Nawesse, William, Oliver Armitstede, £0.50, , Giggleswick

Armitstede, Richard, Prior of Durham, £0.33, , Giggleswick

Armitstede, Thomas, Northumberland, £0.25, , Giggleswick

Armitstede, Ranold, Northumberland, £1.00, , Giggleswick

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

[Page 25]


1522 Armitstede, Ranold, Northumberland, £1.00, , Giggleswick

Note. He took theRoger Armysted the son of Randolph holds one

tenement for a finemessuage with the land appertaining to the same

of 4 marksat the will of the lord and renders per annum10s

And he took the aforesaid tenement from the lord’s

Commissaries by warrant for a fine of 4 marks

Note. Gersum 15sRoger Armysted senior holds one messuage with

whereof unpaid 10sthe land appertaining to the same by the lord’s

warrant and renders per annum10s

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

[Page 29]

Free Tenants

William Armisted renders for his land per annum16d

Oliver Armysted renders per annum12d

Richard Stackhouse Armysted renders per annum3d

End 1550


Gersum 53s 4d

Roger Armysted, the son of Paul Armysted, took from the said Commissioners, by warrant, one messuage, with the appurtenances, and certain land appertaining to the same messuage, in the same place, to hold to him, for the term of his life. And he renders annually 10s, and for entry/gersum as appears.


William Armytsite holds freely of the lord one

cottage with the appurtenances in Giggleswick and

one messuage with the appurtenances at Hunthwate.

And he pays in free rent per annum at the feast of

St Michael, so much;16d

Christ Thomas Armytsted holds one tenement at a

rent of 5s and pays for free rent12d

At willRichard Armytsted holds at the will of the lord one

Respitedhalf rood of waste land at Raynes at a rent of 3d,

and one rood and a half of waste land at Stange

Rayne and Brown Waddacar at a rent of 9d, the

sixth part of one rood of waste land at Holreddinge

at a rent of 1½d. And thus it yields in total at the

feast aforesaid;13½d

Gersum 8sJohn Burton holds by the lord’s indenture dated6 Eliz

Fully paid14 April 6 Eliz granted to James Iveson deceased,lease for

and [granted] to him for the education of Joan21 years

Iveson the daughter of the said James during her

minority of age, assigned by the lord’s licence for

the term of 21 years, one cottage with the appur-

tenances in the same place. And it yields per

annum at the feast aforesaid;2s

Memorandum that the same John says that he has

paid to the lord for licence to marry Alice Iveson

the wife of the said James, and to occupy the

tenement aforesaid at Skipton, 12s.

Memorandum that John Armytsteade holds the

cottage aforesaid in the title and name of Thomas

Iveson, clerk, administrator of the goods and

chattels of the aforesaid Joan Iveson.

At willWilliam Armytsted holds at the will of the lord

Respitedone house and premises called An Oven House

at Hunthwaithe. And it yields per annum at the

feast aforesaid;2d

Gressum 65s 4dThe relict of Robert Armytsted holds by the lord’s6 Eliz lease

Fully paidindenture dated 14 April 6 Eliz granted to Robert

Arymytsted for the term of 21 years one tenement

with the appurtenances in Mewith in Giggleswick.

And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid;16s 4d

Gersum £4 whereofThomas Armytsted holds by the lord’s warrant

he has paid 40s. Anddated 6 July 4 Eliz for the term of his life etc one

he owes the residuetenement with the appurtenances at Armytsted. And

now to be paid yields per annum at the feast aforesaid;9s

At willThe same Thomas holds at the will of the lord one

parcel of waste land at Lynthwaite. And it yields

per annum at the feast aforesaid;1d

Gersum 53s 4dRoger Armytsted holds by the lord’s warrant,

Fully paidthrough Edmund Eltoftes esquire and other comm-

issaries, dated 10 February 1 Mary, for the term

of the life of the said Roger, one messuage and

other lands belonging to the same. And it yields

per annum at the feast aforesaid;10s

At willThe same Roger holds at the will of the lord one

parcel of waste land called Halfpenny Butt at

Lynethwate at a rent of 1d. And one house built at

Banarghe Head at a rent of 4d. And they yield at

the feast aforesaid;5d

Memorandum that Thomas Lyndsey has taken the10 Eliz

premises from the lord by indenture dated 10Lease for

March 10 Eliz for the term of 21 years after the21 years

death of the said Roger or the determination of the

aforesaid warrant. And it yields in respect thereof

per annum; 10s not recorded here.


