Jr Wolfpack Football Board

Meeting Minutes

September16, 2012

Those Present: Brent Cuttell, Kurt Towle, Darin Glazier,Marc Johnson, Jeff Engels,Dan Smoot, Dave Blumberg,Joel Karnitz, Tony Young, Scott Dreyling

Those Not Present:Vance Liljedahl,Marshall Freeman, Dave Floysand

Visitors: Tim Sward

Secretary’s Note: There was no Jr Wolfpack meeting in August 2012 because there wasn’t a quorum present.

Open Forum: Tim Sward 2nd visit to JrWp board meeting & is looking to join the board.

Treasurer’s Report, DaveB – DaveB was only available for first 10 minutes of meeting because he was currently working at a youth basketball event didn’t have a report ready. DaveB does have some outstanding invoices to be paid. Referees for WeePee & PeeWee games are being paid weekly.

Old Business:

1) Motion to accept minutes from July’12 meeting. KurtTmotion, DaveB 2nd, vote 9-0 accept.

2) Golf Tournament, JeffE. Golf event brought in between $2,500 - $3,000 profit. We need to discuss with DarinG how we will split this with the Park Boosters.

3) PeeWee’s ½ time show at Park HS. 6 teams attending & everything went well, no complaints.

4) USA Coaching certifications. Do we know if all WeePee & PeeWee head coaches have completed the training? Only DaveF has access to find this out.

New Business:

5) WeePee ½ time show at Park HS. Friday, Oct 5th. There are 7 teams in the WeePee’s. Need to figure out what to do with the odd team. We will probably have to split one team?

6) End-of-Year Fun Day. Sunday, Oct 14th. DanS, ScottG, & JoelK to work off line to set the schedule for this event. TonyY will get the refs. We will have all 3 football fields at Park HS to use from 9:00am – 5:00pm. We need better board member support in helping out with this event. DanS to talk to Phil Kimmel about opening concessions stands. ScottG motion to spend up to $2,000 for end-of-year awards for players, JeffE second, vote 8-0 accept.

7) Homecoming Parade. Friday, 9/28. DaveB has JrWp registered in parade. Any & all JrWp players & coaches can march in the parade & pass out candies. We just ask players to wear their game-day jersey & coach to wear their JrWp spirit wear. DanS motion to spend up to $250 for candies/other stuff to be passed out at the parade, ScottG 2nd, vote 8-0 accept.

8) Grade Specific Board positions. We would like to create grade specific board positions where that person would follow a grade level all the way through their JrWp playing career, could handle year end surveys, player evaluations & drafts, and be the contact person for parent complaints & concerns. We need to follow up with this in future board meetings.

9) There were only 3 4th grade fb teams this year. DanS is currently looking for other teams EastRidge, Woodbury, others to scrimmage. There is an end-of-year tournament in Minneapolis for 4th graders that would cost $75 per team (paid by JrWp fb). DanS to talk with 4th grade coaches for player’s interested in possibly playing in this tournament as a way to make-up for lack of 4th grade games.

10) Year End Coaches Surveys. DanS to send out link to board members to review Parents Survey, Coaches Survey & Players Evaluations Survey need for future drafts.

11) We need to move up registration deadline to be discussed in winter meeting.

12) DarinG Park HS FB coaches report – Do we have a mid-season or post season coaches meeting? Better off having End-of-Season meeting, possibly Saturday evening, 10/13 before the day of fun. DarinG will also be making an effort to start attending JrWp games for player development & coaching evaluations. JoelK to take box of Park Tee-shirts for Mites coaches. For golf outing split, either we base split on the # of teams that Park Boosters brought vs what JrWp recruited or we could go 80% (JrWp) – 20% (Park Boosters).

13) Mites Report, JoelK. 107 kids in Mites Flag program. Lots of last minute registrations. Recruiting coaches was a huge issue. With 10 teams, JoelK wasn’t able to get enough head coaches or even assistant coaches & JoelK ending up coaching 2 different teams. Getting Jersey was also an issue & JoelK would like to find a new supplier for 2013. Teams will play 10 games. Mites did not need to purchase any new equipment besides jerseys. $500 was spent on coach’s spirit wear, & another $500 for year-end trophies. JoelK thinks that the Mites should contribute $4,000 to JrWp fb this year.

14) WeePee Report, DanS. Group practices on Mondays, 7 stations focusing on blocking & tackling. Wednesday’scoach’s get together to begin & then break off to individual teams. All seems to be going well. DanS is having a problem with HS refs showing up for games.

15) PeeWee Report, ScottG. PeeWee Coaches are now off the fields during games. All coaches seem to be doing well together. We are currently having a lot of success against Prescott teams this year.

16) Park Boosters Waffle breakfast. Park HS Boosters club having a waffle breakfast on Saturday, 9/29, at Park HS cafeteria, 8:00am – 11:30am. Tickets can be purchased for Park football players of at the door.

17) Main CGAA Board Meeting. TonyY – Youth services building rooms now have to be booked through secretary. Reports to be sent to main board BEFORE meetings. $15 per player fee will be assigned to all CGAA sports.

18) KurtT- motion for $500 to pay for any miscellaneous expenses occurred between board meetings.JoelK 2nd, vote 8-0 accept.

17) Motion to adjourn,TonyY motion, MarcJ 2nd. Vote 8-0 accept.

Meeting adjourned 8:35 pm

Next scheduled meeting Sunday,October21, 2011, 7:00pm.