Outline of Responsibilities Regarding
“Authorization Form for the Administration of Prescription Medication”
The “Authorization Form for the Administration of Prescription Medication” form must be completed by physicians and parents/guardians of students before EdmontonSchool District #7 (Edmonton Public Schools) staff can administer or allow self administration of medication.
Responsibilities of Physician
- Ensure there is no viable alternative to administration of medication by the school (by varying dosage times or amounts, etc.).
- Provide detailed written dosage and procedural instructions using the “Authorization Form for the Administration of Prescription Medication” form prior to the commencement of medication administration by the school and/or at the beginning of each school year.
- Respond to any requests for clarification in writing.
- Notify the principal in writing of any changes in dosage or procedure.
Responsibilities of Parents and Guardians
- Ensure adequate amounts of medication are supplied to the school in containers clearly labelled with the student’s name, the dosage amount, and the desired time of medication.
- Supply medication in appropriate dosage units as school staff should not be expected to break pills, caplets or capsules. Syringes or cups for dispensing liquids must be clearly labelled with the student’s name with the fill level permanently marked.
- Provide school with written instructions from physician of any change in dosage or procedure.
- Provide the school with physician’s written support should there be a desire to have the student self administer the medication.
- Recognize and accept that members of the school staff will be available to provide students with medication and supervise its ingestion but cannot be held responsible if students do not make themselves available at the designated time.
Responsibilities of Students
- Present yourself to the designated staff member at the appropriate time to obtain and consume medication.
- Verify, to the best of your ability, that you have been given the appropriate medication and dosage.
- Promptly inform parents and dispensing staff member (and/or school administration) of any problems or concerns you may have about the administration of medication.
- Carry an epi-pen if authorized to do so.
Responsibilities of School and Staff Members Administering Medication
- Identify a permanent staff member who will be responsible for the administration and safekeeping of medication.
- Identify an alternate permanent staff member to administer medication in the regularly designated individual’s absence. Ensure this alternate is briefed appropriately.
- Ensure written authorization from physician has been submitted before administering medication.
- Seek written clarification for any confusing instructions from physician.
- Indicate date of receipt on all medication authorizations and changes.
- Keep instructions with medication, with a copy kept safely in a second location elsewhere in the school. One of these copies is to be maintained in the school office.
- Update both copies with changes, clearly marking replaced copy as outdated.
- Ensure staff members assigned to administer medication are thoroughly and properly trained.
- Keep medication in a secure location.
- Maintain accurate records for each student of medication administered.