John Armysted haithe taken of the said Commissioners One cottage one laythe & one garden with the apptnnce there laite in the tenure of James Iveson deceased and assigned unto the said John by Thomas Iveson clarke next cosen of the said James of the Rent of 2s To have and hold Yelding And paying for his Fyne 32s


Rycherd Armystead holdeth at L will certen pcells of ground lait improved of the L waste at the Raine & at Stankewayne & Brownwatacres & hough Ridding of the Rent of 13d which pmsses the said Richerd did taike of the said Commissioners & paide for his fyne 14s

Willm Armystead holdeth at L. will one ovenhouse laitlie erected at huntwhat of the rent Of 2d for the which he haithe agreed for his fyne And is admitted Gr 20d

Adam Armystead son of Robt Armystead deceased haith taken of the said Commissioners one mess one close lyinge at huntrwhait by estimacon foure acres two acres and a half of grounde by estimacon Lyinge in the fields of Giglesweke one Close called gyrsgarthe by est two acres and one Rood of the Rente of 16s 10d in the tenure of the said Adam To have and hold and Payinge for his fyne £11

William Armystead son of Roger Amystead of Armistead haith taken of the said Commissioners one mess one dwellinge one laythe two outhouses one garden six acres of Lande and medow lyinge in the fields of Armysteads of the rent of 10s To have and to hold And paying for his fyne £5

Providett that the said Willm shall pmtt the said Roger his father to occupie the Pmsses During his lief and The therde pte therof to the wyef of the said Roger During her widowhood

Roger Armysted son of Thomas Armysteade de Armystead deceased haith taken of the said Commissioners half of one mess one dwelling house one laythe two outhouse one garden and certeyne lands arable and medow by estimacon 8 acres Lying in the fields there of the rent of 10s now in the tenure of Issabell his mother To have and to hold and Paying for his fyne £7

Providett that the said Roger shall pmitt the said Iassabell his mother to occupie the Pmsses During the time of 6 yeres next arisinge and after that therde pte thereof During her widowhood

Richard ArmetsteadAlso one other pcell of waste cont By est acres called Lyon Inge to be granted to Richerd Armystead for like rent as appreysed


Free holder

William Armistead / 16d


Roger Armistead junior for a tenement at Armistead / 10s 1d
John Armistead for a tenement / 3s
Agnes Armistead for one tenement at Armistead / 10s 5d
James Armistead of Settle for two closes at Hunsthwaite / 2s 3d

Small improvements

Richard Armistead / 13 ½ d
William Armistead / 2d

1613 1615


10s 5d
In hand
£20 15s 4d
lent in
mortgage, Agnes Armestead
dau of William
Armetstead married to
one Thornton, offers for a tenement worth per annum £6 over and above £20 6s 8d lent upon a long lease, 30, , , leased, ,

Fine £40 6s 8d

Richard Armysteed and Francys Lupton hold by indenture dated the day and year last aforesaid 1604

All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, situate at Armisteed within the Lordship of G aforesaid, of the ancient rent of 10s 1d, then in the tenures of them, the said Richard Armysteed and Francys Lupton, and before that in the tenure or occupation of Roger Armysteed of Armysteed aforesaid,

And all houses etc, Except etc, As in the rest,

To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste,

10s 1d rent payable at Martinmas and Pentecost equally,

And for Moore Rent 2s 4¾d at Michaelmas only,

With like reservations, covenants and conditions as in the former long leases of Giggleswick.

[Note in RH margin:

10s 1d

And for Moore Rent 2s 4¾d


Wm. Payley 3s ...

Fr. Lupton 3½d

Tho. Paley 12d ...

Anne Linsaie 3d

Richard King 4d ...

Wm. Hyne 3d ...


[Note in LH margin:


... Wilson 2d

... Foster 8s 10d

[R]oger Armetstead 13d]

John Armysteed for one messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances in Gig. Rent per annum 3s.

[Note in RH margin:


Tho. Armitstead ...

Robt. Coate ...

Moore R[ent] 8¾d

paid by Jo. Armistead free]

There is an Entry made in the latter end of the book of grants, of the granting a tenement, with the appurtenances, in Giggleswick, unto Thomas Remington, in Fee Farme, for 100s.

[Note in RH margin:

2s 6d ...

& 2d Rent more

Fee 10s

The pinfold place in G. for 6000 years so entered in the second book 28 September 1605 just as appears in the same place.]

