, because God's Law is alwaysHigher than man's law - Acts 4:19, Acts 5:29, Exodus 1:15-22]

Supreme Court decisions are not listed in Article VI. of the U.S. Constitution as one of the

three things which are the "supreme law of the land":

Article VI. explained in an article ("Abortion is not legal") co-authored by constitutional scholar and attorney, Mr. Herb Titus:

The Supreme Court is not the final arbiter of the U.S. Constitution; the words of Presidents Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson:

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has said, "... there is nothing, nothing in the Constitution that guarantees the right to an abortion."

Judge John Roberts is no constitutionalist. He does not understand the plain text of

Article VI. which omits any reference to Supreme Court decisions being the "supreme law

of the land." Supreme Court decisions are binding only upon the parties of a case, and

then only as to the particular facts of that case.

Judge John Roberts does not understand that God's Law is rightly

the moral foundation of man's law. John Roberts is no Roy Moore.

The Word of God is authoritative, sovereign, and immutable, for all men, for all nations, for all time.

"Man shall... live... by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary, dir., Columbia Christians for Life, Columbia, SC, July 20, 2005