KingsValleyCharterSchool policy
Title: Attendance Policy
Control Information
Control Item / DetailsOwner/Curator / Mark Hazelton
Policy # / KVP5004B
Supersedes / None
File Location /
Board approval date / December 12, 2007
Revision History
Revision / Date / Revision Description / OriginatorA / 9/14/2005 / Attendance Policy / Mark Hazelton
B / 12/10/2007 / Notification of Absence / M. Castle
Number: KVP1009AKingsValleyCharterSchoolMarch 3, 2003
Template: 0001Page 1 of 4
KingsValleyCharterSchool policy
1.Attendance and Tardiness Policy
The objective of this policy is the following
- Define the philosophy of attendance at the KingsValleyCharterSchool.
- Define attendance excused and unexcused absences and Tardiness.
The KingsValleyCharterSchool believes students benefit from regular attendance at the school. We also support family activities. We also believe learning can happen outside of school. Thus attendance guidelines regarding excused and unexcused absences are subject to the administrator’s discretion.
Tardiness can be disruptive to classroom activities. Morning rituals are important for bringing students into the learning process. We strongly encourage all students to arrive on time. We understand individual family circumstances result in occasional tardiness. Thus, guidelines regarding excused and unexcused tardiness are subject to the administrator’s discretion.
Attendance in school is a state law. Parents are subject to these laws. The KingsValleyCharterSchool will assist other agencies in completing investigations.
1.3.Guidelines for excused and unexcused absences:
The administrator may approve absences prior to departure for family’s activities that have an educational component or contribute to the benefit of the family. For absences greater than 3 days (other than illness), the student will be required to share the experience through a written or verbal report to the classroom.
For pre-arranged absences, parents need to notify the office and teachers the same number of school days ahead as the number of days that the student will be absent. For example, if a student is missing three days of school, the parents need to notify the teacher three school days ahead of the absence. This allows teachers to have adequate time to prepare materials.
Absences for illness need to be reported to the school office by 9:00am.
Absences greater than 10 school days will result in a drop from state mandated enrollment records per state law. The administrator may hold a position for a student for 25 school days for an absence approved before departure. The educational component of such a long absence must be very strong.
KingsValleyCharterSchool will assist other government agencies when investigating chronic absences.
1.4.Guidelines for excused and unexcused tardiness:
Parents have agreed ensure their students arrive on time in our Family Enrollment Contract. Tardiness is generally unexcused. At the KingsValleyCharterSchool tardiness is generally not the fault of the students. Students will be required to make up any missed work. The students will receive no punishment. Attempts to minimize the impact on students will be made.
KingsValleyCharterSchool will assist other government agencies when investigating chronic tardiness.
1.5.Accountability Map:
Step / Detail / Description of the method. / Who is accountable / Who is responsible / Who is informedChanges to document / Changes to document
Document is updated and filed / Submit changes to board secretary
File in paper and electronic files / Board President
Board President / Board President
Board secretary / Board and Staff
Number: KVP1009AKingsValleyCharterSchoolMarch 3, 2003
Template: 0001Page 1 of 4