JPF’s 2018 Technology Mini-Grants for Colorado Teachers:

Score Sheet for Completed Applications

Categories / Recommended / Needs Development / Not Recommended
Equipment: the hardware, software or professional development requested / Score 17-20: Provides specific details on requested equipment. Clearly answers all questions pertaining to the equipment; no outstanding questions remain on the type of equipment they are seeking or the cost of the equipment. / Score 13-16: Provides some detail on equipment or request, but more general information. Questions still remain about the request. / Score 0-12: Does not provide enough detail on equipment or actual request for comprehensive evaluation of need.
Support: demonstrates existing structures in place to support the new technology / Score 17-20: Provides evidence that there are structures in place at their school to support technology and new requested technology; shows specific examples of this in the application. / Score 13-16: Provides some evidence of existing structures in place in their school to support new technology, but may be vague, and may leave us with further questions about the support in the school. / Score 0-12: Does not provide information on the technology support in the school or does not address this issue adequately.
Knowledge: demonstrates their level of technology knowledge, and it is commensurate to their technology request / Score 17-20: Cites specific examples of their technology knowledge and how it relates to their request. Provides specific examples of how they will use the new technology effectively. / Score 13-16: Provides some examples of technology knowledge, but may be vague and general in their response. Does not clearly relate their request to their tech knowledge. / Score 0-12: Their technology knowledge is either not addressed in their application, or it’s addressed very briefly with no examples supporting their knowledge and need for this new technology.
demonstrates the lack of requested technology in their classroom, their building and doesn’t have the option to borrow it from school or district / Score 17-20: Demonstrates strong need for requested technology in their classroom; shows how this technology will increase teaching and learning in the classroom through specific examples. / Score 13-16: has requested technology at their disposal for use but it’s on a share basis and not readily available at all times to support their needs. Clearly explains the situation and the need for own tech. / Score 0-12: They do not address the need for the requested technology. They do not address the need for their own technology in their classroom
demonstrates strong writing skills, follows requested format, no more pages than maximum number allowed; strong grammar and spell check/edits. / Score 17-20:
Demonstrates strong writing skills, grammar and spelling is strong with no errors; follows all formatting requirements in instructions and page limitations. / Score 13-16: some errors throughout application including grammar, spelling, presentation. May or may not follow formatting and page requirements. / Score 0-12: consistent errors throughout the application; does not follow formatting and page requirements.