Blue & Gold

Pack 722 Advancement

and Arrow of Light Ceremony

Cub master’s message

Blue & Gold 2015 Program

  • Call to Order
  • Ceremony (Webelos II)
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Friends of Scouting
  • Invocation
  • Dinner
  • Recognition of Leaders
  • Arrow of Light Ceremony (Webelos II)
  • Advancement Ceremony
  • Closing Announcements
  • Retiring of Colors
  • Dessert

Den 6

/ Aaron Gallagher
Aaron joined pack 722 as a tiger. He quickly learned what it means to be a scout and the many responsibilities that come with it. Aaron went to Tres Ranchos day camp every year and especially liked archery and science. He really enjoyed selling popcorn, doing the Scouting for Food program, camp-outs, hikes, rocket jamborees, pinewood derbies and den activities. With his den he was awarded many belt loops and pins.
“My favorite part of scouting is that you learn new things and meet new people.” ~Aaron
/ Colin Dugan
Colin joined Pack 722 as a Webelos. He enjoys every minute he spends with his scout friends. The scout memories that stand out most for Colin are the Pinewood Derbys and owning a pocketknife and learning how to safely use it. He is a 5th grader at Vannoy Elementary and sings in the chorus and participates in Vannoy's Track Team. Colin also serves as an Altar Boy at St. Margaret Mary's Church and plays flag football and basketball. He enjoys being a role model to his younger siblings and is a great help at home. He also loves building with Legos and is cooking on his own. In the past 2 years, Colin has grown into a fine young man.
"My favorite part about being a Webelos is that we can go out on activities like the Night Hike, camping trips and volunteering for the Food Drive at Thanksgiving." ~Colin
/ Dakota Yang
Dakota joined the Cub Scouts only a year ago as a Webelos 1 and really enjoyed overnight camping. He liked all the different camp activities but enjoyed hanging out by the camp fire socializing with friends the most. Dakota plans to join Troop 722 where he can continue his camping adventures and work on earning merit badges.
"Just because you did good once doesn't mean that's enough. You have to keep doing good all the time." ~Dakota
/ Dylan Vilala
Dylan joined Pack 722 as a Tiger Cub in 2010. He is now 11 years old and in the fifth grade at Castro Valley Elementary School. Since joining scouts, Dylan has had a lot of fun learning new things and developing new skills. He loves to go camping and really enjoyed attending the various scout camps every summer. He also loved participating in the Pinewood Derby and Rocket Jamboree. Outside of scouts, Dylan loves to play video games and participates in basketball and soccer leagues. Dylan is looking forward to all of the new adventures he will experience as a Boy Scout.
“My favorite part of Cub Scouts is the Pinewood Derby.” ~Dylan
/ Ethan Hudson
Ethan joined Pack 722 as a Tiger in the 1st grade. He has really enjoyed his 5 years as a Scout, especially his friends. Some of his favorite activities were the Rocket Jamborees, Pinewood Derbies, campouts, overnight trips on the Hornet and Pampanito, selling popcorn, and the meetings. One of his fondest memories is of Tiger Safari Camp and waking up in the morning to snow for the first time. He is sad that his time in Cub Scouts is coming to an end but is excited to meet new friends as he continues on to Boy Scouts.
"I hope to achieve Eagle Scout and one thing I know is that if you put your mind to it you can do anything." ~Ethan
/ Mccade Hayes
Mac joined Scouts as a Tiger in 1st grade. Over the years he has made great friends, learned useful skills and developed confidence. Scouting has been a huge part of Mac’s elementary school experience. He is looking forward to moving into Boy Scouts.
“The experience of scouting is something no one should miss out on. I love making new friends and having a good time.” ~Mac
/ Nicholas Hoo
Nicholas joined the Cub Scouts at age six as a Tiger in Den 6, Pack 722. He is currently 10 years old and is in the 5th grade attending Our Lady of Grace School. His interests are natural sciences, history, and video games. He is involved in Tae Kwon Do and basketball. While in Scouts, he has enjoyed many enriching activities that he might not otherwise have experienced. He will have fond memories of the Tiger Safari, Mom/Son Camp, Summer Day Camp, the endof- year camp-out, over-night events on the U.S.S. Hornet and U.S.S. Pampanito, the Pinewood Derby, the Rocket Jamboree, and all of the den/pack activities throughout the years. He looks forward to continuing this special journey as he advances into the Boy Scouts.
“During my five years in Cub Scouts, I have learned many things such as good Teamwork, respect, and survival skills. Cub Scouts has been a very memorable experience for me, and I will always try to follow the Cub Scout Motto, “Do Your Best” ~Nicholas
/ Simon Voix
Simon joined Scouts as a member of Den 6 just as they were finishing their year as Tigers and were becoming Wolf Scouts. Some of his most memorable experiences in Scouting were the fun and informative den meetings, building and racing fast pinewood derby cars, and camping. Simon is now ten years old and is a fifth grader at Jensen Ranch Elementary School. He has enjoyed being a Scout in Pack 722 and now is looking forward to continuing on to become a Boy Scout.
“I liked a lot of the activities, events and making friends. Some of the learning experiences were very interesting.” ~Simon
We congratulate Den 6 on their achievement and wish them successes while they are on their path as Boy Scouts!