[Note in LH margin:

No Counterpart to be found of this.]

Free holders there with the rents they pay, payable always at the feast of St Martin the Bishop in winter only.

[All marked “ex[aminatu]r”, ie “it is examined”, in the LH margin.]

Out of the lands of Chr. Shute, clerk, and others, late Bankes land, 1 lb pepper ...

Out of the lands of Stephen Ten[au]nt, Richard Braishet & others, 1 lb cumin ... 12½d

Out of the lands of Wm. and Richard Browne, 4s 4d

Out of the lands late Wm. Armysteedes, and nowe Robert Bankes, Hugh Stackhowse and

Wm. Boatman, 16d

Out of the lands of John Katterell esq, Anne and Jennett Carr, paid by Thos. Browne, 2s 3d

Out of other the landes of the said Anne and Jennett, 12d

Out of the lands of Wm. Newhowse, 12d

Out of the lands sometime Richard Stackhowse, and since Hugh Stackehowse, 3d

Out of the lands of Anthony Watson <10s 6d> gent, Lawrence Swaynson <2s 7½d>,

Richard Paley <2s 7½d> and Tho. Armysteed, John Paley and John Atkinson <1s

3½d>, John Lawson <2s 7½d> and Hugh Paley <1s 3½d> in Knightes Staynesford.

In all 21s

Out of the landes of Robert Cookeson <6d>, Thomas Corner senior <2½d>, Thomas Braishey

<7½d> and Henry Roome <5½d> In all 21½d

[Marginal note:] Robt. Cookesons is in Settle & the rest outside

Sum 36s extamined

All these are entered by [?]anie after so but to be cha[rged?] in one place.

Fine £64

Wm. Hookes holds by indenture dated 1 September 4 James of England etc

All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, lying and being in Armystead in G. aforesaid, then in his tenure, of the annual rent of 10s 5d,

And all houses etc, Except etc as before,

To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste,

Yielding per annum 10s 5d at Martinmas and Pentecost equally,

And for Moore Rent 2s 5¾d at Michaelmas only,

With like reservations, covenants and conditions as in the former long leases of G.

[Note in RH margin:


10s 5d ...

And for Moore R[ent] 2s 5¾d]

[Note in LH margin:


... Foster 10s 5d

James Foster hath all this

This tenement is not copied in the booke ... entries in the year 1604]

Giggleswick - Grants entered in diverse books,

whereof there cannot be any Counterparts found

Out of the Book of Survey for the Counterparts made

by Mr. Heeles about the year 1611

Christopher Wylson parcels of a tenement granted as the former for 6000 years for the yearly rent of 9s 8½d

[Note in LH margin:

... Bankes & Mr ...stead 8s 8d ... but not to be ... ged here because ... entered after on ...

Mr Robert Bankes yet 11½d being the remainder must stand here still]

Allan Carr a tenement for the like term rented at 21s 1½d

[Note in RH margin:

Moore Rent 2s 4d now paid by Mistress Banks, Thomas Armitstead]

[Note in LH margin:

... counterparts ...theis 5 cannot ... found

Richard Radcliff for half a tenement for the like term 9s 3½d

[Note in RH margin:

For More R[ent] 2s 1½d


Jo. Franckland 19½d

Wm. Tompson 6d]

Francys Herdson for a tenement for the like term

This was granted with a tenement and a shop in Settle for 6000 years and the counterpart thereof lieth with the counterpart of Settle. The same counterpart is dated 8 June 2 James 1604

[Note in RH margin:

More farm is 6d]

[Note in LH margin:

... is also en... in the first ...k of entries 1602]

John Armysteed for a tenement for like term

Robt. Coates holds 2s of this. Jo. Armistead’s rent.]

[Note in RH margin:

For moore R[ent] 8¾d

Which Jo. Franckland paid]

[Note in LH margin:

... is also in that ... 1602]

[Note in RH margin:

In the book for 1611


Jo. Foster 3½d


& the rest wants]

Richard Preston Braishey for a parcel of a house lately improved by Johan Hyne and granted to him on the backside of his book. R[ent] 6d.

Thomas Preston, Thomas Brayshey, Wm. Tailor, Thomas Remington and John Armisteade, cottagers, do occupy one parcel of waste of the north side of the wood adjoining to How Riddinge containing 4 acres, and they and the former tenants of their cottagers these 30 years last past [In RH margin: never rented but Cl[aim] the herbage. Thereof ask by what right.]