Level ## – Grade ### Umpire

Match Planner

Match Planner: to be completed for each match during the season

Use this form to help you evaluate your performance against the key criteria.

Match Records for ###### - 2012 Season

  1. Use this form to provide a summary record of all the matches you have umpired during the season. 10 matches (min.) of 20 over’s duration (min).
  2. Each of the matches needs to be accompanied by the relevant Match Planner and Self Evaluation form.
  3. Use this form to provide a summary record for ALL of the matches you have umpired since commencing Level 1 / 1A / 2 / 2C.
  4. Where matches have been independently assessed please indicate match numbers in box 2 and cross reference on the Record of Achievement form
  5. Please indicate using the assessment boxes (1), (2) and (3) where additional assessment is provided and reference these assessments in Record of Achievement
  6. Simply complete ## for Header/Footer and Cut and Paste Match Planner Record to end for each match you wish to record.

2012 - Seasons Match Planner-Record / Assessment By
*(tick as appropriate)
Match / Date & Time / Home Team / Visiting Team / Venue / Appointed By / Competition / Appointed By / (1)
Self / (2)
On Field / (3)
Off Field
1. / Local
2. / Wiltshire


1.Original Match Performance-Self Evaluation Sheets for all matches above and recorded below have been carried out in consultation with Colleague and where required Assessor outlined above/below at end of each match and then signed for on Umpire Performance Feedback sheets. These signed copies are available if required to support these submitted match records.

2012 – Individual Match Planner-Record
Development or Action points brought forward from 1A and 2C course or previous matches
  1. 1A-Make commitment to be available for more appointments
  2. 1A-Ensure pre-match discussion with colleague includes agreement on when intervention is appropriate
  3. 1A-Complete self-assessments for all matches and retain. It would help to discuss performance with colleague after the match
  4. 2C-Maintain accurate Records
  5. Take more time making LBW decisions before giving your decision
  6. In pre brief, consult with scorers, captains regards bowlers changes and names
  7. Own-Concentration levels later in match
  8. Ball count recording & pre arranged signalling

Match Information:
As per Match Record (above) / Match 1
Date / Time:
Colleagues Name:
Home Team/Venue:
Visiting Team:
Home team contact name & numbers / Home team contact name & numbers
Captains Name: / Contact No.: / In Mobile
Grounds man Name: / Contact No.: / N/A
Other Name: / Contact No.: / N/A
Pre-match checks(tick and note to confirm each action has been complete successfully Y/N)
Confirmed you appointment and planned your route / Y / Familiarisation with Club emergency procedures and contact details / Y
Confirmed competition type, rules and regulations, ECB Directives / Y / On arrival introduced self to club officials, grounds men, captain and scorers etc / Y
Prepared clothing and checked own equipment inc spare team cards / Y / Reviewed the pitch, the playing area and surrounding area / Y
Discussed with your colleague dress, match regulations, levels and tolerance / Y / Prepared and conducted the Toss process with colleague / Y
Post Match Review Notes and any additional comments, notes, development points (if Required):
Name: / ACO Number:
2012 – Individual Match Record (Cont’d)
Grade / Standard
A = / Consistent and significantly abovethe expected standard
B = / Consistent and meets the expected standard
C = / Not consistent, (Some criteria may have been met, but not yet competent in key areas)
D = / Consistently below the expected standards
Match No. / Date & Time, Team Names & Contact Numbers / Colleague and Assessor:
1 / As per Match Planner / As per Match Planner-Record
1. Pre-match planning and preparation / Evidence/Comments / Grade
Planning, Preparation, and Timeliness / B
Smart, professional appearance / A
Conduct pre-match duties / B
Supervising the Toss
(Meeting with Captains) / B
Briefing the Scorers / B
2. Techniques & Field craft / Grade
Concentration: Alert Aware throughout / B
Appropriate levels of intervention / B
Positioning - best and safe at all times / B
Loud calls and clear signals for the players / B
Maintained composure - at all times / B
Not influenced by external factors / B
3. Match & Man-management / Grade
Control and inspection of the ball / B
Accurate application of the Laws / B
Consistent decision-making throughout / B
Interaction with Captains / B
Interaction with Players / B
Confident on Ground, Weather Light / B
Explained decisions, where appropriate / B
4. Teamwork: Colleague & Scorers / Grade
Covers own areas of responsibility / B
Eye contact and pre-arranged signalling / A
Consults with colleague as appropriate / B
Openly assists colleague during match / B
Scorers: Signals and Acknowledgements / B
Scores Feedback / B


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