Den Leader Message

Pack 722 2014-2015

Dusty Hayes
Michael Gardner
Den 1
Rai Warbasse
Ruth Hunter
Anthony Hunter
Carson Claas
Colgan Correa
Hank Wagner / Jackson Gorski
Jacob Tavare
Jaison Warbasse
Ryan Autio
Den 2
Stacy Martin
Adam Koceniak
Greyson Martin
Jack Pronske
Joshua Wong
Logan Yang / Mason Powell
Sidhant Dhawan
Tyler Daniels
William Hudson
Wyatt Franklin
Den 3
Kevin Speer
Rai Warbasse
Alex Speer
Benjamin McFarland-Pino
Christopher Claas
Joshua Michell
K.C. Smith / Lex Steckelberg
Luke Gorski
Raimund Warbasse
Ramon Lara
Xavier Clark
Den 4

Webelos 1

Damian Rickert
Philip Avery
Aidan Rickert
Carson Steckelberg
Connor Shurell
Conrad Avery / Daniel Severson
David Tang
Peyton Marchant

Den 7


Webelos I

Paul Silk
Bob Fusinati
Clive Henrick
Corey Silk
Kyle Mognaga / Michael Fusinati
Nicholas Pronske
Raymond McFarland-Pino

Cub Scouting’s 12 Core Values

  • Citizenship:

Contributing service and showing responsibility to local, state, and national communities.

  • Compassion:

Being kind and considerate, and showing concern for the well-being of others.

Being helpful and working together with others toward a common goal

  • Courage:

Being brave and doing what is right regardless of our fears, the difficulties, or the consequences.

  • Faith:

Having inner strength and confidence based on our trust in God.

  • Health and Fitness:

Being personally committed to keeping our minds and bodies clean and fit.

  • Honesty:

Telling the truth and being worthy of trust.

  • Perseverance:

Sticking with something and not giving up, even if it is difficult.

  • Positive Attitude:

Being cheerful and setting our minds to look for and find the best in all situations.

  • Resourcefulness:

Using human and other resources to their fullest.

  • Respect:

Showing regard for the worth of something or someone.

  • Responsibility:

Fulfilling our duty to God, country, other people, and ourselves

2014-2015 Committee

Committee Chair: / Derek Hudson
Co-Cubmaster: / Dusty Hayes
Co-Cubmaster: / Michael Gardner
Treasurer: / Clive Hernrick
Awards Chair: / Tina Ruiz
Record Keeper/Training: / Rai Warbasse
Unit Commissioner: / Rose Godfrey
Trail Trekker Chair: / Damian Rickert
Philip Avery
Charter Organization: / Vannoy Parents Club
All Den Leaders / Rai Warbasse
Ruth Hunter
Stacy Martin
Kevin Speer
Damian Rickert
Philip Avery
Paul Silk
Bob Fusinati

Special Thanks

Den 3
Blue & Gold Coordinators
Derek Hudson
Slide Show Creator
Claire Mognaga
Chartered Organization Representative
Parents and all other Volunteers
This event would not be possible without your help

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